After reincarnating as Dante, the famous demon hunter, our protagonist prepares to live through the events of Devil May Cry 3. However, just before the action begins, he receives an unexpected invitation to a chat group composed of characters from other worlds. Knowing that as Dante he won’t face too many problems in the near future, he joins the group in search of something to keep him entertained. As he explores this strange group, he discovers that perhaps the conversations with these characters might be as thrilling as demon hunting, adding a new twist to his existence in a world he already knows all too well.
Well, this is an apology for those who were enjoying this fanfiction, but I realized I was making it unnecessarily complicated. My goal was to have Dante travel through some worlds just to pass the time and then return to the Devil May Cry world without affecting the story too much. I only intended to make changes in Devil May Cry 5 to justify Dante staying in hell, and after cutting the tree, he would go to a normal, everyday world. But looking at it now, I see that it's unnecessary to go through all the Devil May Cry games, and I also realize I'm not handling the chat group very well.
If you want to give my next fanfiction a chance, it'll be closer to what I had in mind originally: Dante in an everyday world with some problems and mixed with other animes. I think it'll be similar in that someone reincarnates as Dante and has his powers, but this time in an everyday world. I'm not great at creating names, so I'm sticking with Dante. Anyway, I think I'm getting off track here. Once again, apologies if it bothers you that I'm leaving it like this, but I realized I went about it the wrong way, though I was having fun writing it.
Now, I'm not sure when I'll create the new fanfiction—whether it'll be today, tomorrow, or in a month—but if we meet again, you're more than welcome. Thank you very much if you've been reading until now.
Thank you very much, sorry for wasting your time.