
Chapter 274 A Huge Gap

Simpson was so complacent that he didn't notice the helpless expression on Vinda's face. And also, he didn't notice that Leon looked at him as looking at a fool.

While they were talking, the alien demons couldn't hold back any longer. With a roar, an alien demon tentatively rushed over. "Watch me!"

Simpson wanted to show off his ability in front of everyone, especially Vinda. He passed everyone and walked up to the alien demon.

Leon didn't stop him. Instead, he put his arms around his shoulders and watched him.

The other members of the rapid response force did not move either. Instead, they watched the battle between Simpson and the alien demon, preparing to assess the strength of the alien demon.

Since they were able to become members of the rapid response force, their strength was not bad. However, it was their first time fighting against the alien demon.