
Deeper: Far from surface

"She was like a perfect paradise, tearing at its seam." To everyone, Chimdi Gentry lived the perfect life with her Celebrity mom, godmother and her modeling career. When behind the fame, glitz and glamour was a girl actually between the devil and the deep blue sea. Coming to Nigeria, TJ Kodiri anticipated nothing but an uncivilized country and trouble. What he didn't anticipate was, finding himself beguiled by the one girl, whose lifeless eyes served as a placebo to hide the real sad truth inside her. One boy One girl Scars... Secrets...and the quest for salvation. They can only sink deeper into the bitter brunts of reality.

Rayne_black_110229 · Urban
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15 Chs


We got our champagne


In an endless drought...


The class was still in an uproar, as the students tried to out shout each other in nominating a candidate to run for Class captainship.

With the stressed out Corp, trying to bring back sanity to the once peaceful class, an amused TJ watched the whole scene unfold. He hadn't stayed up to an hour, but was already entertained in his new class.

Back in the states, things were done in an orderly manner but was quite boring.

Here was a mess, a pretty mess.

"Why the creepy smile?" TJ felt someone join him, cutting him off his reverie.

Looking up, he found Jiki on his table which was shocking enough, but an amused one was a little unsettling. The boy had never offered him a neutral facial expression but there he was, smiling like they were long time buddies.

"I'm not smiling."

"Whatever. You've not said anything since you entered. I am beginning to think you are a serial killer." The fairer boy said with a careless ease.

TJ decided to play along a little.

"Depends on how many numbers it takes to make one a serial killer." He retorted, eyes glinting with mischief.

The reaction he got from the tall boy was enough to make his whole week.

"You mean...Do you?" Jiki whispered, swallowing hard.

TJ cracked up in fit of laughter. He succeeded in unnerving the poor boy.

Jiki seemed to catch on with the joke before calming down.

"For your mind, I'm impressed shaa. I'm being nice because Elo asked me to be." Relaxing more on his seat, Jiki propped his hand on his table. "How is Pacesetters so far?"

"Fun and crazy. That guy will have a cardiac soon." TJ pointed at the stressed out teacher, trying to attend to every student.

"You mean your teacher?" Jiki asked, a brow up.

"He's young. No biggie there." He defended.

Jiki chuckled before raising his hand in mock surrender.

" It's the no biggie for me. Anyway, Why are you not joining them."

"I don't know anybody to nominate. And this whole cinematography shit is like cotton candy to me." TJ bragged.

The fairer boy examined him amused that he wasn't that snubby and arrogant, like he assumed earlier. "Cinematography shit seriously?"

TJ laughed. While they settled in comfortable silence. He had a feeling they could work out an easy friendship.

"For real? You've done cinematography before?" Jiki's interest was piqued.

The fairer boy's bewildered voice drew the attention of those sitting nearby. TJ rolled his eyes real hard, it wasn't such a big deal. Who doesn't know about cinematography in high school?

He stared at the fair boy sitting opposite, a brow slightly raised up, signaling him to speak up.

TJ bit his lips in amusement before nodding.

"We offer cinematography in sophomore but most schools offer them in senior year. It's like a necessary, you guys don't offer the course at all?"

No response...

He looked up to find Jiki staring at him, not in a bad way, he was awestruck.


"Your accent its so cool it's hard to hate you." Jiki deadpanned before shifting his seat closer.

TJ just stared. Shocked at the revelation.

If his new roommate was struggling to hate him, then he did have a chance on making his plans a futile mission.

"Oya, don't get too ahead of yourself. A little accent isn't something spectacular." Jiki continued. "Tell me about New York, I've heard it's so much like our Eko, truth?"

"Sheikh! Sheikh!! Jikiiii!" Cut short their little bromance. Shocked, the duo turned to see the whole class staring at them.

"Who is Jiki Sheikh?" Corp Morris asked. He looked like he'd pass out soon.

"The fair one sir." Chimdi shouted from her seat, same time Jiki raised his hand.

"Finally, the last nominee." He sort out his seat, perspiration lurking his temple.

"Come on, make way, let them come to the front. Now can we all settle down?" For once there was little calm.

Students still spoke, but in hushed tones.

Jiki was still trying to piece things together, before he caught sight of Chimdi smirking evilly.

The little devil!


The sound of fizzing carbonated drink, a loud gulp and unnecessarily, a loud thud was enough to rile Nene up.

Elo sat at the opposite of the round table, his eyes has been fixed on his cellphone but with attention divided enough to observe what was going on. He looked up and watched Nene get ready to call out his twin.

"Babe what's wrong with you!" The darker girl growled. Abike picked crumbs off her doughnut, whilst circling the plate which housed it.

"When will they come nah, it's break time already. Are we not revising old term's works? Teachers shaa!" Whined Abike.

Nene blinked in confusion. "Since when did you care about Jiki and Chimdi?"

That got Elo's undivided attention.

He knew why his sister decided to grace them with her presence.

"Who says I'm here to see their faces? I'm waiting for TJ." she rolled her eyes, her finger still circling her plate of doughnut, before her eyes lit up.

Chimdi, Jiki, TJ and Lara joined the table.

Chimdi and Jiki were actually the only art students, before TJ came in.

Lara was business inclined thus, in Commercial class while Elo, Nene and Abike were science inclined.

Chimdi dragged Jiki, while he tried his best to pry the girl's hand off him. TJ followed suite, laughing. While Lara rolled her eyes before settling on a seat near Elo.

