
Delerya's most feared killer.

Mike goes back in time and with his knowledge he becomes the strongest in the 99% diving game.

DaoistaNesh · Spiele
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3 Chs

3 Chapter "The chickens."

In his life passed years after the opening of Delerya the programmers in a moment of boredom had made fun of the players showing a video in which he showed how with a trick you could choose multiple names and therefore in theory have infinite buffs.

Mike knew now and would take all the best names.

<< Choose your name and class. >> urged the fairy.

Mike, determined to turn his life around, replied: << My grandparents will be: Death as the first name and as a secondary Life. >>

The available classes were:




Magician: alchemist, water magician, earth magician, wind magician, fire magician.



<< and my class will be the killer. >>

<< Good luck in Delerya, now you will be transported to the beginner village. >>

Mike vanished and reappeared on an empty street.

The first thing he obviously did was open his status screen:

[Name: Death (name visible to the rest of the players), Life (name not visible to the rest of the players)]

[Lv: 1]

[HP: 10/10]

[XP: 0/50]

[SP: 10/10]

[Delerya tokens: 1]

[Power main name: legendary]

[Class: assassin]





[MAGIC: 1]



He didn't pay much attention to his low stats but I click directly on the names to bring up their buffs.


Every time you kill someone you recover 10% of the SP and every five kills you regain 5% of the HP.


When you have 1 HP you will return to full life (one week cooldown).

Mike wasn't surprised by the buffs as he already knew them, they were very strong buffs that could turn the tide in the middle of a battle.

Mike headed for a low level monster field, his first goal was to get some nice clothes, so with all the things he knew about the game he would surely become the best in the world.

At the camp I start defeating the LV 1 chickens, the chickens had sharp teeth and lightly armored feathers, Mike don't worry, he knew their attack pattern and with his beginner's dagger he defeated a chicken with ease.

After about half an hour he had killed as many as 50 chickens and headed to the beginner's village to sell the loot dropped by the chickens and buy clothes.