
Deeper Shade Of Blue

Park Jisoo and Cha Eunwoo were a famous campus couple until something happened, which led them to break up. Since things didn't end well with them, they promised that they would never see each other again. After three years, the two were both shortlisted to become the new CEO of a five-star hotel called Blue Rose. Will their past help them prove their capabilities, or will it affect their chance to become the new CEO?

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The Day After The Breakup

I woke up with a heavy heart. This is the first time that I felt like this, this is even worse when my first love ghosted me.

I stood up and went straight to my vanity mirror. With my disheveled hair and puffy eyes, fuck, I look like a mess. But I didn't care because all I could think about is the fact that my heart is broken, and it's all my fault.

While I was busy remembering what happened last night, my phone rang. I answered it with my raspy voice, "hello?"

"Hey, how are you?" My best friend, Jennie, asked.

"I'm fine," I said with a fake smile.

"I know you're not, Jisoo. Have you eaten yet? Do you want to go to brunch at Nuvali?" She asked with a concerned voice. People in our school might be intimidated to her because of her cold personality, but she's the sweetest friend I've ever had.

"I don't want to. It's a Saturday, I just want to stay in bed all day and watch Netflix."

Even though I can't see her, I know she just rolled her eyes at me. Typical Queen Bee Jennie. "After what happened last night, do you think we would allow you to mope the whole day over that guy? Nope! I'm gonna call Lisa and Rosé, so you better start preparing now. I'll pick you up in about an hour." Then she hanged up.

I looked at the mirror again and sighed. I hope I won't see him today.

When we arrived at Nuvali, everything felt heavier than it was earlier. Everywhere I look, I remember him. "Why did we choose to go to this place?" I annoyingly asked Jennie.

"We're all craving for Pancake House, and the nearest one is located here. Why?"

I looked around again. "I just...this is our hangout place."

"I'm sorry, Jisoo, but this is every MCL student's hangout place." Rosé looked at me with a sad expression.

"But if you want to go someplace else, it's fine. We can go there instead." Lisa said.

I sighed. "Nah, I'm fine. I'll be fine. I think this is a good idea." I paused." Yeah, it is! I shouldn't stay away from places that remind me of him so that I'll be able to forget him faster."

They looked at me worriedly. "Girls, don't worry about me! Let's go, I'm hungry. I haven't eaten since last night."

Once we entered Pancake House, we were welcomed by Lisa's boyfriend. He led us to our table that he saved and looked at me worriedly. "I know you're all worried about me, but I'm really fine. Honestly, you guys acting like I'm a fragile person makes it harder for me to move on from last night."

They all nodded. Lisa's boyfriend looked at the menu and said. "Yeah, okay. Sorry. So umm what do you guys wanna eat?" I still don't know his name, I didn't make an effort to know since I'm sure after a week, Lisa will break up with him and date a new guy that will entertain her.

While we're eating, my friends tried their best to distract me from my thoughts. "Chanyeol is invited to perform at our Paskuhan this December, and guess who's going to have a duet with him? Bom!" Rosé rolled her eyes. "I'm sure she only did that to annoy me!"

"Then tell her that you want to do it instead, you're the school's VP after all." I smiled at her. Rosé has been Chanyeol's fangirl since she saw him perform at MCL's Sophomore night. Her big sister, Bom, knows this. Although she supports her baby sister's fangirl life, she also enjoys annoying the hell out of her.

"No! I can't. You know me and performing in front of thousands of people. As much as I enjoy singing, I hate people looking at me."

"Well, you got to fix your shy attitude as soon as you can before it's too late. Chanyeol is already getting more popular as days go by ever since he joined SM Entertainment. While he's not yet out of your reach, talk to him already." Jennie said while smirking.

"But...it's hard!" Rosé pouted.

Even before I could say something to tease her, someone called me from behind. When I looked back, I instantly regretted going here.

She came closer to me while devilishly smiling. "Jisoo, darling, how are you?"

I just look at her dumbfounded. I can handle seeing her, I know I can. What I can't seem to fathom is seeing her with him.

"Jisoo." He said while looking at me with a blank face. I felt the tears running down my face. I can't believe this, did I hurt him that much to do this a day after we broke up?

Jennie held my arm. "Let's go."

I smiled at her. "Wait." I wiped my tears and took out the promise ring he gave me.

I walked towards him and held his hand. I put the ring on his palm and genuinely smiled, "Goodbye, Eunwoo. I hope we never meet again."