
Demon King of Tyranny Anos Voldigoad in The Eminence in Shadow

Demon King of Tyranny Anos Voldigoad from the 'Misfit of Demon King Academy' will reincarnate in 'Eminence in Shadow' or 'To Be a Power in the Shadows' as the main character Cid Kagenō's little brother. This fanfiction story timeline will take place just after Shadow Garden and Cid saved his sister when she was kidnapped and two years before he goes to the capital.

Ridoux_Studio · Anime und Comics
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30 Chs

Chapter 26 - New Atomic Magic

So there I was, chilling in this quiet random forest, sprawled out on the soft grass like I owned the place. Looking up at the sky, I let the freaking sun do its thing, sending those warm-as-hell rays through the leaves above. And holy crap, let me tell you, the air was buzzing with a mind-blowing load of magical circles – like seriously, hundreds of those purple bad boys in every freaking size you could imagine.

And guess what? Yours truly was the mastermind behind this insane magical light show. After all those freaking attempts, sleepless nights, and enough caffeine to power a small city, I'd finally cracked the damn code on Anos's badass fantasy magic. Like, who would've thought that the secret sauce was a mix of quantum physics and geometry? I sure as hell didn't, but there I was, pulling off this grand symphony of arcane art like a freaking last-boss.

Yep, you heard that right. Turns out, my past life obsession with all things science to counter Atomic Bombs wasn't in vain. Back in my old world, I went full-blown mad scientist, diving headfirst into the depths of quantum physics and mechanics. I'm talking about taking online Ph.D courses. in that stuff. You'd think I was building rockets or something, but nope – my goal was much more out there.

See, I'd always believed that magic, if it existed, had to have some sort of scientific basis. It couldn't just be all wands, spells, and sparkles.

So after I got summoned into this fantasy world – or should I say "woke up" in it? Anyway, I'm all hyped about getting to know the magical system here. But you know what's the most common thing? People are all about brute force and muscle. It's like their answer to everything is injecting mana into themselves and their stuff to smash things harder. It's a bit disappointing, to be honest. I mean, I expected a bit more finesse, you know?

I couldn't help but feel a sense of longing for the kind of magic I had always envisioned – intricate spells woven with elegance, each gesture a dance of energy, and every incantation a melodic whisper. But here, it seemed that finesse was a foreign concept. Magic was treated like a battering ram, a damn bludgeon to smash through obstacles.

But then, there's suddenly my little bro Anos who skipped all the fucking unskippable cutscenes and literally jumped straight from mom's ass all the way to a final-boss-level character in 3 seconds. This dude is something else. And the best part? His magic actually makes sense to me. It's like he's got this knack for blending magic with some good old science. I can vibe with that.

Anos doesn't just go around smashing things with mana like a damn Hulk. He's got this whole sophisticated thing going on with his magic. It's all about manipulation, precision, and complexity. It's like he's an artist crafting spells with layers upon layers of intricate details.

Honestly, discovering Anos's fantasy magic was a game-changer for me. Suddenly, I'm not the only one who's all about mixing brains with magic. I got super excited and maybe a tad crazy about trying to replicate his style. I started obsessively studying the 'magical circles' that appeared the few times he used his fantasy magic while I was around – these crazy intricate patterns that make my head spin.

It's like I've found a kindred spirit in the magical realm. Anos isn't just a musclehead throwing around mana like everyone else in this world; he's a guy who gets the beauty of blending finesse and power. And me? I'm on a mission now. I want to soak up everything I can about his magic, dissect it, and figure out how to work that same kind of badass sorcery.

My days, weeks, and months turned into this whirlwind of secretly studying, experimenting, and trying to weave Anos's kind of magic into my own hands. Yeah, it's been a wild ride, and I'm kind of loving it. I guess you could say Anos inadvertently became my magical mentor – the dude who's unknowingly teaching me a style of magic that's as intricate as it is impressive.

Who knew that in this world of brute force and brainless mana injections, my last-boss little bro would be the one rocking the science-infused finesse that I'd been craving? And hey, I'm not stopping until I've got his magic down to an art – a crazy, mind-bending art that's all about blending brains and brawn in the most kickass way possible.

