
Burning Bridges

Their lips brushed together for a mere second, and the feeling between them was electric. It set the small area of contact on fire, and the flames cascaded through their bodies, hearts and souls. 

Then, someone knocked on Samiel's door. The knock was loud and urgent. The person on the other end seemed ready to break down the barrier for blocking their way. 

Samiel cursed in an unknown language and took a deep breath. He wanted to kill the person who was on the other side for disrupting his happy moment. That person was probably born to be his nemesis, or else they would not cause this disaster.

Shekansha laughed out loud after she saw the frustration on Samiel's face. 

His face looked like a combination of being stabbed and swallowing a bitter lemon. She could not help but be amused, especially after she noticed his reaction. A little part of her felt smug about the occurrence.