
Demon King of Tyranny Anos Voldigoad in The Eminence in Shadow

Demon King of Tyranny Anos Voldigoad from the 'Misfit of Demon King Academy' will reincarnate in 'Eminence in Shadow' or 'To Be a Power in the Shadows' as the main character Cid Kagenō's little brother. This fanfiction story timeline will take place just after Shadow Garden and Cid saved his sister when she was kidnapped and two years before he goes to the capital.

Ridoux_Studio · Anime und Comics
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30 Chs

Chapter 20 - Brothers in Chaos

"Hmm, I've only recovered 17% thus far. As I thought, I need a strong stimulus to accelerate my recovery—"

"Oh, so you're like a smartphone charger? Only functional with an original plug? Then how about I stick this 'original' plug into your fucking ass–!"

"...Cid, what's the meaning of this?" Anos asked calmly, his hand darting out to effortlessly intercept Cid's assault.

In an unanticipated deviation from the standard assassin's lethal trajectory for the head, Cid's punch was inexplicably targeted towards Anos's posterior.

As Cid's punch, powered with unearthly force, was abruptly halted, an echo of the collision resounded around the room, making the walls shiver. A visible shockwave rippled out from their interlocked hands, distorting the air and pushing back the dust particles. The floor beneath them trembled, mirroring the remarkable display of power. Despite the intense force, Anos held his ground, unaffected.

The floor beneath them not only quivered in response to this staggering show of might but also began to fissure. Shadow channeled more power into his halted fist. The persistent pressure applied on his fist acted like a potent hammer, and the once unyielding floor started to crack under the relentless onslaught, fracturing like a spiderweb radiating out from their point of contact.

Despite being in the path of such a fearsome kinetic onslaught, Anos remained steadfast, seated and as unmoving as a timeless monolith. With a serene countenance and an air of invincibility, he faced down Cid's formidable power from the comfort of his chair, giving the impression of being entirely unaffected by the display of superhuman strength.

Following the failed, and somewhat 'questionable', assault, the face of Anos's human brother, concealed beneath the shroud of a black hood, contorted in fury. His forehead was etched with throbbing veins, visibly surfacing as symbols of his simmering rage.

"Meaning?!" Cid bellowed, yanking his gloved hand free from Anos's grasp. "The meaning is, you royal pain in the ass, we're royally screwed! Literally!"

Anos maintained his composed demeanor, his poker face unchanging. "Royally screwed, you say?" he repeated in a bemused tone.

"Yes, damn it!" Cid snapped, huffing like a bull ready to charge and turn Anos into a puddle on the floor. "You and me, we're both betrothed!"

Anos blinked. "Betrothed?" The Demon King of Tyranny blinked again, a little confused. "To whom, exactly?"

"To princesses, you smartass. Fucking princesses! What in the world have you done?!" Cid screeched, tugging at his hair like a madman in despair. "I'm engaged to the second princess, Alexia. And you, you wretched, mushroom-smelling son of a peacock, you're engaged to the first princess Iris!"


A thick pall of silence fell over them.

"...what're you looking at?" Cid's voice was filled with contempt and provocation as he brought his face closer to Anos's, his magically transformed red eyes gleaming with a mixture of accusation and anger.


The silence was nearly palpable. Anos remained absolutely unfazed, his expression unchanged as he met Cid's gaze, his calm composure unshaken.

"What the hell?! You wanna throw down, huh?! You're nothing but an overused Anus! Come at me, you cheeky piece of shit! I'm gonna beat your ass so bad, you'll change your name to fucking Assos!" Cid's greatly offensive words hung in the air, desperately attempting to provoke a reaction from Anos. However, the Demon King of Tyranny simply regarded him with a cool indifference, his power emanating from his very presence.



The silence 'lingered', even more awkward than before, as Cid's attempts to provoke Anos fell flat.

