
Chapter 13 - Eldoris

Adira's POV

I swim towards Eldoris after discovering that I was in fact the queen. I couldn't let Noah know that I could never see him again. That I would have to rule over the Mermaids. And with him not at my side I feel like my heart is breaking with every square inch of sea I swim through. I quickly make it to the current and instead of surfing I just sit in on of the seats on the side of it. After about 3 hours I make it to the Eldoris palace. I swim in an am greeted by the King and Queen who notice my ring and my crown and immediately bow to me. "Queen Adira. We are fortunate for you to have returned." The former King says. "Maury and Brooke please stand up. I don't want to be queen. I found my mate and he is a werewolf incubus hybrid and I love him very-" I am stopped as I feel someone slap me. I fall down on the sand and hold my cheek as I feel the tingeing of pain and tears start to build up in my eyes.

"Insolent Child. You will be queen of the Seven Seas and love your subjects because that is what you were made to do! And if you can't realize this then it's off to the dungeons with you until you do realize! TAKE HER AWAY GUARDS!" He says as guards starts to surround me. I feel hands grab me and I try to pull them off but I feel someone stick a needle in my back and suddenly everything goes dark. The last thing I see is Maury smirking and Brooke looking fearfully at her husband.

I wake up with a pounding in my head and my body is against the cold stone floor. I sit up slowly trying not to cause any more aches. I look around at the stone dungeon only to see a few plants growing and a big metal door. I sigh and crawl over to the wall and sit back against it. I groan at the pain I have but quickly quiet as I hear my cell door being opened. I am meet by the cruel eyes of King Maury. "Well well look who's awake? Are you ready to become queen now?" He says stooping down to my level. I nod slowly as he offers a hand to me smiling sickly sweetly. I take his hand and stand up as he put my crown on me with his other hand. "OPEN THE DOOR FOR YOUR NEW QUEEN AWAITS YOU!" Maury yells to the guards outside of the door. They immediately open the door and I hold my head up high and swim out as they stare at me in disbelief. I open the doors to the throne room to see two thrones sitting there with Prince Eric sitting on the King's throne lazily with a crown on his head.

"Now that you are queen my dear you will marry my lovely son, Eric, so we can continue the royal bloodline." He says into my ear as I start swimming towards my throne. I nod slowly and terrified at the man behind me. I sit on my seashell throne as Eric sits up and looks over to me. "I am so glad to see you my love. Now that you are with me you will never leave my side." He says taking my hand in his bigger ones. I just nod and smile still feeling utterly disgusted at him calling me that. I watch as a guard swims quickly into the elegant throne room. "MY LORDS! THE PALACE IS UNDER ATTACK BY BENDERS!" I hear the young man say. Eric mutters under his breath as I sigh hoping it was my friends coming to rescue me. "KILL THEM ALL! I DON'T WANT TO SEE A SINGLE BENDER LEFT!" Eric says standing up with his eyes glowing a teal color. "That's the problem my king. They kill every guard we send out there and they are demanding we give them our Queen otherwise they will kill you." "Well what about my father? I'm sure he-" "They killed your father I'm afraid. He was trying to kill them but they got him first." Eric frustratingly runs a hand through his dark brown hair. "GET ME MY BATTLE ATTIRE NOW!" He says to the guard who bows and swims off. He sits back down and quickly grabs me sitting me on his lap.

"I want you to stay here my love. I can't see you getting hurt Adira. I will kill these bender scum then we will rule over the Seven Seas as a happy and loving couple we are." He says as he kisses me cheek. I smile at him, playing along with the plan I have in my head. I kiss his cheek as the guard comes in with Eric's armor. Eric quickly gets up and sets me on his seat and starts putting on his armor. The guard hands him his trident which glows a dark green color like his tail. He puts on his silver helmet and the doors open and he swims out. The guard closes the door and I grab a knife from inside my bra and quickly swim over to the guard and slit his neck. My eyes glowing blue I swing open the doors and quickly swim outside to see Noah and Eric battling it out. Noah has a strong teal tail which matches his eyes. I see Matthew, Elijah, Nahla and Mila battling some guards and quickly killing them with their powers. I see Eric going for the kill on Noah but he quickly dodges him. Noah spins his trident which glows an aqua color and suddenly Eric is pushed up against the castle gate clinging on to his trident. I watch as Eric throws his trident which slices Noah's shoulder. He bends down in pain as it bleeds out. I feel a burning sensation on my shoulder which must be my connection with Noah. Eric picks up his trident and puts it over Noah's head.