
Mutt's And Hickeys

Adira's POV

I walk into the art class and see Mila and Matthew sitting at a table with two empty chairs on the other side. "Noah! Dude! Over here!" I hear Matthew yell at him. Him and I walk over there and sit down waiting to the teacher. The teacher tells us that we are watercolor painting today and that the watercolors are in the back. I stand up and go towards the back table to grab some watercolors. "Hey, you are that hot new girl right?" I hear coming from behind me. I turn around to see a muddy brown hair boy with hazel eyes. "Yeah. Wait I mean no. Well kinda?" He nods and come up and grabs me by my waist. "Wanna grab dinner sometime?" He says. It feels wrong. His hands feel gross on me. "Uh. No thank you. I have a boyfriend." I say and try to get out of his hands but he pushes harder on me. "No you don't… You just fucking moved here. Are you lying to me mutt? You should be grateful I even took a liking to you!" He says. I laugh and decide to have some fun with the wolf. I could easily tell he was a wolf when he said mutt as well as how his eyes go black when he is angry.

I put my hand out and focus on the wolf. He seems confused until I touch his chest lightly and he is propelled back into the air and thrown across the classroom. "I said I had a boyfriend!" I say as he tries to regain his balance. Mila rushes up to me and whispers to me, "We have to keep our powers a secret! Remember? Now the boys will know something's up with you.." I look to Mila as she gives me words of wisdom. I look around and see people staring at me. I grab my bag and rush out of the class. I run outside and towards a small forest I see. I see a lake in the forest and jump into it. I feel the relief of having my tail and swim around slightly. "Adira? Are you out here?" I hear Noah say. I immediately swim the other way after hearing him get into the water. "Uh, yeah! One minute!" I say to him. I look at my necklace and see the golden sparkles emit from it and surround my tail. They quickly turn into legs and I have on a cute bikini with a small skirt on the bottoms. I swim up to the surface and see Noah looking around with no shirt on. I swim over to him and tap on his shoulder and he turns around immediately. I smile at him embarrassed as he looks me up and down. His eyes glow a bright yellow almost like a golden whiskey color, as he looks at me. He suddenly picks me up and kisses me. My body turns into a warm mush and I am getting hot all over. He licks the bottom of my lips asking me for permission. I open my mouth and our tongues dance together for dominance which he wins. His kisses trail down my neck and I feel little zinges of energy coming from me into him. His head come up from my neck and he rests his forehead against mine for the second time today. "What are you?" I ask him calmly looking into his ocean blue orbs. "I am half incubus and half werewolf. My mom is a succubus and my dad is a werewolf. Matthew, Elijah, Daryl and Mason are hybrids as well." I stare in shock. "Werewolves? Incubi? What the fuck is this? I knew werewolves existed but Incubi?" I say. He chuckles and look at me. "You know what incubi are right?" I nod slowly. Incubi were demons of sex and lust. They feed on the sexual energy throughout all beings. "That's good. I thought you didn't know for a second." He says laughing slightly. He starts stepping out of the water and I try and follow him but fail and almost fall over. He grabs me and picks me up bridal style. "I must have taken quite a bit of energy. Sorry." He says flustered and embarrassed.

"Do you have a mate?" I ask smally. He looks at me with confusion before setting me down so I was standing up. "I do. And she is the most beautiful person I have ever met. She is standing right in front of me as well where I can see all of her beauty." He says. I nod before hearing the last bit of his sentence. I was his mate. Mate. That one word scared me. I was a mermaid though! I couldn't his mate. Maybe he is just confused. I hope that is the answer. "Really?" I say, my voice sounding almost childlike. "Really." He says. He looks into my eyes and licks his lips and bends down to kiss me. I kiss him back and can tell that that kiss held all of the dirty and loving things he wanted to do to me. I caress his cheek. "We should go back to school." I say to him. He nods and puts on his shirt while I grab a long dark blue and multi color sundress I had in my bag. I put on my sandals and grab Noah's hand feeling the enchanting little sparks I get from touching him as we start our journey back to hell. I mean school.