
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasie
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62 Chs


I looked through the clear glass bottle, my interest slightly piqued, as I watched pink liquid wobble around in the bottle,"If we use this potion it can hide the presence of the mana, your necklace has."I elaborated.

"Mana?.."Summer questioned as if it was the first time she heard of the word, crossing my legs. I looked at her unexpectedly.

"So you knew that you were a prophet of some sort, but don't know what mana is?.."I questioned back, baffled at her answer but handed her the potion anyways.

Sighing, i took a stack of paper, "This is a summary of what Mana is, what it can do, and the side effects of it, this is only the few basics of a mana user."I explained to the dumbfounded girl as i handed her the stack of paper as well.

Summer looked down at the paper with a bored gaze, "Do I have too?..can't you just summarize it now?.."Summer complained, I nodded unsightly to her answer, "I could but I would have to leave out the dangerous aftermath if you don't use mana properly, and since I'm transferring my mana to you, i'm the one punished if you overuse it or something happened."

Summer slammed her head on the desk tiredly. We were in some abandoned school. I had planned to teach her the basics of Manan before then, but it was too risky to leave her oblivious to all of this.

I took a quick look at Summer's necklace. I could've sworn that I saw a light glow, it was odd since I didn't put any mana in yet.

I leaned into Summer as I hovered my hand over the necklace, a brighter red glow appeared as it eventually faded away, "There. You should feel something now."I told Summer as I began to move away again.

Summer looked down curiously at her necklace, "Now, I doubt you'd get any of my abilities, it's more likely that you would develop one on your own at your own pace."

I laid back on the creaking school chair, "Now, i'd be surprised even if you did develop any abilities this month, i know many people who failed to get a single ability despite waiting years on years."I said with a sigh, the sun just rose as a soft fluorescent sunlight glare through the broken school windows.

"Did you wait years for yours?"

"No, I got mine in a couple minutes, with the world-record of 2 minutes and 27 seconds."

"The person I was talking about was an old friend of mine."


"The world of Demigods is truly a nightmare."I stared down at the floor with an unpleasant gaze as I looked back at Summer with a different gaze.

"Now, next stop the labyrinth?"I said to Summer who was zoning out cluelessly to the paperwork in front of her. I put a hand on Summer teleporting close to the labyrinth.


Looking up to the modern building, it really did look huge, a giant star was the logo of the place, Aero was always a flashy person as a son of Apollo.

But did he really have to add millions of lights outside of the building of a Labyrinth? What he did really baffled me sometimes.

"That's the labyrinth?.."I questioned as Summer stared at it, as if she was all too familiar with the building.

"yep.."She said with an unsightly tone, not pleased to see the sight of the building again, unfortunately for us there were guards at every corner of the building.

Once i tried to teleport again, i failed to, it was as if there was some kind of ability stopping me to, looking over to Summer, "There's a border casted on the building, i guess Aero knows my abilities all too well."I spoke suspiciously, "For all we know, it's very well possible that he's watching us right now."

"Then.. we'd have to find another way right?.."Summer said with a kind of tone that had seemed too risky for me, "Yes?..."I hesitated on replying as she grabbed my wrist and pulled me away to some kind of dark corridor.

But there had seemed to be 'do not enter' tapes wrapped all around the door,"Fortunately, they haven't discovered this secret entrance yet!"Summer said, happy with the outcome.

"They didn't?.."I replied in a softer but more confused and surprised tone. Summer and her blonde ponytail went into the suspicious and dark entrance, leaving only me to go follow after her.

The inside didn't look any better, there were more cracks, the only thing providing us light right now was Summer's necklace, it had seemed like a normal rusty and unsanitary cave.

RIght ahead of us, there was a brighter source of light, as well as a unsure ladder that leads up to it, before Summer could take another step i pulled onto her tank top and into my hands, 'Don't move."I whispered with a strict but quiet tone of voice to the girl.

It had seemed too suspicious tha Aero wouldn't find such an obvious tunnel, and the clear bright light source was the giveaway.

"Oh? So you have seen through my plan, I suppose only a prophet like her would fall for this plan."A masculine voice spoke with a mocking tone, but the voice had seemed out of nowhere, there was no physical body or appearance it had.

But just from the voice, I can easily guess who it was. I could feel the presence began to disappear as I let go of Summer, looking over to Summer making sure she was okay.

Other than the bruises on her legs being clear and obvious now as well as other than the fact that her face was almost red as a little strawberry, she was fine.

"Summer, we need to get rid of those bruises, and I don't mean by makeup or any type of powder to conceal."I told the girl with a stern voice as I gestured my hand to her.

Summer looked reluctant, as if she thought it would only be a burden to me, "But.."Summer struggled to word it out, despite her jumpy and sneaky personality, it seems like she can get nervous and anxious.

I saw this behavior back at the hospital as well, I sighed as I knelt down, tracing my fingers down, it dragged Summer down to hit her bottom to the floor.

I lightly grabbed one of her feet as I hovered my hand over it carefully, making a kind of red glow, as the bruise slowly faded away, once I was done, Summer's body was now bruise-less.

Though it felt odd, there was no backlash from healing Summer. Looking back at my skull ring, I'll have Smith check it later.

Pulling Summer up by her and my hand, she looked a bit squeamish, she wasn't nervous or anxious anymore, but she wasn't jumpy or energetic either.

Then I looked back at the ladder, it was still there. I doubt that God was going to leave another bait, "Summer, we can't waste anymore time, let's go."I whispered, pulling her wrist more reassuringly and forcefully.

While we were making our way to the ladder, I noticed a tiny rock the size of a fly fell on the hard floor, immediately I ran for the ladder dragging Summer along with me.

"The tunnel is going to break down!"I exclaimed, as Summer was quick to match my pace, the loud sounds of rumbling rocks and dirt falling was just right behind us.

If we were just an inch more behind, we would've gotten caught up in the tunnel, dead even. I tightened my grip on Summer and put her to run in front of me instead.

I could tell that I was slowing her speed down. Summer was faster and more physically capable than me, we eventually got to the ladder as Summer quickly climbed it. She held out her hand with an anxious but reassured expression.

But I stood still, frozen in place as I could hear the eruption getting louder and closer, "Come on!"The blonde haired female exclaimed with an eager but concerned gaze.

"Hey.. erm, it might be a little odd to ask now.. Trust me?.."I said with a slight but unsure smile as I took one step closer, but not close enough for her to grab me.

Summer and her dirty blonde ponytail flashed before me, then I fell, rocks, dirt, and dust were dripping down fast at my similar pace.