Anos, with a serene demeanor, let out a deliberate breath, remaining unfazed by Cid's impulsive insults. The trials and tribulations he had endured during his time as the mighty Demon King of Tyranny far surpassed the magnitude of these mere verbal assaults. He had confronted formidable adversaries, vanquished insurmountable odds, and triumphed over immense obstacles that made Cid's words appear insignificant in comparison.

Drawing upon his profound experiences, Anos carried the wisdom and resilience of a seasoned ruler. He understood the weight of true challenges, where the clash of blades and the intensity of battle determined the course of history. Cid's childish attempts at provocation paled in comparison to the ruthless adversaries Anos had vanquished with his indomitable will.

With a knowing smile and an unwavering gaze, Anos regarded Cid, his eyes filled with a quiet confidence. He possessed a profound understanding that the power of words, however hurtful, held no sway over a true sovereign. His legacy as the Demon King of Tyranny had taught him the invaluable lesson of discerning between trivial insults and genuine threats.

In the face of Cid's impetuous outbursts, Anos chose not to engage in a futile exchange. Instead, he remained calm, knowing that his past accomplishments, his unrivaled strength, and his unwavering determination spoke volumes louder than any useless verbal barbs. Anos stood as a testament to resilience, unfazed by the petty attempts to diminish his reign.

"I see."

With an air of regality, Anos gracefully stood up and merely walked to the side, leaving Cid's insults to dissipate like a passing breeze. He had far more pressing matters to attend to, knowing that his true power resided not in trading insults but in shaping the course of history itself. He wouldn't permit Cid to use him as an emotional punching bag to vent his frustrations.

"Tsk, damn normie pacifist…" Cid grumbled, his disappointment palpable in his words.

"Well, that's quite the turn of events, Cid," Anos ignored the disappointed Cid as he remarked, his voice carrying an air of amusement. "I wasn't aware that such an agreement had been made."

"...Yeah, because you were too busy being the mighty Demon King and doing your tyrannical stuff!" Cid shot back, gesturing wildly. "Meanwhile, I have to run all the way from the capital, hundreds of kilometers, to break this 'joyous' news to you!"

Despite the gravity of the situation, a chuckle escaped Anos' lips. It wasn't every day that he got to see the 'rather' foul-mouthed Cid ended up as a damsel in distress, and despite his best efforts, he found the situation quite amusing. "Well, Cid," he said, fighting back a smirk. "Congratulations on your engagement."

Cid shot him a murderous glare. "You...you can wipe that damn smug face off, you know. Because congratulations to you too, Mr. Betrothed-to-the-first-princess!" He fumed, crossing his arms.

"Ah, Cid, my dear brother, there's no need for such hostility. Congratulations are indeed in order, and I graciously accept them," Anos said, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. "After all, it's only natural that I would be recognized for my greatness and charm."

"I know it! It's your damn fault! Ahhhh! No! Why? Fuck! Sh–!" Cid then paced rapidly in circles, his demeanor resembling that of someone on the verge of becoming insane. "Because of you, my most epic mob persona that I've been painstakingly crafting over TWO entire lifetimes – yeah, lifetimes, plural – has suddenly just fucking died! I hope you're also ready to live the rest of your life wearing a goddamn golden crown and attending royal tea parties."

Anos's poker face was back on, but his eyes had a mischievous twinkle. "Why, thank you, Cid. I shall endeavor to live up to your expectations. But first, let's address the impending doom, shall we?"

"Bro, You better have some time-travel stuff or voodoo shit to fix this mess…. You've really fucked up big time…" Cid grumbled under his breath, the hint of a reluctant grimace tugging vividly at the corners of his mouth.

Ignoring Cid's endless grumblings, Anos straightened his back, focusing his gaze on the distance visible through the window as he began plotting a course of action. Although sudden, the engagements were not entirely unexpected prospects.

In his earlier one-sided interactions with the King, Anos had intentionally applied considerable psychological pressure. He had hoped that the human King Klaus Midgar, who was widely known for being an unusually cautious man for a monarch, in his fear and desperation, would make predictable decisions that would play into Anos's own plans. The engagements were perfect examples. The King had undoubtedly assumed that by marrying off his daughters to Anos and Cid, he would be able to control or at least influence him to some degree. This, of course, was another gross miscalculation on the King's part, one that Anos intended to exploit fully.

