
Demon .Ex

DEmon .ex

J_a_zzy · Horror
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4 Chs


"Yeah, y'all know the Nagal family?". Everyone nodded in recognition. "Well, their car had an accident near the factory. Luckily, no one was hurt, but their car was completely wrecked, and there was a death involving a person from Ampursal. On top of that, there have been several minor accidents related to vehicles around that area."

Ravin jumped in with his observation, saying, "If most of the accidents are because of that damn sharp turn, maybe it ain't some supernatural bullshit. It could just be shitty road conditions fucking things up, you know."

Shim responded defensively, "Maybe dangerous road conditions do contribute to these accidents, but there was also a freak accident that occurred there." Richie, intrigued by Shim's statement, asked, "What kind of freak accident?" Shim paused before answering, "A tree fell on a guy who was walking there, resulting in his death."

Ravin chimed in again, trying to rationalise the incident. "It could be due to various factors like a rotting tree or bad weather conditions." Shim reluctantly agreed, saying, "Yeah, that's a possibility."

"You gave up pretty quickly there, Shim. Is that the side effect of the 'rough breakup' mentioned?" Taran said, a playful and teasing tone evident in his voice.

"Yeah, maybe." Shim replied in a quiet voice.

Taran couldn't help but express his surprise. "Why did you guys break up?"

Shim took a moment to collect his thoughts before answering. "She started working at a new job three days ago and met a guy there."

Ravin couldn't believe what he was hearing. "No fucking way! After two damn years together and being friends for so long, she ends it for some random motherfucker she just fucking met?"

Richie couldn't hold back his frustration any longer. "Yeah, man! Two fucking years wasted in just three ‌days," he spat out, his voice laced with anger and disappointment.

Taran, surprised by Richie's knowledge, asked, "How did you find out before the rest of us?"

"He came to me, crying and devastated," Richie replied, revealing that Shim had sought solace in him during his difficult time.

Taran sighed, his voice filled with empathy. "Well, breakups are a bitch. I've been dumped by a girl before, too." He then shifted his tone, injecting a playful tease, "And Ravin here, well, let's just say he's been dumped by every girl he's dated. As for Richie, well, he's still a virgin."

Ravin rolled his eyes and retorted, "Hey, at least I put myself out there, man!"

Richie chuckled and shrugged, not bothered by the comment. "It's all good. I'll find the right person at the right time."

The lighthearted teasing gave Shim a moment to open up about his breakup. He shared how his ex-girlfriend had become distant, refusing his offer to drive her to work. One day, he surprised her at her job only to find her with another guy. When he asked about him, she dismissed him as just a friend. On the way home, she admitted liking the other guy and ended their relationship. Exhausted from their conversation, they drifted off to sleep.

When Richie fell asleep at last after scouring the internet. He dreamed of the abandoned factory. He found himself standing before the desolate factory gate. The once-sturdy entrance was now corroded and weather-worn, its rusty metal boasting holes and gaps as if it had endured years of neglect. The air hung heavy with an unsettling stillness, adding to the eerie atmosphere that enveloped the abandoned site.

As Richie cautiously approached the decaying gate, his senses heightened, and a feeling of unease crept over him. His eyes widened as he noticed something peculiar emerging from the gaps within the gate. Dirty, red-coloured strings slithered out, resembling grotesque tendrils of meat. They squirmed and writhed.

A surge of primal fear gripped Richie's heart as he stared at this disturbing sight. The strings seemed to pulsate with a malevolent energy, casting eerie shadows against the crumbling brick walls of the factory. They swayed ominously, as if beckoning him closer, their sinister allure impossible to resist.

But just as Richie's curiosity threatened to overwhelm him, a sudden shock of terror coursed through his veins. His body jolted, and he awoke with a gasp, drenched in a cold sweat. The remnants of the ghastly vision still haunted his mind, leaving an indelible mark of horror and an unshakeable sense of foreboding.

As Richie caught his breath, he glanced around the dimly lit room, relieved to find his friends peacefully sleeping. The remnants of his dream clung to his thoughts, leaving him unsettled and curious about the mysteries surrounding the haunted factory. Determined to uncover the truth, Richie decided it was time to delve deeper into the history of the area and the incidents that had occurred.