So after a few months of painful sleepless nights and millions of failed experiments, today marks the day when I've ultimately achieved a significant breakthrough.

Turns out, Anos's magic was deeply connected to the underlying fabric of reality, just like the quantum particles I used to study. The magical circles I'd been deciphering were like intricate blueprints, merging insanely complicated geometric patterns with quantum principles. It was like hacking into the fundamental code of the universe and bending it to my will. Kind of like building an SQL injection program and then executing it with mana instead of electricity.

Each magical circle also needs to contain all the different components like RAM, CPU, and all the fundamental stuff needed to run that program.

So in short, a magic circle is kind of just like a geometrically-based, mana-based, transparent, and over-engineered floating PCB containing a custom Linux-like distro running in Kiosk mode.

"Dude, thinking back to all those nights I stayed up in my past life, diving into software reverse-engineering, computers, particle stuff, that wave-particle thingy, and that super weird spooky action at a distance... it was so worth it in the end. Like, seriously. 'Cause if I'd skipped even one of those, I'd probably be looking at, like, decades or heck even centuries of trying to figure out how Anos's magic actually works. Crazy, right?"

So there I was, a 'prodigy' from another world, using my Ph.D.-level understanding of quantum physics to make the fantasy world's magic my playground. As I lounged in this random forest, surrounded by my majestic display of floating magical circles, I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. Who would've thought that my scientific pursuits to counter nukes on Earth would lead to me becoming the ultimate mage in a fantasy world?

And hey, the best part? I wasn't stopping there. With the fusion of advanced modern science and a sophisticated magic system in my grasp, who knew what other mind-bending feats I could achieve? The universe was my laboratory now, and I was going to conduct some experiments that would blow everyone's minds – both magical and non-magical alike.

"Whoa, this is gonna be awesome!"

Alright, gather 'round and brace yourselves for the lowdown on how those hundreds of magical circles teamed up like old pals to throw a party that screamed "nuclear explosion vibes."

Type one: Party Kickstarting Fuckers. Think of these circles as the cool crowd at a gig, and they're all jiving with a similar beat. Their vibes sync up, laying down the base for what's about to go down.

Type two: LGBT Shit. It's like the circles dialed up the elements – fire, water, earth, air – and they all crashed the party, creating an epic mixtape of magical elements. This fusion of vibes was like they were DJ-ing a concert for the ages.

Type three: Cosmic Balls Squeezers. Imagine squeezing a stress ball until it's super tight – that's what these circles did with their energy. They squished it together, creating a magical pressure cooker that could rival a star's core.

Type four: Energy Sumo. It's like throwing a bunch of ping-pong balls with different designs into a tornado – the circles' energies collided head-on. These energy meet-ups were like the ultimate cosmic bumper cars, setting off a dazzling display of sparks.

Type five: Harmonious Gay Shit. Just as dancers vibe off each other's moves, these circles resonated together. It was like a magical rave where everyone caught the same groove, building up energy like partygoers amping up the dance floor.

Type six: Magic Boost Party Tricksters. You know when you play a game and you pass a power-up to your teammate? That's what happened here – circles sharing their juiced-up magic with each other. It's like they were all wearing "party hats" that turned up their mojo.

Type seven: Showdown Motherfuckers. Picture this: a group of friends all aiming their laser pointers at one spot. These circles did the same, focusing their energy on a central spot – the heart of the action, the big bang.

So there you have it – those magical circles in the air were dancing around like they were auditioning for a talent show, spinning and twirling in ways that would make your head spin. It was like watching fireworks on steroids, and I couldn't help but grin like a lunatic at my own genius. I was soaking up every moment of it.

Anyway, it's time to cast my newly whipped-up spell. I'm conjuring sparks and flares that Gandalf himself would nod at. And then, with a flick of my wrist, I unleash the big one: "Atomic magic, umm… Fusion Burst!" Whoosh! Sparkles trail from my fingers as this atomic-level spell goes off. Yep, you heard it right – atomic magic, baby.

And just like that, a whole mountain? Poof, gone! I barely batted an eye though, just muttered something about redecorating and admired my 'work' on the obliterated landscape from a safe distance.