Anos, known as the Demon King of Tyranny and the sovereign of the Demons, a race renowned universally for their unparalleled crafty deceptions, possessed a mastery over manipulation, politics, and power plays that was beyond human comprehension. He held a profound understanding of how fear could be a driving force for individuals to make irrational decisions. His extensive reign bore witness to numerous adversaries, and even comrades, succumbing to their internal fears and insecurities. In this regard, the human King, Klaus Midgar, was not an exception.

While Cid was panicking over the prospect of a royal marriage, Anos saw it as a good opportunity. Now, he would not only have an official alibi to crush the arrogant nobles of the kingdom when it was necessary in the future but would also have a direct line of authority within the royal palace and most importantly wide access to foreign countries and the national intelligence networks. The engagements also provided an advantageous platform for Anos to continue his reign of fear and paranoia over the King, all the while planning his next move and providing royal protection for his human parents and their weak Baron-rank Kagenou territory.

Smirking to himself, Anos realized that the King's fear-driven decision to propose the engagements had fallen right into his trap. This game of thrones, of fear and power, was just getting started, and the King had made his first move. It was a careless, desperate move, and Anos intended to use it against him just like he did with the royal insignia.

A quiet chuckle escaped Anos's lips as he addressed Cid. "Cid, my dear brother, this is no coincidence. It seems the King has played his hand. But let me assure you, this is not a setback. It's an opportunity."

Cid stared at Anos, his anger momentarily forgotten as confusion took its place. "An opportunity? Are you out of your fucking mind?! We're being forced into damn marriages we never agreed to!"

Anos raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Precisely, Cid. This is the King's last desperate attempt to exert control over us. To manipulate us, particularly me into serving his kingdom's interests. But he underestimates us."

Cid's frustration gave way to curiosity. "How so?"

Anos's smile widened. "'Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer'. The King believes he can control us through these marriages, but in reality, we shall use this opportunity to infiltrate the heart of the kingdom, gaining unprecedented access and influence. We will turn the tables on the King, making him regret his decision."

Cid, for once, fell silent at Anos's words. His pacing came to a stop and then he turned his glare onto Anos. "So what? I don't care about that stuff. All I care about is my mob status! What will happen to my average fucking mob character?!"

Anos glanced at Cid, his gaze softening ever so slightly. He finally understood Cid's plight - Cid had gone to great lengths to create a persona that allowed him to live a quiet, unassuming life, free from the burdens of power and politics. This sudden upheaval had threatened everything Cid had worked hard to build. However, Anos, with his unparalleled wisdom, saw this as an opportunity rather than a setback.

"Cid, your 'mob persona' as you call it, it's part of what makes you unique. And yes, this situation complicates things for you, but it doesn't necessarily mean the end of it," Anos began, his voice steady and calm. "Remember, we're not the ones being manipulated here. We are the manipulators."

"B-But this... this is a royal marriage!" Cid protested, his voice a mixture of disbelief and despair. "I can't be a mob character anymore. They'll be expecting me to act like a stupid main character!"

"And who says you can't act like an average noble even after being a royal?" Anos retorted, a glimmer of amusement flickering in his eyes. "Royalty is not about putting on airs and graces, Cid. It's about leading. It's about power and control. And if you choose to use that power to continue living as a 'moron', who's going to stop you?"

Cid stared at Anos, his mouth slightly agape. Clearly, he hadn't considered this possibility.

"B-But! You're missing the main fucking point!"

"Look, Cid," Anos continued, his voice more stern now. "This situation is not ideal. I understand that. But it's not the end of the world either. This is a chance for us to efficiently exert our influence and power in ways we couldn't do before without using force. It's a peaceful way for us to manipulate the very system that seeks to control us."

