
Demon in the Post-Apocalyptic world

*** Please Vote for my book so I can push it out **** Go read my other book Deadman Apocalypse. As disaster was about to strike, every human aged 18 to 59 was transmigrated into a desolated world and challenged to a game of survival. From terrifying acid rains to endless natural disasters, the heavens burn while the earth scorches. Radiation is rampant, and nobody is spared from the dangers of this hellscape. The only way to survive is by building a shelter and slowly upgrading it in hopes of making it through another day. Luckily, Sun Han awakened a Doomsday Survival System that allowed him to infinitely level up and upgrade his shelter! The main wooden shelter door could be upgraded into a metal door, which in turn could be upgraded into a composite gate. Wooden spears could be upgraded into bronze spears, eventually becoming electromagnetic spears... While everyone struggled to survive, Sun Han was fully loaded and well-equipped to dominate the post-apocalyptic world. "While some of us are lighting oil lamps, he's been using refrigerators!" "The walls of his shelter alone are tens of meters thick. It's the safest place on this planet." "Before I die, I wish to spend one day in his shelter..." And the planet is 100 times bigger than Earth. When they get teleported, a system shows their status screen, displaying their personal information and inventory, which only includes a level 1 underground house or a house on land.

BrownGhost · Fantasie
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21 Chs

Arcadian Bear Part 1

After Sun Han walked over to the crafting bench, his eyes fell upon the singular slot beckoning him to fill it. With a sense of anticipation, he navigated the interface until he found the option to craft using brass. Without hesitation, he selected it, the icon glowing softly in response.

As he reached for the crocodile skin, a thrill of excitement coursed through him. This was it, the moment where he would transform ordinary materials into something extraordinary. With practiced hands, he carefully placed the crocodile skin into the slot, watching as the crafting bench hummed to life with newfound energy.

The air around him seemed to crackle with anticipation as the crafting process began. Sun Han held his breath, his eyes fixed on the slot as it pulsed with a soft, ethereal light. Slowly, the crocodile skin began to transform before his very eyes, morphing into a sturdy armor plate with each passing moment.

As the crafting animation finished, Sun Han eagerly reached for the newly crafted warrior chest plate. With reverence, he examined the intricate details etched into its surface, marveling at its craftsmanship. But what truly caught his attention were the attributes displayed prominently on the interface:

**Normal-Grade Warrior Chest Plate**


**+5 Health**

**+2 Endurance**

A surge of excitement washed over him as he realized the significance of his creation. This was more than just a piece of armor; it was a symbol of his resilience and ingenuity in the face of adversity. With newfound confidence coursing through his veins, Sun Han wasted no time in donning the chest plate, feeling its weight settle comfortably on his shoulders.

But as he admired his new armor, a sudden sound shattered the tranquility of the morning. A piercing scream echoed through the air, sending a shiver down his spine. Adrenaline surged through his veins as he instinctively reached for his katana, the familiar weight of the blade a comforting presence at his side.

Hurrying to the entrance of his shelter, Sun Han emerged into a scene of chaos. Mutated beasts, their grotesque forms twisted and contorted with primal fury, had descended upon a hapless survivor with ruthless intent. The sight filled Sun Han with a mixture of fear and determination, igniting a fire within him to protect the innocent and confront the impending threat.

Frozen for a moment by the shocking spectacle before him, Sun Han quickly gathered his wits and tightened his grip on his katana.

"Do you wish to be a streamer yes/no: The more views, likes and comments you get on your video mean the better reward"


"Name your live:" Fight

Live beings in 3... 2.... 1... 0....

"Boss level monster decteted in the area"

Your live will begin now

Imagine a majestic black bear, its fur thick and glossy, gleaming under the dappled sunlight filtering through the forest canopy. But unlike any ordinary bear, this one bears a striking feature: a series of vibrant blue lines that crisscross its fur, tracing intricate patterns across its muscular frame.

Each line shimmers with a subtle iridescence, catching the light in mesmerizing hues of azure and cobalt. Against the backdrop of the bear's jet-black fur, the blue lines stand out in stark contrast, creating a mesmerizing sight that commands attention.

As the bear moves with a graceful, yet powerful gait, the blue lines seem to ripple and dance along its fur, casting an otherworldly glow that sets it apart from its surroundings. It's as if the bear carries a piece of the night sky with it wherever it goes, a living embodiment of the wilderness's enigmatic beauty.

But perhaps the most captivating feature of this unique creature is its eyes. Deep pools of sapphire blue, they gleam with an intelligence and wisdom that seem almost otherworldly. As they gaze out from beneath the bear's furrowed brow, they seem to hold the secrets of the forest itself, beckoning all who behold them to delve deeper into its mysteries.

*** Please Vote for my book so I can push it out ****