
Chapter-1,the realisation

Hello everyone!

this is my first time writting a novel in wattpad, so please pardon me if there is any spelling mistakes or error😅

This is a novel based on my imagination, So I hope you all will like it💕

Thanks for the support in advance, love you all💖🫶

Pls vote ,share and comment about what you think about it :>



"Hm..(in a sleepy voice) whose yelling in the morning?Its annoying"


"Wait- but I live alone and whose Sophi?" I jumped up from the bed in horror , Searching for the person calling me

"Sophia! What's taking you so long? Get up and get ready for school. You are going to get late again!"

Wh- what?! Whose that women?why is she here and where am I?!

"Stop being lazy and get up.I wonder how I got a daughter like you"

Daughter?!Wait whose room is this?! My room had totally different vibes than this

This room have baby blue coloured walls, a book shelve against the wall with tons of books stored, a study table near the window with messy books and stuffs laying around and a chair full of used clothes, there is a small bedside table near the bed with a cute lamp

There were fairy lights and leaves hanging around the wall making it look ethereal, it was room seen never before

I looked at the long big mirror beside the bedside table, and my eyes widened

Who is that girl?! I remember I had  dark black short hair with brown eyes but her... She looked more than average

she had long wavy light brown coloured hair up to her carvy waist and a pair of honey coloured doe eyes with a hint of green and long lashes full of dark circles around it,she looked sleep deprived

She had plumpy but dried lips, she looks like someone sucked all the blood from her body, she had pale skin

after a while I realized that the girl on the mirror was none other than me.

"What is happening? Is that me? But how did my face and body changed overnight!?how did it changed to this? ...My head is aching , No I had an accident last night!"

"Sophia! How long are you gonna take to get ready? You are getting more late than ever!"

"Oh! I- I am gonna get ready right now!" Let's focus on the current situation first.

I wore comfy clothes with grey sweat pants and white tank top and a black cardigan over it which I found in the closet


It's weird,I am pretty sure I had an accident last night and on the very next day I changed into this girl,wait does that mean-

Am I reincarnated?! But that's not possible,how is it?

"Oho~ look it's the weirdo nerd!"

"Hi! Sophi clown, looks like you forgot your glasses at home,oops can you even see?" The overly cakey girl with makeup started to laugh hysterically

Glasses? Oh I forgot she wears glasses, but who are they?Are they the friends of the original owner of this body? But looking at there way of speaking it doesn't seem so,rather it seems like they hate her.

Just at that moment a beautiful mid long hair golden blonde hair girl came forward, she had a pair of beautiful black eyes with a hint of brown in it , she interrupted the two girls who were making fun of me

"Oh come on girls stop bothering her,let her be" she said sarcastically

"Come on Hana we were just having fun,Don't ruin it" spoke the cakey girl rolling her eyes and giggling about god knows what

Oh so her name is Hana, she is beautiful honestly, she is probably a bit taller than me , she has a great figure, she looks like those typical popular girls in movies but a lot better than them

"What are you guys still doing outside the school gates? We need to hurry or else the gate will get close"

Another voice came from behind, a tall boy probably 5ft11 with a bit long coloured blond hair reaching his eyes came towards us running and panting

"Good morning Hana! You are looking beautiful as ever" he came towards her giving her a flirty smile

"Aww thank you very much Dae-jung"

Dae-jung? He seems close to Hana, upon looking closely he has a pair of soft blue coloured eyes, he was handsome but looked like a playboy, he wore a red hoodie with a black cargo pants and also had a black side back

All of them were discussing something between each other and were laughing loudly, Dae-jung was flirting with Hana openly and she was acting all shy and timid , which made me get cringed on the situation

After a while Hana and the other girls left together with Dae-jung and proceeds to enter the school by laughing and joking with each other, while going inside dae-jung glanced at me in a unusual way,I thought I was mistaken but later I found out it was something else

After awhile entering the classroom, a ting sound popped up in my phone, I

took a seat near the window and pulled out my phone from the pocket, a message came in my phone,it was none other than Dae-jung, my eyebrows furrowed looking at his message, there was a love emoji in his name...