Anos paused, allowing his words to sink in. When he spoke again, his voice held a note of finality. "You're not just the son of a baron anymore, Cid. You're the future consort of a princess. You're royalty. And it's time you start using that to your advantage."

Cid blinked at Anos, a myriad of emotions flashing across his face - disbelief, confusion, resentment. But suddenly, those feelings were replaced by something else. Something akin to revelation.


Anos misunderstood that as 'understanding' and smiled, satisfied. "Now, let's focus on the task at hand. We have a kingdom to control, after all." With that, he turned away, leaving Cid to contemplate his words.

Cid stood there for a moment, watching Anos's retreating back. Then, with a sigh of resignation, he ran a hand through his hair and muttered, "Guess I'm going to be a trash fiancé then."

Anos flinched and paused mid-step, turning his head slightly to cast a curious glance over his shoulder. "trash fiancé?"

"Yeah," Cid grumbled, his tone sullen. "I might be a royal now, but that doesn't mean I have to act like one. If I can't keep my ideal mob status, then I'll just be the worst, most un-royal royal the world has ever seen. They can't force me to be a 'Prince Charming' or some bullshit character like that. I'm going to continue to live life my own damn way and if they don't like it then I'll just go 'fuck it' mode and nuke their snobby ass."

A subtle grin danced on Anos' lips. Despite the unexpected situation, Cid's creative spirit remained unbroken, defying the limitations set upon him. This unconventional approach to adversity was so like him. Anos found himself growing increasingly fond of this peculiar human standing before him. The prospect of introducing his intriguing human brother to the rigid and perpetually solemn Hero Kanon filled him with great anticipation and pride.

However... the unpleasant profanity spouted by Cid necessitated immediate and comprehensive attention. The image of Kanon's disgusted expression was already forming in Anos' mind should he ever introduce him to Cid. He further resolved not to let Shin cross paths with him. Unlike Anos, most of his subordinates, especially his second in command were nowhere near as adaptable. Anos could only shudder at the potential reaction of his loyal underling if he were to find out the disrespectful manner in which Cid had addressed him just a few moments prior. There was a high probability he might embark on a quest to obliterate humankind, or something of similar intensity.

"Very well," Anos said, his voice rich with newfound amusement. "Then, let's make the most of this situation. After all, we're the Demon King of Tyranny and the… Ahem, 'trash fiancé'. I'm sure it will be quite the spectacle."

The formidable pair of brothers, an unusual amalgamation of the strongest demon and the strongest human in this world, each with their own unique approach, prepared to face the storm together, their bond grew stronger. They would face the future, not as oblivious pawns in a king's game, but as the true players of this grand chessboard. Their tale was only just beginning. The world, whether it was ready or not, would have to brace itself for the imminent chaos.

"...by the way, got any room in your magic Uber back to the capital?"

"Uber? What do you mean?"

"You know, bro, that cheat-like teleportation spell you got going on."

"Of course, Cid. Then come closer, I'll drop you near the Academy's dorm."

"Appreciate it, dude. I'm still trying to crack the code on my own teleportation spell, so I guess I'm your frequent client until then."

Anos chuckled, shaking his head as he reached out to Cid. The sudden shift from profound resolution to a mundane request was just so...Cid. The floor under him glowed with a cool, bluish aura as he initiated the teleportation magic. "Very well. Just remember, this isn't a permanent service."

Cid merely offered a cheeky grin as he moved to Anos's side. "Well, if the formidable Demon King of Tyranny could spare a moment to teach his less magical bro how to teleport, then I wouldn't have to be your frequent flyer."

"Hmm? Well, you're the one who never bothered to ask."

"Oh? Really? Can I ask you anything?"

"Of course, Cid. What do you want to know?"

Cid thought seriously for a moment before he looked at Anos. "So, if your less magical bro here somehow ended up... well, let's say, eating his own leg," he began, making Anos wince at the thought, "do you think your magic could heal me? And, well, would my consumed leg still be in my stomach, or would it just disappear? And if it does, would any nutrients I've already absorbed from it just disappear as well?"

