

Since the dawn of time immortality has been sought as a blessing, gift from the gods, hell it's what drives people to do the most careless and reckless thing all because mortals fear death. Well that's just stupid and a childish thing to desire because if you got the chance to ask a immortal being just how great living forever is they'll tell you it's a constant living hell. Not gonna go into details but think of it like this. You get immorality, you never age and you never die. Pretty cool huh? Well at first it's great, you see time progress over a hundred years but with in those hundred years you already suffered serval heart breaking moments. Your first love dying before you, your children out ageing you and all those you kept close and dear to your heart soon fade away with the sands of time while your left in a constant state of perfect unageing health. Soon you become distant from everything and try to live your life in private but others come in and wish to know your secret and won't stop at anything till they find out the truth. Now you're a guniiepig being experimented on to see just how far immortality can go while the gods who cursed you with it watch and laugh as you serve out your punishment for defying their words.

Well as time moves on you learn a few tricks and a few things that even the gods themselves forget. Now their gonna learn that their little piece of heaven can turn into a living hell.