

After while of unpacking and settling in we decide to go out to a local pub for dinner. I throw on some high rise denim jeans, a pair of black leather boots and a bluish gray velvet crop top. I throw on my silver necklace that had my stone on it and put my hair up into a bun with a braid in it. I grab my leather jacket and put it on before rushing downstairs and to the front door. "Auhea au! You scared me Adira!" Hama says as she walks into the room. "Where's Mila and Nahla?" I ask opening the door and walking out. "They are in the cove. They said they would meet us there. They aren't used to being without their tails for this long." I nod. I went through a training the king put me in specifically for missions on land. I had to make sure I could use my legs well and such as well as spend time without my tail. We hop into Hama's car and speed of towards the pub. We make it there in about 10 minutes. I jump out of the car to be meet by Mila and Nahla standing outside. Mila is in a yellow sun dress with purple flowers on it, brown gladiator style sandals and a brown leather jacket and her necklace on. Nahla is wearing a black skater skirt and red flowy top with some black heels and her necklace of course.

"Vocês levaram para sempre!" Mila says speaking her native language of Portuguese. Her Family is from the amazon river in Brazil. She has a lot of experience with sharks and such so we would be fine if one came up. She runs into the pub she picked and I realize it was sushi. Yum! We get a small table and order some rolls and tempura and drinks before we see a mermaid we recognize. "Sedna! Over here!" We say towards another Brazilian mermaid. She runs over and sits down greeting us all. "OMG! I didn't know you guys where in town! Wait Why are you guys here? Are you guys on a mission from the king!? That means you guys will come to highschool with Hama and I! Is it to get the necklace!? Who do you guys think the rightful heir is!? I bet you it's Adira, she is a natural born leader! She-" "Sedna! Calm down!" I yell at her standing up. She stops and sits down. "Your eyes are glowing blue Adira. Calm down, maika'i." Hama says. I look around to see people giving me weird looks and some ugly glares. I huff and sit down on the itchy leather seats. "Aloha, what can I get you all?" The waitress says coming up to our table. "I want one order of california rolls, tempura shrimp and a sprite please." I say handing her the menu. She nods and takes the other girls orders.

After a while of sitting and talking our food arrive and we ate it all. We pay for our food and go outside into the fresh night air. I smile and spin around walking backwards as I talk to the girls. "You know, I bet I could beat all the girls on the swim team at the school." I say walking backwards checking backwards every now and then. "You should totally sign up! It is really fun and I would love you to beat Eva! She is the best girl on the team." Sedna says jumping up and down, her jet black hair bounces up and down ever so slightly. Her black skater skirt jumps slightly as well as her orange flowy top. I smile at the beautiful dark skinned girl before I feel my back hit something hard. I start to fall over before I feel arms catch me. I feel heated tingles come up my arm from the hand holding it almost like little electrical currents. "Are you okay?" The man says standing me up. I look into his deep ocean blue eyes as they look at me with concern and worry. I gulp before speaking, "I-I'm fine. Just misstepped. That's all." I say brushing off my legs. I look at the man with curious eyes waiting for his response. "That's good. I'm Noah and these are my friends Elijah and Matthew. What's your name beautiful?" He says while his other two friends behind him wave at me. "Adira, Adira Nicchi. These are my friends Sedna, Mila, Nahla and Hama. Mila, Nahla and I just moved here from the California coast." I say at the golden haired man. He had a nicely chiseled chin. He nods and looks at my friends and smiles at them. "My friends and I were going out for ice cream and meeting our other two friends, Daryl and Mason there. Would you girls like to join us?" I look to my friends as the nod vigorously. "Sure!" I say. What harm could ice cream be?