
Deimos's Redemption

In a world where magic intertwines with kingdoms and dragons, the unlikely bond between Ilaria, a scarred maiden with violet eyes, and Deimos, the ruthless king of Eldham Empire, takes center stage. Despite their differences, an unforeseen attraction sparks when Ilaria is sent to serve the enigmatic king, leading them down a perilous path destined to test their very souls. As their connection deepens, the looming shadow of a curse that has plagued Deimos' lineage threatens to unravel everything they hold dear. Complicating matters further, Deimos' alter ego as the dragon prince lays claim to Ilaria, adding a new layer of complexity to their relationship. Amidst the backdrop of rival empires, buried secrets, and the relentless curse, they must confront their deepest fears. Will their love stand strong enough to defy the curse, or will their passions bring about the downfall of their kingdoms? Embark on a mesmerizing journey of love, redemption, and magic in this enthralling paranormal dark romance. Join Ilaria and Deimos as they navigate the treacherous path ahead, where every decision carries the weight of their fates and the destiny of their intertwined realms.

Wenxi_Wu · Fantasie
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10 Chs


"…she insulted my mother!!'

Hearing her, Oziel frowned. Though he had personally ordered for the execution of his first wife, he still had a soft spot for her which made him hard to understand. Shutting his eyes tightly, he raised his left hand. "Enough."

Immediately, the guards stopped. 

"Kneel in front of the court yard." He spoke coldly before turning to leave.

"You don't have to pity me! Why do you still fake your love for my mother when you tortured her? I hate you!! I hate you so much that I could kill you a thousand times if I get the chance!" Iliana yelled as emotions wrecked her core. Angry tears seeped through her bloodied lashes.

Oziel gritted his teeth, "I didn't pity you." As soon as he said that, he turned to leave.

The men who had been flogging her exited the space while two ladies dragged Iliana's disfigured form to the courtyard to serve her punishment.

In the meantime, Oziel stomped all the way to the Gina's room. "M- Mi Lord…" she called out to him as soon as he entered the room. Her once radiant face was now red due to the fact that she had cried herself to stupor. "I'm sorry. I didn't take care of our son…" she choked on her saliva as she hung her head low.

Oziel who had intended to scold her for mentioning Morana's name sighed. Pity engulfed him. "Gina dear, don't think too much. We can make another baby." He tried to console her but she refused.

"Iliana hates me for being her mother instead of being her sister. Perhaps we should just end things here…" she drawled as she raised the emerald green blanket to her chest and looked away. One would think she meant what she said. Miko who stood afar shivered on seeing her mistress's hidden smile.

Oziel's gaze darkened when he heard her, "What has it got to do with her if I chose you. Her mother was a witch who had not only deceived me but my people. She deserves her punishment!"

"But-" Gina drawled as she lowered her head.

Oziel lifted her face to meet his gaze. He looked at her tenderly. "Why do you worry? She won't cause any harm to you on my watch."

"You think so?"

"I know so." Oziel smiled as she kissed her on her pale lips. "I'll be going to see the king at noon tomorrow. Rest well. Okay?" 

Gina nodded her head sheepishly before Oziel stood up and exited the room. As soon as he left, the delicate smile she had on her face was replaced with ma malicious smirk.


"Yes, Mi Lady?"

"I think I might need some yovo wine tomorrow."

Miko gulped, "B- But Mi lady, the Yovo wine needs a yovo fruits and it's not in Tirion. It can only be found around the Eldham border. Besides, no one is allowed to go there without the king's consent. Else, they'd be sentenced to death by blood drain." she voiced out her worries thereby earning a low chuckle from Gina.

"I never said I would send you, did I?" 

Meanwhile, In Eldham' s palace.

"Your majesty!! Sire has ordered that no one should bother him in this state!!" a panic-stricken maiden tried to convince the queen who apparently was Queen Francesca. Mother of the dreaded King, King Deimos.

King Deimos who had ordered that no one should disturb him was currently in an undeniable series of anguish. At a specific time of the day, he would feel intense pain and truck load of angry emotions crush him. 

"It is my son who is in there! You have absolutely no right to stop me from seeing him!" she hissed as she forced her way into the room amidst the maids alarmed and fearful expression.

"Your majesty! NO!!!"

However, it was too late. Francesca had already entered the King's room. As Queen Francesca pushed open the heavy wooden door to her son's chambers, a cold breeze swept through the room, causing the candles to flicker and cast eerie shadows on the walls. Dark blood stained the ruby grounds. The aura of death filled the entire room which caused her to shiver with each step that she took.

"D- Deimos?" she let out a whisper which was barely audible as she inched towards the bathroom door. The dimly lit bathroom smelled of sulfur and decay, and the air was thick with an ominous energy. She could hear her son's guttural grunts and the sickening sound of liquid droplets clashing against the floor.

"Ughh!" A horrendous howl escaped the door causing her to jump in fright while chanting to herself. Subconsciously, she staggered backwards as she grabbed her flowing gown.

"That's my son… that's my son… he won't hurt me…" she muttered as though he was encouraging herself.

As soon as she finished chanting, the lit candles in the chamber flickered. A chill ran down her spine. "D- Dei- Deimos? Are you there?"

In response to her question, the sound of bones snapping and flesh tearing resounded in the room.

Suddenly, the candles went out, plunging the room into complete darkness. In the blackness, Francesca could feel something moving towards her - it felt like a cold, clammy hand brushing against her cheek. She recoiled in terror and called out for her son, her voice trembling with fear.


As she stood frozen to the spot, a terrifying figure emerged from the bathroom. It was Deimos, but he looked unrecognizable - his face was contorted in pain and blood was streaming down his cheeks. His physique was much bigger and bulkier than before, and his eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity. Two red dangerous orbs were fixed on her. An awkwardly bent horn was fixed on his bloodied head.

Francesca couldn't help but scream in horror at the sight of her son, now transformed into this monstrous creature. She stumbled backwards, her legs giving way beneath her, and fell to the ground in a dead faint.




Oh, my stars!!!! Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Who does she want to send? Leave your answer and your thoughts of this chapter in the comment section.

*whispers* If you don't do it, she will send you!

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Bye bye!!