In a remote jungle nestled between Chu City and Whitewater City within the Da Xuan Country, a thin and frail figure was leaning against a thick tree trunk. Both of his legs were spread apart in a relaxed manner. This figure belonged to a thirteen or fourteen-year-old teenager. Aside from his unusually pale face, the boy had fairly common facial features. His clothes were loose-fitting and a bright shining steel sword was carelessly thrown by his side.
"How is it that the members from the other Three Sects are not too reliable?" Liu Ming asked with a flash in his eyes upon hearing the words.
"Not only are the disciples overseeing from the Three Sects unreliable, but I suspect that some of them have long been bought off by certain powers. However, as to who exactly, I am not at liberty to confirm. But to be on the safe side, I too have never contacted them. If Junior Brother does not believe me, feel free to try and make contact, but if anything goes wrong, do not implicate me," Hu Chunniang said with a cold laugh.
"I understand. Senior Sister, tell me their identities now, and I will be careful," Liu Ming nodded and replied without batting an eyelid.
"Since Junior Brother is so sensible, I will give you their information this time, free of charge," Hu Chunniang said with a charming smile upon hearing this.