"Oshey class captain!" Chimdi hailed, causing the tall boy to growl before settling down.

"Rephrase will you?" Elo dropped his phone moving closer, every attention focused on Jiki.

"He's now class captain and loving it." Chimdi anything but taunted, going for Jiki's cheeks.

"And so? What's the big deal with being class captain. They're like appointed slaves." Abike threw in before focusing on TJ.

Elo kicked her below the table.

"What the fuck Elo!" Abike screamed, while glaring at her brother. "If you get my socks stained, you're taking it with you to your hostel!"

Lara slammed her novel on the desk, glaring at the twins. "Jeez, will you two stop bickering like infants!"

"Why don't you mind your business slow poke!" Abike snapped back.

"What did you just call her?" Nene asked, brewing a fight.

"Why don't you-"

"Guys c'mon, Abeg. I'm not ready for Dr Addy's office this term." Lara pleaded, before sticking her nose back to her novel.

Meanwhile, Jiki all but tried hard to keep his face stoic, focusing on straightening rumpled naira notes for snacks, before giving in to Chimdi's prodding and cracking a smile.

"I hate you." He swatted her hands off.

"I know you love me." She cooed, getting up.

The rest just stared, shaking their heads. No one took their matter seriously.

But Elo wasn't one to give up.

"Jiki and Responsibility? Guy who send you? "

"Trust me, I had no hand in whatever happened inside class." Jiki defended growling at Chimdi, who directed her attention on stealing plantain chips off Nene's plate. "Maybe you should ask Dee for detailed explanation."

"Put your hands here again and I'll stab your fingers!" Nene threatened, as she put the plate out of Chimdi's reach.

Chimdi laughed, licking crumbs off her fingers. "Ahh babes, it's just plantain chips oo."

"Where do I get these?" TJ asked, referring to Elo and Nene's snacks after a while, his accent making Abike drool once more.

"Canteen. Come let me show you." Abike said dragging him up.

Everyone stared in shock. Abike wasn't the type to help, not anyone.

"What? He doesn't know the way." she said defensively, when she noticed eyes on her.

The whole thing clicked to Chimdi,who was oblivious of what was going on. Abike was trying so hard, but it seemed to be in vain.

At least it was refreshing to see her so determined on something other than hating her. She thought with a sigh.

"Never mind Aby, we are going to the same place, he will come with us." Jiki said softly as he got up, motioning to the exit. While Chimdi, Lara and TJ trailed behind.

Leaving everyone at the table to exchange curious glances and an annoyed Abike.

TJ's presence drew attention to their direction, especially from the females. There was no doubt the news about his arrival hadn't spread around the whole school. A new attractive student at the beginning of a term was sure news for eager ears.

"Did y'all see? Abike is now poster girl for 'change begins with me' " Lara asked amused.

"Ha!" Chimdi snotted. "Pigs will fly. She has an ulterior motive. Trust me."

Lara and Jiki began to laugh at Chimdi's words. "Humans will shock you Dee." Jiki whispered.

"Abike's moves are a little too predictable to shock me." She whispered back.

"Alright," Jiki called, stretching his cramping muscles when they reached the tuckshop. "I'll go check what cooperative has, I'm not in the mood for greasy foods. Dee you coming?"

The skinny girl shook her head. "Nope. I'm craving moi moi so bad. I'll see you inside."

"Sure." Jiki turned to Lara who was scrunching her nose in disgust. "You staying too Larabear?"

Sighing dramatically, Lara shook her head while clutching her novel close. "Here looks like a malaria groove with all these greasy junks." She shuddered in mock horror. "Have fun contacting malaria Dee."

Laughing, Chimdi flipped her the bird. "Go to hell Lara!"

With that said, Jiki and Lara left the two behind.

"Malaria groove seriously?" TJ asked, still smiling as they joined the queue.

Chimdi laughed. "Don't mind Lara. She's kinda conscious of what she eats because of acne."

"Yeah, acne. Every teenager's greatest enemy."

"I know right, tell me about it."

The two laughed.

Chimdi settled for the afore asked question.

"You're really from the states?"

"Yeah, NYC." He nodded.

"How's Nigeria so far? Anything caught your fancy?" She asked, moving forward as a student finished purchasing.

"Alot, actually." He answered. "It's actually hard to settle for anything yet."

"That's Nigeria for you, this is the only place where you run out options when it comes to interesting things." She concurred. "Welcome to Nigeria by the way."

He gave a mock bow. "Well, thank you."

A group comprised of girls passed them, making the jiggle of their waists obvious, while some eagerly waved at Chimdi.

Chimdi rolled her eyes.

She laughed, "Another interesting fact. You're like a local celebrity now. For a while shaa." She said motioning towards them. "It's a once in a while opportunity here at Pacesetters."

"You too." He said, noticing the students who were staring at her with awe. "Your presence has gathered quite a crowd. You scared I'll snatch your fan's away?" He intended for it to be a joke, but the frown her smiles morphed into, passed a different message.

Recognition flashed in his memory.

Wait a minute, he thought.

She looked like the girl at the bridge.

"Not everyone is shallow and an attention seeking whore!" She snapped in rage, Ieaving him there to wonder where he went wrong.



Ma hear - Cant be true

No dey feel yourself. - Don't feel proud

Oshey - an act of hailing ( either honest or sarcastic one).