
I Love You

It's been years since we last saw each other. It had been too long since we'd been apart; the number of years had been forgotten in my head.

The day that our family was separated always replayed in my head during this day. During the spring festival, I can't help but reminisce fondly on all the memories we had together.

I missed staying up till the crack of dawn to put up decorations around the house; I miss having the other family members over for dinner, and to light up firecrackers together along with the rest of the neighborhood at the stroke of midnight because you had once said it scared evil spirits and celebrated the coming of the brand new year. I remember how mum used to tell me a bed-time story the day before Spring Festival Eve, a story where a monster named Nian had been killed by a courageous boy with firecrackers by scaring him away with firecrackers the day before the Spring Festival.

I had realized later on that it was why firecrackers were a crucial part of our Spring Festival tradition, since it had always been believed that it could scare off bad luck. I remember the best moments we had together, when we spent hours making dumplings, and my all-time favorite, glutinous rice balls, which had been my parents' favorite tradition.

Doing these traditions during the next few years always reminded me of the two of you. The numerous times it had made me miss the both of you and the times I wished you were here, right next to me, were countless.

I'm guilty for the fact that I won't be able to join you this Spring Festival once again, and possibly the next Spring Festivals coming. Even with how much I miss the both of you and think of you every day, I apologize deeply that I can't and won't be able to join you, as much as I want to be reunited with the two of you.

I know I failed as your one and only child, for being unable to bring the both of you happiness and joy, and having to follow traditions without the two people I love most in this world, but I know what you'd say if you were still here, especially since you two are the most forgiving people I know, and that you'd love me no matter what I did.

With that in mind, there's one last tradition I insist on. With our distance, there's no possible way I could purchase you a gift. Instead, I decided to continue and do with the blessings portion of the tradition. I know I can't say this to you in person, but I'm hoping it's enough, even if you deserve the best the world could give.

Mother, father, happy new year. I haven't been the perfect child, and if I had the ability to turn back time, I wouldn't change a thing because I learnt so much from you two. May all go well for you in your next life and may we meet again, and I hope the two of you, wherever you are and may well be, may you finally be at peace.

Who knows, there's always the probable chance we might meet again, in our next life, but either way, you are my two angels sent from heaven, and to the two angels that are my loving parents watching from above, I love you.