Richie's exhaustive online search yielded little information about the haunted factory. He discovered that it had once been a scissor manufacturing facility, but it had shut down following the owner's death. Strangely, there was no explicit mention of accidents or deaths directly linked to the factory. The only relevant incidents were several minor vehicle accidents and a tragic incident involving a falling tree, all occurring within the past four months near the factory's vicinity.

Feeling exhausted, Richie let out a tired yawn as he glanced at his sleeping friends. "I'll tell them about this in the morning," he murmured to himself, realising that it was best to share his experiences and plans with his friends when they were fully awake and alert.

As he settled back into bed, Richie's mind was still buzzing with the remnants of his haunting dream and the unsettling discoveries surrounding the haunted factory. He couldn't help but wonder if his friends had also experienced any unusual dreams.

Morning broke, casting a gentle glow that streamed through the windows of the room. Richie's eyes felt heavy with sleep as he blinked away the remnants of the night. One by one, his friends began to stir, awakening from their slumber. Taran was the first to open his eyes, stretching and yawning. "Good morning, Richie," he greeted, still in a drowsy state.

"Morning, Taran," Richie replied with a slight smile. "I need to talk to you all about something important. Something happened last night."

Taran, still stretching and yawning, quipped, "So, what's the scoop? Did you have a steamy dream about me and suddenly realise you're gay?"

Richie arched an eyebrow, a mischievous grin forming at the corner of his lips. "Well, it was a hot dream about you," he teased, his voice filled with playful allure. "But just as things were getting interesting, I woke up." With a suggestive tone, he added, "Or perhaps we could pick up where the dream left off... if you're up for it."

Taran's eyes widened, his drowsiness instantly replaced by surprise and amusement. He chuckled and playfully nudged Richie. "Oh, you wish! But let's save the steamy dreams for another time, shall we?"

Richie took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before recounting the eerie details of his dream and the discoveries he had made about the haunted factory. He described the corroded gate, the writhing red strings.

"So, you're saying that your dream and the incidents around the factory are connected?" Ravin asked, his voice filled with anticipation.

Richie nodded with determination. "I think there's more to this than we realise. We should dig deeper and find out what's really going on at the haunted factory."

Taran's mischievous grin widened. "You know, Richie's dream and the haunted factory could be connected. Or maybe it's just Richie's overactive imagination. Thanks to all the tentacle hentai he reads."

Ravin jumped in with a casual tone, "Hey Richie, maybe deep down, you've got a secret love for tentacles. Who knows, man?"

"Yeah, sure," Richie replied with a playful smirk. "Because nothing says 'dreams come true' like a swarm of tentacles heading my way. I must have missed that chapter in the book of secret desires."

As they talked about the creepy events and Richie's dream, they contemplated their next steps. Shim spoke up, saying, "You know what? Maybe we should just stay ‌ away from the. haunted factory. It seems too ‌risky, and we don't want to get caught up in whatever weird shit is going on there."

Taran agreed with a nod. "Yeah, you've got a point. Let's be safe and gather more info from a distance before we do anything ‌crazy."

Ravin chimed in, "I don't want to end up as another victim of the goddamn haunted factory. It's better to be cautious and gather evidence before we take any ‌chances."

As they were joking and laughing, Uncle Raj's voice echoed through the house, calling them for breakfast. But just as they were about to head to the dining table, their phones buzzed with messages and calls from their concerned families, urging them to return home. With the rain finally subsiding, they quickly washed their faces, regretfully skipping breakfast, and expressed their apologies and gratitude to Uncle Raj for his hospitality. They bid their farewells and left on their bikes.

They arrived at Richie's house and parked their bikes. Richie and Shim got off their bikes since Shim lived in the alley right in front of Richie's house. Taran was their neighbour, living nearby. Ravin's house was just a short distance away in the neighbouring alley on the left. Their proximity made it convenient for them to hang out and embark on adventures together in the neighbourhood.

As they parted ways and headed to their respective houses, Richie reached his home to hear the sound of his father's voice. "You know, just because you're done with school doesn't mean you can stay out all night and play. You should start getting ready for college," his father greeted him.