But you see, as impressive as that display was, there's something even more intriguing about this spell. You might remember my I AM ATOMIC magic – a grand spectacle, I admit. However, there were a few limitations. You had to be up close and personal with the target, not to mention funnel a ton of focus into it.

Because, you see. To safely use I AM ATOMIC, I've got to have my hands full keeping an eye on each and every atom in the vicinity. My mana's got a specific job – only messing with the ones I want it to, all while keeping a tight leash on those insane chain reactions. Gotta make sure things don't go haywire and spiral into a full-blown catastrophe. It's like walking a tightrope, but with atoms and magic.

Now, this new spell takes things a step further by automating all of that stuff and more. I call it the "Fusion Burst." See, the real difference lies in its compactness and remote initiation capability. With the Fusion Burst, I've condensed the immense energy of an atomic-level detonation into a much smaller magical construct. It's like compressing the power of a star into a tiny gem.

And the best part? I can trigger it remotely from a safe distance. No need to be in the danger zone myself. Picture this: I set up the Fusion Burst, weave the necessary magical circles, and establish a magical link. Then, when I'm at a safe distance, a simple mysterious gesture or a random cool word activates the linked spell, resulting in a controlled release of energy. It's essentially a magical smart bomb!

Now, you might be wondering, why the change? Well, sometimes obliterating a town is a bit excessive, especially if you're dealing with a smaller target or need more precision. With the Fusion Burst, I can harness that immense nuclear fusion power and direct it with finesse. Whether it's for large-scale destruction or delicate tasks that require a controlled burst of energy, this spell has versatility written all over it.

Of course, don't get me wrong – it's not child's play. The preparation and execution are still highly intricate and demand a deep understanding of geometrical magical theory and specific science applications. But with this advancement, I'm not just a one-trick pony with a penchant for creating craters; I'm a mage who can tailor devastation to the situation at hand. So, what do you say we take this new marvel for another spin and see how it performs?

Absolutely! It's time to demonstrate the true prowess of the Fusion Burst spell. As I focus my mana and weave the intricate and complex purple magical circles in the air, a shimmering field of energy begins to form around me. It's like a protective cocoon, containing the immense power I'm about to unleash. The air crackles with energy, and the ground trembles in anticipation.

Once the preparations are complete, I establish the magical link – a subtle thread of connection between me and the spell construct. This link allows me to control the release of energy and ensures that the detonation will occur exactly where and when I desire.

Now, it's time for the remote initiation. From a safe distance, I raise my hand and make a simple, precise gesture – a flick of my fingers accompanied by a few whispered badass words. The magical thread responds, transmitting my command to the spell construct. The air seems to compress, and for a brief moment, time itself holds its breath.

"Atomic magic, Fusion Burst."

Then, with a thunderous roar and a blinding burst of light, the Fusion Burst is activated. But unlike the all-encompassing explosion of the I AM ATOMIC spell, this one is focused, controlled. A brilliant sphere of energy expands outward, consuming its target with intense heat and force, yet leaving surrounding areas untouched.

The target – let's say it's an ancient stone pillar – is disintegrated with remarkable precision. The column crumbles into fine particles that are carried away by the dissipating shockwave. The landscape around the pillar remains relatively unscathed, save for a few displaced stones and a small crater where the spell's energy was focused.

As the dust settles and the echoes of the explosion fade, it becomes clear that the Fusion Burst spell has lived up to its promise. It's a feat of magical engineering, combining the might of atomic reactions with finesse and control. And as I stand there, admiring the result, I can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and excitement for the potential applications of this spell.

So, there you have it – the Fusion Burst spell, a masterpiece of magical innovation that showcases the evolution of my craft. With its ability to deliver devastating power precisely and remotely, I've taken a step beyond raw destruction and into the realm of strategic magical manipulation. Who knew that atomic-level magic could be harnessed in such a controlled and efficient manner? The possibilities are endless, and I can't wait to explore them further.

I stand there, hands on hips, admiring the aftermath of my little magical spectacle. The air still crackles with residual energy, and I can't help but feel a certain level of pride. I mean, come on, who would've thought? I, who used to struggle with basic levitation in the past, am now conjuring up controlled atomic-ish explosions.

