

"Girls! Thank you all for coming on such short notice! We are very excited to host you all! As for the reason you all are coming, tomorrow morning we will have tea with the Princess and Prince to discuss everything. Please follow My Royal Advisor, Douglass to your rooms." He says nodding towards the man with dark brown eyes and black hair. His tail was a darker orange color with silver flakes in it like all males had. He nods to us to follow him as he swims towards a corridor leading to one of the towers. My dad work on this palace went I was just a little squirt and I saw him working on the blue prints. He was head architect to the royal family so I know my way in an out of the castle. I was good friends with his daughter Ezili, but we never usually say each other since that. I knew she had some magic but that was it.

We reached our rooms in the east wing of the tower that was reserved for Princess Ezili's magic training. It had quite a few bedrooms and a library as well as fully stocked magic breweries and spell books. We are lead to our rooms. All next to each other but sorta separate. I open the knob and am meet by beautiful white and blue room. It is beachy and that's for sure with seashells of plenty as well as some seaberry lip scrub on a beautiful driftwood vanity on the side of the room. I push one of the door open to see a closet with a bottle of Bellenise Witch's Brew which is what keeps our clothes dry under water. I put my bag down and grab my comb and brush my hair out before putting a starfish in it. Mermaids do eat fish, yes I know, but it is like if humans eat cows or pigs. Some people can talk to them and such but still we eat them. Anyways I quickly grab a gold seashell bra I got for my birthday again and through it on. I put on a little bit of Coral Lipstick which i had packed before heading out the door to explore a bit. I swim over towards the potions lab and open the door. It was a disaster. I see Nahla on the floor trying to catch Seafrogs little ocean frogs used for there special healing abilities. I look around and see the Princess trying to catch them as well but they are all over.

"A little help?" The princess said. I not a spin a small but powerful and watch it grab everything and place it back as well as all of the seafrogs and put them into jar. It then disintegrates into the ocean floor, leaving the lab cleaned. "Phew! Thank you Adira! Those seafrogs are quite tricky." She says laughing and wiping the back of her hand on her forehead to get off the sweat. Ezili swims over and gives me a big hug before returning to a potion she was making. She slowly takes out one Seafrog and plops him in a mortar and pestle and grinds him up before placing him in the cauldron. "Anyways, I just wanted to ask what time it was?" I ask Nahla "It's midnight! We should probably get going to sleep. See ya later Ezili!" She nods and waves us goodbye as we exit the door. We wish our good nights as I head to Mila's room to ask her if she has any seaweed extract to refill my sea butter for my tail. I knock on her door before busting it open to find her sleeping soundly on her pillow drooling. "How peaceful…" I say before grabbing a decorative pot off of the wall and banging it on the wall with a stick. She immediately jumps out of bed and her hands glow with purple energy balls that have golden sparks in them. "YOU BITCH!" She says as she starts firing them at me.

I dodge them all before shoving water towards her and such pushing her back against the wall. She smirks and throws a giant ball towards me that knocks me back on the ground. "Now what could you possibly want so much that you had to pry me from my love sleep so much?!" She says having golden sparks ementate around her body. She was an energy mermaid and once caused a blackout in my house from laughing so much. "Got any seaweed extract?" I say standing up and rubbing my tail off from the sand. She nods and goes into the closet. I see numerous things before thrown out before she comes out and hands me the bottle of the green liquid. "Can you leave now?" She says sassily going back to her bed and flopping on it. I go back to my bed and put the liquid on my dresser and plop on the bed and pass out.