
Demon King In Naruto

A Demon King is Born in the Naruto World, He just wants peace but it doesn't seem to be so easy after all. He who controls the seven deadly sin shall change the Naruto World, or maybe not?

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9 Chs

Demon King

In the heart of the infernal realm, a realm draped in perpetual darkness and echoing with tormented screams, sat Kai, the demon king. His striking appearance, fair-skinned with slicked-back black hair and intense air, it seemed fitting for one who had faced trials to claim the throne of Hell itself. Thousands of years had passed since he'd ascended to his fiery dominion, but lately, an unfamiliar sentiment had taken root in his heart: boredom.

Kai reclined on his obsidian throne, its edges seemingly moulded by the very essence of skeletons and bones. Restless fingers drummed against the armrest, his deep red eyes scanning the cavernous chamber for something, anything, to break the boredom.

With a sigh that seemed to stir the very flames that adorned the room, Kai reached for the one source of entertainment he had made himself - a worn, leather-bound diary. The book was a record of his millennia-long journey from a bewildered soul lost in a new world to the formidable ruler he was now. He flipped through its pages, each filled with a mixture of determination, frustration, and occasional dry humor.

"Day 1: I am lost, I'm stuck in this world and I cannot return back to Earth. I must return back to Earth," he read aloud, his voice carrying a hint of resignation. "Well, that's an optimistic start."

"Day 40: I have somehow survived hell. I had to fight my ass off and I'm barely surviving. I miss ramen, food here is shit." Kai chuckled, his laughter echoing eerily in the vast chamber. "Ah, yes. The finer delicacies of Earth."

"Day 365: I'm finally able to withstand my own against demons. It was a tough fight." His lips curled into a wry smile. "Yes, a tough fight indeed. Those demons do have a tendency to be a bit rowdy."

"Day 500: I've gained an ability." Kai's eyes twinkled with amusement. "Ah, the start of my conquest. A true masterpiece of a journey."

The diary continued, chronicling the various challenges he'd faced and the power he'd amassed. However, no amount of power seemed to alleviate the growing sense of void that gnawed at him. With an exasperated sigh, Kai closed the diary and tossed it onto a nearby table made of molten rock. "Centuries of conquest and domination, and now I'm reduced to reading my own life story for amusement." He shook his head, his hair gleaming like onyx in the ambient light.

Just as he was lamenting his apparent destiny of endless boredom, a shimmering figure appeared before him. With a mischievous smile, the succubus materialized, her appearance marked by sultry allure and an outfit that made even the most sinful of souls blush.

"Master," she purred, her voice a seductive melody that echoed through the chamber, "I've received word from the scientist. He claims to have accomplished the impossible."

Kai's crimson eyes snapped up, his boredom momentarily forgotten. "He did? The scientist actually did something other than causing explosions and summoning chaos?"

The succubus nodded, a teasing glint in her eyes. "Indeed, Master. He insists it's something you've been seeking—something to finally alleviate your... boredom."

A smirk tugged at Kai's lips as he rose from his throne with newfound enthusiasm. "Well, what are we waiting for? Lead the way, my dear temptress. Let's see what this so-called accomplishment is."

With a sultry giggle, the succubus extended her hand, a trail of ephemeral sparks trailing behind her fingers. Kai accepted her hand with a flourish, and in a whirlwind of shadows and desire, they vanished from the gloomy throne room.

Moments later, they reappeared in a chaotic laboratory that seemed as if it had been transplanted directly from the realms of madness. Shelves of bubbling potions, arcane artifacts, and devices emitting sparks filled the space. At the center of the chaos stood a bespectacled demon scientist, his eyes wide with excitement and a manic grin plastered on his face.

"Master Kai!" the scientist exclaimed, nearly knocking over a stack of precarious books as he rushed forward. "I've done it! I've created the ultimate solution to your boredom!"

Kai raised an eyebrow skeptically, surveying the scientist's surroundings. "By 'ultimate solution,' you don't mean another explosive experiment gone awry, do you?"

The scientist laughed nervously, adjusting his glasses. "No, no, quite the opposite! I've developed a way to transport you into the world of human! A teleportation Array!"

"A teleportation array, you say?" Kai's voice was laced with curiosity as he strode forward, his obsidian boots clicking against the cold stone floor. "And this will take me to the world of humans? To Earth?"

The scientist, his excitement barely contained, nodded fervently. "Yes, Master Kai! I've meticulously designed this array to channel energy and resonate with the world you've described. Once you infuse it with a mass of energy, you'll be able to teleport directly to the realm of humans!"

Kai's grin broadened as he considered the possibilities. Earth—the land of ramen, questionable reality shows, and endless amusement.

Sick of the grotesque food that Hell offered, the constant challenges to his throne, and even the relentless seductions by the succubus, Kai's longing for Earth had grown insurmountable. He yearned for the vibrancy, the diversity, and the peculiar humor that human existence offered.

With a determined nod, Kai focused his energy, channeling it into the intricate patterns of the teleportation array. The room seemed to hum with power as the artifact responded, its arcane symbols glowing with newfound intensity. A surge of excitement coursed through him as the air crackled with energy.

Suddenly, the artifact burst into brilliant illumination, bathing the laboratory in a kaleidoscope of colors. The world around him blurred, reality bending and twisting as if bowing to his desire. In an instant, Kai felt himself hurtling through space, a sensation both exhilarating and disorienting.

The Scientist said, "This is Great!! I've made sure Master! I even checked the book you read before!!" As he pointed out a manga named Naruto. Kai looked at The Scientist, wanting to strangle him before he disappeared from the depths of hell. However, it was too late.




When the rush of motion finally ceased, Kai found himself standing in a place that was unmistakably not Hell. The air was different—cleaner, fresher—and a sense of vitality seemed to pulse in every direction. He took a cautious step, testing the solid ground beneath his feet.

As he looked around, his surroundings began to take shape. Vibrant greenery surrounded him, towering trees casting dappled shadows on the earth below.