I chuckle, brushing a few specks of dust off my Academy uniform. "Anos's magical system really kicked things up a notch. It's like mixing rocket science with magic, but in a totally cool way."

I lean against a nearby rock, crossing my arms. "I've gotta say, I'm pretty satisfied with how this turned out. Just imagine all the practical uses – taking down fortifications without razing entire landscapes, controlled excavations, magical mining... The possibilities are endless."

So there I am, looking around after my little fireworks show, and all of a sudden, I get this crazy idea. Like, what if I could mix some actual quantum physics into my quantum-powered magical circles? I mean, why not, right?

I'm thinking about that whole quantum superposition thing – you know, particles being in a bunch of states at once until someone takes a peek. So, I decide to give it a shot. I whip up this magical circle that's parallel to the ground right there in the air, but it's not just any circle – it's like a circle that's both there and not there, all at the same time. Real mind-bender, I tell ya.

Feeling like a total wizard-scientist combo, I step onto this half-there circle. And boom, it's like walking on a cloud made of possibilities. See, I've kinda entangled my magical vibes with this circle in a way that messes with reality, so I'm just hanging out in mid-air, no big deal.

As I'm strolling along, each step I take collapses the maybe-circle underneath me, and I'm cruising forward, still chillin' above the ground. I'm not gonna lie, it's a bit of a head trip, but it's also kinda awesome. The universe becomes this crazy canvas of "what ifs," and I'm the brushstroke making it all happen.

I can't help but grin like an idiot as I'm doing my best impression of a quantum tightrope walker. Seriously, Anos really revolutionized the magical game, and now I'm taking it to the next level by throwing in a dash of advanced modern quantum mechanics. Who would've thought that magic and science could high-five like this?

So there I go, strutting through thin air, imagining all the cool stuff this mix of magic and quantum stuff could lead to. Walking on air is just the beginning – wormholes, space travel, who knows? The sky's not even the limit anymore. And as I keep on floating through the sky like some sort of magical astronaut, I can't help but feel like a kid in a candy store, excited to unwrap all the goodies this new blend of wizardry has to offer.

And you know what? I can't resist. As I'm strolling along, I get this wacky idea. Why not kick it up a notch? I start busting out the moonwalk – you read that right, the Michael Jackson moonwalk – right there in the sky. I'm sliding backward in mid-air like it's nobody's business.

But wait, it gets better. I throw my arms out in a classic "T" pose, striking my best wizardly superhero pose. So there I am, moonwalking in the air, hands in a "T," and likely nailing the perfect blend of a lagging player and a character caught in a hilarious animation glitch.

Passing by a startled bird mid-moonwalk, I give it a wink like we're in on a cosmic secret together. It chirps back weirdly at me, probably wondering what in the magical realm is going on.

I can't help but laugh at the sheer absurdity of it all. I mean, who needs solid ground when you've got the laws of physics and magic wrapped around your fingers? As I continue my mid-air moonwalk, I can't help but feel like I've unlocked a whole new level of magical goofiness.

After a few more fancy moves and a few twirls for good measure, I decide to bring my little show to a close. With a final flourish, I do a dramatic spin and land back on actual ground, a triumphant grin plastered on my face. I might not have an audience, but I know that if anyone had seen that, they'd have been thoroughly flabbergasted.

And there you have it – I, the magical maestro of quantum shenanigans, giving a whole new meaning to dancing on air. Who says magic has to be all serious and mysterious? Sometimes, you just gotta let loose and have some fun, even if it means breaking a few laws of physics along the way!


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Chapters 1 through 26 can be accessed by the public on Patreon.

Chapter 27「 Quantum Magic & Family Drama 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 28「 A Reincarnator From My Era? 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 29「 A Date with the Demon King 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 30「 Assistant Principal Lutheran 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 31「 A Father's Dilemma 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 32「 The Academy's Arrival 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 33「 A Father's Desperate Plea 」 (Now available on Patreon) 

Chapter 34「 Cult of Diablos's Prophecy 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 35「 Anos Voldigoad's Duel 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 36「 Empress Elara 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 37「 Clash of the Tyrants 」 (Now available on Patreon)

More chapters coming soon.

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