
Chapter one - Amber

A flash of red there and a streak of crimson there. It doesn't burn, only stings. Not the bruises, the words, sticking to her face like a blazing fire.

"Look at all of that red hair and those eyes, she might as well be a demon," a boy's voice said.

"A devil's daughter she is!" another boy's voice added.

"Actually, you're right, Wayne," Ben replied, as he punched me in the shoulder, exuberating with his partner.

"I'm not a demon, idiots, "I muttered, under my breath. However, Wayne heard me.

"What did you call us?" Wayne snarled at me. Courage took over fear.

"Nothing, at all! Idiots." That earned me a kick in the chest from Ben. My head banged against the floor, and my eyes became fuzzy, black, and white spots envisioning my vision like the flicker of light.

"We'll come back after break demon!" the two brunette boys hollered, as they headed down the stairs from the roof.

I lay there, for what? About five minutes. My vision cleared, and I sat up, my head throbbing. I looked at my watch. 2:15, the perfect time to go home. Standing up, I picked up my backpack. Before leaving, I looked across the sea of homes inside this small suburban neighborhood and sighed. How could life be this alluring when I wasn't?

I headed down the stairs, aware that everyone had left beside the janitors. I walked to the doors and opened them, relieved they weren't locked. I dawdled outside inhaling in the scent of fresh air and autumn leaves. I stared upward to be greeted by a light breeze of wind bearing many leaves and relinquishing them when the breeze died out.

"Amber!" a voice called out. A dark green minivan was parked in front of the school.

"Coming!"I yelled back running toward the minivan. My mom was in the driver's seat grinning at me as I came running.

"Amber, you have a bump on your head." my mom stated disapprovingly.

"It's nothing mum, "I replied as I got in. There was a whole mountain of groceries in the rear and I could easily tell she was getting ready for Thanksgiving.

"Mum..." I groaned looking at all of the stuff.

"Honey, We need to have family time. Family first? "My mom pleaded.

"Let's just go, "I muttered, and fastened my seatbelt. My mum sighed and pressed the gas pedal.

We drove for five minutes, but that gave me enough time to think. Where was Dad these days?

When we finally reached home, I had to help Mom unload ALL the groceries. It was torture. When all the groceries had been unpacked, Big Ben bellowed 4 o'clock.

"I lost track of time! Honey, go finish up your homework for the break. Tomorrow's Thanksgiving!" my mom ushered as she started putting things in the fridge.

"Right. Break. Woohoo!" I said sarcastically as I went to my room and coldly slammed the door on my mom.

I started with math, writing random answers in every box. It's not like my mum cared what my grades were. As the hours went by, I thought about how Thanksgiving was going to be tomorrow as I began my science homework. I frustratingly thought of random science-related ideas and scribbled them down on papers simply to complete it. This continued on for every subject until I was done. I gazed at the clock, fidgeting with my red hair.

"6:25 pm. I have some time before I have to go to sleep. Let's try and do something productive." I uttered with fake enthusiasm.

I seized my phone, hopped onto my bed and buried myself below the covers scrolling through Youtube, Pinterest, and TikTok for something to enjoy myself with, after a few minutes I was laughing my head off. I discovered something called Bongo Cat and it's been my latest addiction, this day isn't as inferior as I assumed it was. My browsing was interrupted by the throbbing pain from the bump on my head, I deserted my bedroom in search of the Advil in the kitchen. I unintentionally overheard an argument between my mother and father over the phone. Mom was in the kitchen cooking. The first obstacle I must bypass to get to the medicine drawer.

"John, you can't just leave us hanging! Can't you ask to take a break from work? For our sake? It's Thanksgiving and I already prepared and bought plenty! Do you know how heartbreaking it would be for you to miss another holiday with the family?" My mom pleaded tearfully. I couldn't hear what my dad replied with.

"John, just come, please! For the sake of Amber!" I shut my ears then. I hated it when my mum brought me up as a persuasive tool.

"FINE, BE LIKE THAT. AND BE THE KIND OF FATHER THAT YOU ALWAYS HAVE BEEN!" A slam followed the deafening beep at the resolution. I sighed sorrowfully. I guess Dad wasn't going to be here for Thanksgiving, again. I walked back to my room and buried myself with my blankets.

"Honey?" a quiet voice whispered. I peeked from the covers to see my mom in the doorway.

"Yeah, mum" I replied, trying to stay strong.

"You need dinner-" my mum started.

"Mum, I'm not hungry, I'm fine." I cut her off. I tried to smile but failed.

"Honey, we'll be okay without Dad. Grandma and Grandpa are coming at least." my mum assured me. I wasn't so sure though.

"Goodnight mum," I murmured, curling up into a ball.

The light bulb flickered off and the door shut silently. I closed my eyes, hoping for a dreamless sleep.