Anos grimaced, clearly taken aback by the grotesque nature of Cid's question. "That's a… disturbingly specific question, Cid," he sighed, shaking his head slightly.

Before Anos could even answer, Cid hurried on with a rush of excitement. "Now, let's add a little more complexity to this hypothetical situation. Say I ate my leg yesterday, and this morning, well... nature took its course. In this scenario, your magic would need to reach all the way to the sewers underground, wouldn't it? How does your healing work with that? Would your magic track my shit even down to its dissolved state?"

"..." Anos could only stare at Cid, a mixed expression of bafflement and repulsion on his face. His brother's question was not only utterly disturbing but also teetered on the edge of absurdity.

"And what if, just for argument's sake, you somehow ended up consuming my shit today and I ate yours tomorrow—"

At last, Anos reached his breaking point. "Cid—!"



"Are you okay, bro?"


"You there?"


"Yeah, bro?"

Anos pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing deeply as he tried to regain his composure. His gaze fell upon Cid, whose innocently curious eyes were staring right back at him. Anos had to remind himself that his human brother had lived an entirely different life in an entirely different era. That he was also, by nature, a peculiar, quirky character, who had somehow, in some unfathomable way, developed a keen interest in bizarrely morbid hypothetical scenarios.

"Cid," he began, forcing a slight smile on his face. "Your curiosity, while admirable, occasionally delves into rather... unsettling territories. Now, as much as I appreciate a good theoretical discussion, let's refrain from imagining scenarios that involve the consumption of our own body parts or... feces, shall we?"

Cid blinked at him, surprise and confusion etched on his face. After a moment, he suddenly burst out laughing, doubling over and clutching his stomach as if he had just heard the funniest joke of his life. It appeared he had only just now grasped how absurd his words must have sounded to Anos.

"Got it, bro!" he managed to wheeze out between fits of laughter. "I'll drop the gross hypotheticals!"

Anos merely nodded, a subtle hint of relief washing over him. Perhaps, he thought, it was a good idea to introduce some etiquette lessons in their future magical tutorials as well. But for the time being, he was just content to see the end of Cid's bizarrely graphic inquiries.

Clearing his throat, Anos prepared to cast the spatial magic. "Cid, your boundless imagination never ceases to amaze me. Gatom" he concluded, a slightly forced smile gracing his lips.

As the teleportation spell weaved its magic, their bodies began to flicker and fade. Cid's last glimpse was of his brother's ghostly pale and clearly uncomfortable face, an expression decidedly uncharacteristic for the fearsome Demon King of Tyranny. In a blink, they were swallowed up by the teleportation magic, vanishing from sight.

And so, Anos Voldigoad, the Demon King of Tyranny, and Cid Kagenou, his… 'trash fiancé' brother, ventured forth, ready to turn their engagements into a saga that would go down in history.


Hey, guess what's got me scratching my head? I've got this shiny new chapter 20 sitting over at Patreon, completely free! But it's been kind of lonely because only 2 out of a thousand of you awesome readers have swung by. Yep, you heard right, just 2! Makes me wonder if my previous note got sucked into a black hole.

Alright, let's go through this one more time. You just have to put together an account on Patreon, opt for the free plan and VOILA! - you've got your ticket to free chapter 20! No hidden fees or strings attached, promise!

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And while we're at it, let's roll out the red carpet for my latest Patrons who've been soaking up all the chapters till chapter 22:

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Now back to you guys! Here's a little bonus for you all, because let's face it, you guys are brainless slaves to this platform. I've decided to do something a little unexpected to make you move your reluctant ass. I'm gonna let the Casual Reader - Free Trial tier score a special invite to our private Discord server, where all the Patron VIPs hang out. You never know, if luck's on your side, one of those sneaky Patrons might just slip you a copy of those behind-the-scenes chapters.

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Alright, let's make it happen. Looking forward to seeing more of you over on Patreon and in the Discord. Who knows what adventures lie ahead? Happy reading!

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