
Chapter 177 Beautiful Spirit_1

"This is an ancient Egyptian-style Solar Ship!"

Kim Myungjin walked to the ship's side and looked down.

The wooden ship was over seventy meters long and more than thirty meters wide, with two decks.

At the rear of the upper deck was a cabin and some sails, which were of little use because the power of this kind of Solar Ship came from slaves.

The lower deck had cramped cabins where slaves shackled by leg irons sat row upon row, pulling the oars with force.

The oars protruding from both sides of the Solar Ship were numerous, resembling a centipede's legs, which was quite disgusting.

This kind of ship could no longer be described as simply rudimentary; primitive would be more accurate.

Compared to the grand sailing vessels of the Age of Exploration, these Solar Ships were like leprous dwarves next to devastatingly beautiful women.

So ugly.

The oars moved rhythmically, and it seemed one could still hear the coordinated chants of the slaves.