
Demon Hunter Bizarre Adventure (Currently Danmachi)

Aiden is your average otaku who unfortunately becomes an isekai victim due to the destruction caused by a certain alien and a certain bald man whose influence on him is for unknown reasons. In his grief and despair at being the sole survivor among more than seven billion humans, he can only try to survive in a rabbit hole where the gods pretend to live like humans. But fortunately, he has a glimmer of hope in this terrifying rabbit hole. He gains the bloodline of a certain demon hunter, which helps him maintain his small life in this dreadful rabbit hole and embark on the Demon Hunter Bizarre Adventure. [Currently Danmachi]

XElenea · Anime und Comics
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101 Chs

[98] Hellhounds

The petite girl stood about one meter tall, clad in a loose cream-colored jumpsuit. Beneath her low-brimmed hood peeked brown bangs and a faintly visible, adorable face. Strapped to her back was a backpack several times larger than her diminutive frame, leaving a lasting impression.

"Although it may be presumptuous, I'd like to ask, onii-san, do you need a supporter?" The girl lifted her head, revealing cute, delicate features. Her round, wide eyes met Bell's gaze with a pleasing smile.

"A supporter? Is this what Aiden-senpai mentioned yesterday?" Bell furrowed his brow, not immediately responding to the girl. Since Aiden had spoken to him about supporters yesterday, Bell had inquired with Eina and now understood what a supporter was.

"A non-combatant who accompanies adventurers into the dungeon. They handle luggage, backup weapons, item support, and magic stone retrieval... a crucial aid in teams. Some novice adventurers serve as supporters to their familia's top adventurers, while others are hired specifically for their support role. The latter often consists of individuals who, for various reasons, no longer adventure and are treated harshly by adventurers." 

Though Bell's current gear didn't resemble that of a novice, he was merely a Level 1 rookie who enjoyed harem and dual-wielding, exploring the dungeon for just one day. He earned very little money himself and had no need for a supporter.

"I'm sorry, but as a Level 1 rookie who just received a Falna, I don't need a supporter yet." Bell said somewhat embarrassedly.

"Eh? Really?" Now it was the girl's turn to be surprised. Despite Bell's youthful appearance, his equipment was genuine. She had never expected him to be such a novice.

The girl's appearance was truly deceiving.

"Yeah, I only started exploring the dungeon yesterday." Bell chuckled awkwardly, scratching his head.

If he wasn't lying, it could only mean one thing... he was wealthy. A Level 1 rookie who ventured alone immediately after receiving a Falna meant he didn't come from a large or mid-sized familia. The girl thought to herself with a hint of wistfulness, lowering her head with a coy smile creeping onto her cute face.


Meanwhile, gray rocks scattered around, and the walls, floors, and ceilings were composed of rock slabs, emanating a slightly damp air, resembling a natural cave halfway up a mountain. In addition to that, vertical shafts resembling wells opened up in the corners of the walls... trap holes leading to lower floors. Combined with dim phosphorescence, these were sighted impossible to find on the upper levels.

This was the middle floors, where Aiden had only just set foot.

This was the first floor of the middle floors, known among adventurers as the first death line. Light sources were scarcer here than on the upper levels, casting the area perpetually in twilight.

Aiden's new crimson attire stood out vividly in this perpetual twilight of the middle floors... gleaming red fabric that felt weightless due to its delicate, thin material. The surface of the fabric sparkled with luminous particles, its color vibrant and exceptionally magnificent.

Aiden's coat, shirt, and pants were mostly made from this fabric, not merely for aesthetic display. This was the result of enchanting magic into the cloth known as Fire Spirit Woven Cloth, a special garment imbued with the protection of a spirit.

Like elves categorized by attributes or habitat, spirits such as fire spirits, wind spirits, water spirits, and earth spirits existed. Just as these spirits were classified, so too were the characteristics displayed in enchanted cloths like Fire Spirit Woven Cloth.

This Fire Spirit Woven Cloth, crafted with the participation of a fire spirit, offered high defense against attacks like flames and heat flows... a form of fire resistance. It also seemed to possess properties that could resist cold.

Other garments imbued with spirits, such as water spirits, were said to provide not only water resistance but also heat resistance against intense temperatures. Spirits were also known as the children the Gods loved the most and are even called part god. Aiz had blood ties to these spirits. It was said that protective cloths imbued with spirit blessings lacked universal versatility, instead focusing on strengthening singular attributes.

Aiden had invested considerable time and effort into crafting these garments made from Fire Spirit Woven Cloth.

Navigating and camping in the middle floors proved more troublesome than anticipated because the monsters here no longer limited themselves to close-quarter attacks like those on the upper levels. Many possessed long-range magical attack capabilities.

Take, for example, the monsters prevalent from the 13th floor onward... the Hellhounds.

Aiden's choice of crafting such conspicuously crimson attire was precisely to guard against Hellhounds.

True to their name, Hellhounds were canine-type monsters. As mid-level monsters, their strength and speed were not to be underestimated, but their most threatening aspect was the flames they spewed from their mouths.

These flames possessed immense power, capable of easily melting typical armor. It was widely believed that if engulfed by a group of Hellhounds simultaneously breathing fire, only ashes would remain.

Thus, whenever a party was completely wiped out on the 13th or 14th floors, it was almost always attributed to Hellhounds. Even seasoned adventurers could be reduced to ashes by the flames expelled from these monstrous creatures.

Despite Aiden's considerable confidence in himself, he had taken thorough precautions. In addition to his Fire Resistance-enhanced attire made from Fire Spirit Woven Cloth, he carried Fire Resistance potions and several pricey elixir for unforeseen circumstances.

Of course, beyond guarding against Hellhounds, the utility of his fire-resistant clothing extended far beyond this world. This was precisely why Aiden had dedicated so much effort to acquiring and maintaining this gear.

"Sigh... What a hassle it's been, all this trouble. Damn Hellhounds, come out and meet your end already." Aiden muttered impatiently as he walked alone through the desolate caverns. Yawning in annoyance at the empty surroundings.

No sooner had Aiden spoken than faint phosphorescent light revealed two figures.

Slowly emerging from the depths of the cavern, one behind the other... Hellhounds had arrived.

Their uneven black skin reflected the phosphorescent glow. One of them had eyes emitting a furious crimson light, intensifying their terrifying presence.

These were no ordinary dogs; their muscular frames resembled young oxen, marking them as Hellhounds.


Both Hellhounds, with faces more ferocious than any wolf, snarled and bared their teeth.

"Well, well, well... Looks like we have some visitors. How about a taste of my Hellhound sukiyaki?" Aiden's face, initially filled with impatience, now broke into a delighted smile upon seeing the two Hellhounds before him.


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