
Ice Cream

We walk towards the ice cream parlor as I talk with Noah. I notice Mila getting very close with a deep blue eyed boy with black curly hair who I remembered name was Matthew. Nahla was talking with Elijah who had dark brown hair and darker brown eyes with tan ish skin. All of the boys were obviously extremely fit and well built as well as extremely handsome in there own ways. Noah was the most with his beautiful bright blue orbs that reminded me of a Caribbean cove I swam in once. "So, Adira what school are you going to?" "Oh, I am going to Haleakala High!" I say with some enthusiasm. I was honestly excited since most schools for mermaids were underwater. We had usual subjects like English and Math but then we had magic class and such. "That's cool. All of us go there. It will be way more fun now that we have such a hot girl going there!" Noah says smirking slightly. I laugh as I feel my cheeks going pink. "Two! Have you seen Mila's smile!?" I hear Matthew yell as he pulls Mila against his chest by her waist.

"Three! How dare they forget my Nahla!" Elijah screams at the top of his lungs. We all look to each other before we laugh and continue to walk. We reach the ice cream parlor Noah sees his other friends, Daryl and Mason. I see Daryl look towards Sedna in away of confusion and almost lust. She smirks and runs over to him jumping on him and kissing him. "Are they dating?" I ask Noah as I see them hug before coming to join us. "Yeah, and Mason an Hama are dating as well." I look to them to see them making out in a corner. "What would you like beautiful?" Noah asks me as we reach the ice cream. "Hmmm… May I please get a waffle cone of Mint Chocolate Chip please?" I say to Noah as he nods. "I was going to get the same actually." He says as he orders our ice cream. The rest of the group orders there's and Noah gets out his credit card as I start reaching for mine. "No, let me pay. It's the least I could do since you invited me." I say trying to hand my card to the waitress. "I invited you. I should be paying. It's saying thank you for accepting my invitation." He says as he takes my credit card and hands the lady his card and gives me back more offering me a small smile as he does so. I glare at him and take my ice cream. "So, what is your favorite ice cream flavor?" Noah says taking a seat next me. "I went to Baskin Robbins once in LA and they had this ice cream that was literally the most amazing thing in the world. It was Cotton Candy I have loved it ever since!" Noah nods at my decision while eating his ice cream. We talk throughout the rest of the night and then we finally leave the ice cream parlor. "Hey wait! We didn't get your guys number!" We put it in their phones and said goodnight for the day.

We were back at the house and I think Mila was having a heart attack, I was blushing profusely, and Nahla was burying her head into the pillows. "What happened with you?" I ask Mila as she starts rushing down stairs. "I'm fine I'm fine im totally not dying this is totally not a dream god dammit I need to take a swimIcan'tbelievethisishappeningnowaynowayinhellcouldthisbehappeninggoddammitalready?I'monlyinhighschoolIcan'tfallinlovethisearlynononono.." Mila starts rambling and jumps into the water to cool herself off. "I think she hit it off with Matthew VERY well." Hama says rolling her eyes with a smirk. "I THINK I'M DYINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!" Mila yells from the ocean. We look at eachother and laugh before going upstairs and heading towards are bedrooms. I stay up most of the night on Netflix watching Mako Mermaids and laughing at what humans think we are. Around 1 am I hear Mila walking upstairs and I look up to see her standing in my room with a bag of chips and a bottle of sprite. "Big Mouth Marathon?" I nod and say "Fuck yeah." I fell asleep when we were on the fourth episode.

Mila's POV

I've had an exhausting day today, I met a hot guy and we ate ice cream together. It was getting light outside and I got a notification. "God fucking dammit alarm I don't think i set you this fucking early-" It was a text from Matthew. "Holyfuckingshit." I run down to the basement and start texting him.

Adira's POV

I wake up, Nahla, Sedna, and Hama all sleeping soundly. Never mind the soundly part I think some of them were snoring. I got a notification on my phone? Holy crap its Noah. I instantly respond, "Hey, are you awake?" I'm confused as to why he's up at 6 in the morning. "Yeah, why are you up so early?" He answers quickly after my question, "Did you forget? It's your first day of school!" Oh shit. I go around shaking and shoving the girls up, I have no idea where Mila went. "WAKE UP WAKE UP!! IT'S OUR FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!" Nahla wakes up and Sedna and Hama just seem to ignore me. "Not for us we've been here, it's the middle of the damn year." Nahla gets up and starts to get ready. "Okay fine. Stay here, be late, guess other girls will start to flirt with your boyfriends.." They immediately get up and start to get ready. I knew that would work. "Hey Mila! Where are you?" I hear a motorcycle revving from the driveway. "See you guys at school!" She drives away with her backpack and lunch. I look to the counter and see that there's a lunchbox with each of our names on it. I check inside to find chips, water, and cookies. Fuck yeah. But she's never up so early.. I wonder what keeps her so motivated right now?