
Demon Island

Demon Island is a fantasy novel that tells the tale of an ordinary urban youth who, after inadvertently consuming a wish fruit from a strange realm, finds himself in the mysterious land of Demon Island. The story unfolds in a vividly fantastical world divided into four major regions: the Dragon Clan occupies the northern territory, the Demon Clan rules the west, the Ghost Clan governs the south, and the Human Clan resides in the Central Plains. In this realm, the forms of life are diverse and extraordinary, ranging from ethereal beings that transcend the cycles of life and death to demons that achieve immortality through various paths. The central plot of the novel revolves around the protagonist's adventures on Demon Island, brimming with elements of magic and exploration.

DaoistSmIuyR · Fantasie
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154 Chs

Are we really heading home?

I gathered a collection of demon dog summoning stones, spell cards, and magical wings into the Book of Demons. Over the past few days, my endeavors alongside the Wolf King and Maki Shinpu in hunting magical beasts have yielded remarkable results, surpassing all my previous acquisitions combined. I also adjusted the seven quick spells in the Book of Demons, including the Tenfold Power Card, Dynamic Vision Card, Perfect Accuracy Card, Demon Island Bank Card, Ancient Moon Longsword, and Silver Spike. After some contemplation, I decided to place the Beautiful Summoning Card at the end of the list, as the other cards and treasures were unsuitable for use outside. I could easily envision the commotion I'd cause while driving powered armor through the streets. 

"Hey! Are you done yet? How many more times do you need to look?" Julier exclaimed, her impatience palpable as she watched me fiddle with all my spoils alone in the room. "No matter how much you observe, you won't find anything new. Were you even listening to what I told you?" 

Closing the Book of Demons, I replied lazily, "Do you intend to leave Demon Island with me?" 

"Of course! The role of Demon Narrator is a lifetime commitment. Unless you perish, I will always be at your service. By the way, did you remember what I just reminded you?" 

Feeling somewhat lethargic, I mumbled, "Yes, I won't speak carelessly about Demon Island, nor will I misuse these abilities." The cards only functioned when stored in the Book of Demons, while treasures needed to be worn to be effective. After some thought, I finally decided to don the Holy Light Beetle and a demon dog summoning stone, then slapped the cover of the Book loudly, declaring, "Julier! We are leaving!" 

Julier gracefully leaped, creating a remarkably lifelike illustration on the cover of the Book, winking playfully at me and making a cheeky face, just like a real person. "Are we truly leaving? I find myself quite nostalgic for this place. If it weren't for the constant battles, Demon Island would be more entertaining than any other destination." 

I patted my clothes and strode out of the room, heading to the hotel lobby to check out. Maki Shinpu and the Wolf King were already waiting for me in the café below, their faces lighting up with joy upon my arrival. The Wolf King extended his large hand and said, "We will have the chance to meet again. I believe you will become a formidable warrior." Maki Shinpu smiled silently, raising two fingers in a gesture of victory. 

"We will all achieve our goals; I have faith in that." With a clap shared among the three of us, we exited the hotel. To avoid Jack, we left a bit earlier, and upon arriving at the training camp, the bald instructor had everything prepared. We led him to a basement adorned with an enormous magical array. The man exclaimed loudly, "The journey back will be a bit uncomfortable; you'll get used to it. Our destination is the headquarters of the Demon Mercenary Corps in Europe. Trust me, it's best to behave there; otherwise… heh heh." 

The bald instructor didn't finish his sentence as a surge of tearing energy erupted from the massive magical array beneath us, interrupting his chatter. I attempted to memorize the structure of the array, but soon gave up. Its complexity was beyond my understanding, and it belonged to a magical system I couldn't comprehend. Even if I remembered it, I wouldn't be able to decipher it or recreate it. My knowledge of alchemy was limited to the six alchemical spell cards I acquired from Platinum Glory and the bullets, while my understanding of magic was confined to the Grimoire of Max. This book contained only ready-made spells, devoid of theoretical knowledge. 

"Never mind; I don't plan to return here anyway, so remembering it would serve little purpose." A strange energy enveloped us, and the Wolf King, Maki Shinpu, and I instantly vanished from the basement. 

"Ouch!" I never anticipated that the teleportation would be so painful. The bald instructor's warning hardly conveyed the extent of the journey's torment. Even with all my strength protecting me, I felt no improvement. Just as I contemplated striking my head to knock myself unconscious, the peculiar runes on my hands suddenly emitted a silvery glow, and the energy surrounding me flowed into the silver runes, forming a completely transparent shield around me, allowing me a glimpse of the scenery during our journey. 

It was akin to speeding in a car, with everything stretching out before me. I could only see vibrant points of light and straight beams, making it impossible to discern what I was witnessing. The Wolf King and Maki Shinpu appeared to be in worse condition than I was, though the Wolf King was enveloped in a blood-red glow, which looked quite eerie. Maki Shinpu was surrounded by a green luminescence, clearly the protective aura of the legendary sword, Tsukikage. 

As I raised my hands, a sudden clarity about time and space surged within me. Before I could grasp what it was, a heavy thud echoed, and we all crashed to the ground. 

"Damn it! Can't they replace the floor of the magical array with something softer, like sponge? Why is it always hard stone?" the Wolf King groaned, prompting a smile from me. I fared better than them, having prepared for the fall; I gracefully rolled and landed on one knee, emerging unscathed. Maki Shinpu took a while to catch his breath, finally managing to say in a hoarse voice, "If given a choice, I would never choose such a painful mode of magical transport again." 

As we stood up, a loud clanging sound echoed, and a massive door slowly creaked open. A red-haired beauty stood proudly at the entrance, coldly stating, "So, more newcomers. Get out here immediately and leave the base within half an hour." 

Although the teleportation had left the Wolf King somewhat weary, his fierce temperament remained unchanged. He grinned menacingly and muttered, "I don't appreciate that tone when someone speaks to me. Allow me to teach you how to address a man properly!" 

I couldn't hold the Wolf King back, feeling a twinge of concern for him. "You're going to regret this, my old friend; that woman is a Spirit Training Master. Didn't you notice?"