
Demon In Me

No one want to live a life for others, yeah right Diana has no choice, Despite being poor, no one wants to be a golden statue without motion, She was an orphan when she was sold off to slavery, it had right? CHAPTER 1 Living a life where people, mean people has to decide for you, where you have no right of controlling who you are. CHAPTER 2 where is fate taking her? Will she continue Rolling and Rolling like a ball, where the player has to decide? CHAPTER 3 Here she is in an unknown kingdom, is it time for her to stand again?

emeraldmia · Fantasie
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5 Chs


As soon as we enter the kingdom I fall....

I opened my eyes, it was blurry, I wipe my face with the back of my hand, I opened my eyes again and this time my vision was clear, I was inside the most beautiful room I ever seen, although everything seems black, but it was the most magnificent room I ever imagined, a chair and a table were at my right, on top of the table were some books neatly kept in place, at my left was a door 6 steps away from the bed, the door was shinning it has golden around its,, I raised my head, I use my hand to support myself as I sat on the bed, Immediately I stood up I saw a very beautiful yet cold eyes staring at me, I shivered, he didn't move he kept looking at me, his eyes were orange, no yellow, maybe green, his eyes are not predictable, he has a very long black soft and silky hair,

Who would have thought someone was actually looking at me all those whiles, W...who are you, I manage to ask.

He chuckled wickedly, are you alright, he said, I...I am okay, I said in barely a whisper.

he move closer to me, his hair were covering his face so he use one of his hand to move it, I could sense danger in him, but I wasn't scared.

Hey you aren't you scared of me, he said raising a brow, I looked at him totally confused, if I kill you right now, no one cares, he said with a wicked smirk on his face, if....if you want to do that, you've had your chance earlier but you didn't, I said staring at him. He looked into my eyes for over 15 secs, he then move backward, I get out of the bed Immediately only to realize I was only wearing a thin underwear well that would have been better but the underwear aren't mine, I hurriedly wrap my hands around my chest, he chuckled inwardly, .

My....my clothes did you change them? I asked totally embarrassing, So, he said raising a brow as if teasing me.

I stood there froze, your clothes is on the table, he said pointing to the table where a cloth was placed.

I took the clothe on the table, T....this aren't m...mine, I said stammering'

Yes I ask the maid to change them, he stated simply'

I took the dress in my hand and then I turned to look at him, he was staring at me, uhm I want to wear the clothe I said staring at him, he chuckled, what is name? he ask, Diana, I said still staring at him' I wanted to ask his name too, when he slammed the door behind him. I quickly slide into the dress, it was a simple sky blue gown, I brush my hair and tied it into a loose pony tail, I looked at the mirror, I remember when I parted with Michal, I remember when I parted with Abbie, a year dropped down my cheek, the door behind me opened, I quickly wipe my face with the back of my hand, I adjust my dress, the guy behind the door walked in, he looked at me with a questioning look asking what was wrong, I kept quiet, he move closer to me, I started to feel his black aura, he was tall and thin, his hairs were longer than most females, his eyes kept changing color, he wore a Ash clothe, he was the most beautiful human have ever imagined, my heart skip a beat as he moves closer, he leans down to my level, he cleared his throat, you what are you, he ask squeezing his brows, I keep quiet, he stand normally, now I raised my head up to look at his face.

What's your name?,' I hurried to ask ', he move more closer, My name is, 'he couldn't complete his sentence when we hear a knock on the door, suddenly a man dress in the guard uniform came in, I'm sorry to barged in your highness, the man say, 'Your highness I repeated in my head with my eyes widened in shock ', We were looking for one of the new maid when " Anna" ( the senior maid) said she's here your highness, the man say, Well here she is, 'his highness said to the man,pointing at me ', His Majesty want all the new maids to be in the court room, 'The man said bowing his head ' Ok, 'his highness replied shortly'.

I followed the man quietly to the court room, all other maids are already present, I moved forward into their midst.

So what are the rules to become a maid?, one of the new maid name "Grace" was asking the senior maid "Anna", I'm this kingdom if you become a maid, you will become a maid forever, there is no going back, Anna said, All the maids belong to the king, so you can't have any other man, if you become pregnant for another man, you will be beheaded, Anna said with all confident, Grace was shocked to hear what Anna said, what if a maid is pregnant for the king, what will happen, 'Grace ask anxiously' If a maid is pregnant for the king, if its a boy, he will be recognize as a prince but won't have power like other prince, but if its a girl, the child will be killed immediately after birth, Anna explained, I become depressed with what I heard

Three man walked in, It the princes, 'one maid hurried to say ' the three princes walked in but my gaze catches only one, he was the tallest and the thinnest of the Princes, he was dressed in a black clothes, he has the longest hair, his eyes were not predictable, he was different from all other princes, he was so beautiful, he wasn't dress in a royal attire but he was definitely a spec, he wore a long black coaresed hoodie, all the prince went to their seat on the right except for one that doesn't have a seat, he was standing, the black prince was standing, suddenly four Princesses walked in, they chatted happily with the other two princes except for the one standing, he wasn't talking to anyone, the princesses went to their seat on the left, Now the king entered...

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and trust me all chapters will be at least 1 thousand words.

Cheer me up guys.

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