
Chapter 2

Roseline smiles knowing she has gotten back into Mr Lawrence life as easily as she thought he is always falling for tricks just that this time he was courageous enough to say there's gonna be a divorce if she leaves again.

If Matthew hadn't ran away with her golds and money after finding out she is one month pregnant for him she wouldn't be back to Mr Lawrence for the second time. Who else will accept her back if not for her stupid husband Lawrence he still hasn't changed one bit still hopelessly in love with her "I wish he'd change someday and stop accepting me back" she thinks out loud with tears rolling down her cheeks then she laughs out loud and touches her belly thinking of more ways to get everyone to believe the pregnancy is for Lawrence and how she is gonna get him to set her up financially again since he can't have a liability as a woman she stands up and walk into her own room finding everything just exactly the way she left every piece she calls out to the maid to get the room cleaned because there's so much dust like no one ever visited the place since the year she left.

After getting the room cleaned she wears one of her favorite gown a pink silky one the one Lawrence always says it's his favorite.

She gets dressed and heads to the dining she is back with her bossy saucy attitude.

Roseline making another plan to seduce Lawrence again so she can be done she just needs him to copulate with her for a month so she can pin the pregnancy on him it's not as easy as her friend Emma told her it'd be she starts getting worried that Lawrence might choose to calculate the months before the child comes to life or perhaps someone else might come to the realization that she is already pregnant now.

Mr Lawrence walks in and met his wife seemingly lost in her own thoughts he snaps his two fingers at her and noticed the worry look on her face as she gives a fake smile.

Tonight's dinner seems to be the most silent moment in Mr Lawrence house as his kids always forget their manners each time they're dinning but something seems different tonight because Della and Blessing seem to have been on their best behaviors since they set their eyes on their mother and there's been no affection from Roseline towards them it's just like it used to be every time she is around. Della being the one to always create a scene decided to ask her father who Roseline is Mr Lawrence laughed and told her that Roseline is her mother that she has always been far away from them because she has a business to monitor in Dubai and coming home is a one time thing as she will be leaving soon for another few years with a smile on his face as he explains to Della why her mother hasn't been around . Della choose to be quite afterwards and ate her food in silence. Blessing being the utmost quite one just listened to everything her father said about their so called mother it was like a surprise as she has literally never met Roseline since she has been able to recognize her father she always felt they didn't have a mum irregardless of any story Mr Lawrence told them and was surprised at the facial resemblance she has with Roseline.

All this while Roseline sat up with a smile and just focused on her food as she silently watched her two kids expression as their father informed them she was their mother she saw the joy flee immediately off Della's face just a cold look. They finished dinner and Mr Lawrence leads his daughters to their room and read them a bed time story before they slept off he covers them with their duvet and puts off the light then walks out of the room then heads down to his mini bar and drinks again till his eyes started seeing everything blurry as he finds his way to his room he finds Roseline sleeping in the bed and looking beautiful as she looked the first night they ever laid together why does she have to be so beautiful everytime he comes to bed he lays by her side fighting the temptation of touching her tonight but she wakes up and kisses him on his lips saying she misses him and wants him inside her being drunk he obliged to her wish and made love to her but the urge doesn't go away after the first time he just wants her more something about the way she scents this night she has the scents of a rose flower mixed with sweets and pure strawberry the scents so strong and pleasing makes him cum in her for the third time in a row with heavy breathing he pulls her into his arms and tells her he loves her and would never let her go then sleeps off even before she could reply she slowly pushes him off and rushes to the bathroom to throw up then goes off to the mini bar to pour herself a drink she forgets that she is carrying a child and the doctor warned her to abstain from alcohol. She has been doing her best in following the doctor's protocol but she feels if she doesn't drink she might lose her mind and the way her body craves Matthew's touch no one can ever fill the space that he has left in Roselines life and heart as she drinks herself to stupor she starts imagining Matthew with the way he touches her and moans her name and the happy dance he made when he found out she was with child only for him to run away three days later with every dime she had on her she sobs slowly and starts screaming his name out loud as she slowly heads to her room away from Lawrence and wishing she could get back to Matthew again and be happy like she used to staring at her ceiling she drifts into her thoughts of how everything started and how she came up to the conclusion that she and Matthew were not meant to be together like something was always bound to tear them apart first it was when they lost each other's contact and Roseline tried to check on him in his house but realized that he and his parents had moved out two weeks after his graduation with tears in her eyes she thought she will never find her only one true love but fate brought them together Six years later she was at a conference and saw Matthew who was one of those invited lecturer as he stepped up to give his own speech she recognized him immediately and her heart skipped a beat but then she remembered she was heavily pregnant with her first child and Matthew is definitely married with kids too because there was a wedding ring in his finger. With little faith of being recognized by Matthew she walks up to him and exchanged a pleasantries to her surprise he recognized her and was glad he met her again they both got drinks at a cafe close by the conference hall they did few catch ups with the glitter in his eyes he kissed her and told her he needed her in his life and she will always be the only woman he will ever love till he dies and unfortunately he is a widower and that he doesn't care if she is with child that's how they started their relationship again after Roseline gave birth to her first child Della Matthew somehow convinced her to leave with him to another country and that they will forever be together Roseline couldn't contend the joy she had the day Matthew made that offer she gathered everything she could and left her three months old baby and her husband without a rethink no one can ever make her take such decisions if not her beloved Matthew she sobs out loudly again cursing him as she remembers how Matthew had abandoned her after five years of being together to go be with another lady and how she had spent all her money that she took along with her and had to come back to Lawrence again with shame and she lied that she had been kidnapped by some human traffickers and she got the opportunity to run away that day as she was sent to go get some medications for a client with pity in Lawrence eyes he wanted to get the police involved but Roseline was insistent on not getting them involved as she feared for their life with so much paranoia she told Lawrence she wanted them to move to another state without hesitation Lawrence did her bid as he thought she was speaking the truth because she looked like she had gone through so much. They continued their lives until she was pregnant for her second child blessing on one of her trips to the hospital for check ups she found Matthew sitting in the lobby with tears in his eyes and calling out a name Roseline reached out to him with fear in his eyes he quickly recomposed himself and starts trembling as he raised himself up to look at Roseline he embraced her and started sobbing onto her shoulder she asks what happened and he said that his wife just died of cancer Roseline took pity on him forgetting all the hurt and betrayal she has been feeling she takes him out of the hospital and drove him to his house that was exactly the opportunity he used to lure her into another hopeless romance she was always going to check on him till she gave birth to her second daughter blessing and was still going out to see Matthew occasionally until one one night she was drunk again and went to his house they made love just like that they started planning another runaway together leaving her kids and husband again for this ruthless man that owns her heart but here she is again with Lawrence just laying in her room alone with tears filled eyes now she has brought a pregnancy home now everyone is gonna know that she doesn't deserve Lawrence and how she has been cheating on him even with the unconditional love he shows towards her.

She sleeps off with all the thoughts in her head and all the bad ideas she has coming up for Lawrence.