
Chapter 11 - House Hell

Adira's POV

We drove back to Matthews house in silence with Thotiana blaring. I hear Mila and Matthew Singing loudly in the background. We pull up to the house and we all get out. "You guys wanna come in?" Matthew says. "Yea, sure!" Mila says as he opens the door. We walk in and are all hit with a stench. "Oh jesus christ. NOAH I SWEAR STOP JACKING OFF YOUR GIRLFRIEND'S HERE." Matthew yells as Noah walks in with no shirt and basketball shorts looking sweaty. "I was working out in the gym jackass." He laughs and says, "Well remember that one time where I caught you sayin-" Noah suddenly tackles Matthew stopping him from saying anything else. I see Elijah come in and go to the kitchen grabbing a slice of pizza off of the counter and eating it. "Sweet pizza." He says ignoring the extremely disgusting piles of dishes in the sink. He looks over to us and smiles and waves before looking at the boys on the floor play fighting.

"NOAH! DON'T KILL YOUR BEST FRIEND!" He says pulling them off each other. "Oh yeah Noah. We have UNFINISHED BUSINESS..." Mila pulls out a knife, "So, what are you going to say about the hickeys on Adira's neck? And her.. Tits." I look over at Mila before running over and jumping on her tackling her to the ground. "Well I'm sorry you were in the changing room. YOU HAD THEM ALL OVER YOU LIKE JESUS." "JUST WAIT TILL MATTHEW GETS AHOLD OF YOUR LIPS! YOU ARE GONNA LOOK TEN TIMES WORSE THAN ME!" I say getting off of her and going over to Noah. He wraps his arms around my waist pulling my back to his chest. "Hello, kitten." He says pulling me closer, "Follow me." He leads me to the back of the house. We walk up a set of staircases and into a dark gray and blue room. He closes the door and turns on the light. I look around the room to see a flatscreen with alot of movies below the case. "You have quite the collection of Horror Movies…" I say admiring his collection of all the Saw movies. "Yeah." He says going over to his radio and turning it on. I smile as Time In A Bottle comes on by Jim Croce. "I love this song…" I say.

"Would you care to dance?" Noah says suddenly standing in an expensive smart looking suit. I look down and I am in a beautiful floor length pale blue gown with white heels. It is strapless and very elegant. The room around us melts away revealing a very beautiful and regal ballroom with the song playing throughout the room. I smile at him and place my hand in his offering one. "I would love to." I say as he stands up and pulls me close to him placing his hand on my waist and extending the other one out. I place my smaller hand on his broad shoulder. He starts slowly doing the waltz with me to the beat of the song. I see his eyes glow a little bit blue as the roof melts away to see the beautiful night sky. The stars glisten as I look to see Noah staring at me. "What is it?" I ask as we slow our dance to a small speed. "I see the stars glistening in your eyes and I was noticing how absolutely breathtaking you looked in that dress." I feel a bright blush on my face. "Noah… there's something I need to tell you." I say with nervousness. "What my love?" He says as we start to stop dancing. "I'm a-" I sigh before continuing my sentence but Mila's words come into my head. "We have to keep our powers a secret! Remember? Now the boys will know something's up with you..". "I-I need to go." I say pulling away from Noah. I pick up my dress and run towards the balcony that faces over the ocean. "ADIRA! WAIT!" I look at him running towards me and look back at the ocean before diving into the water. I feel my legs turn into my tail and I look back up at Noah on the balcony. He walks away before running and jumping into the water. I look at the ocean and see huge waves coming towards the shore.

"ADIRA!" I hear Noah yell from the sea. I look at the waves again before swimming quickly over to Noah. "Noah! You have to get to shore…" "NO! You have to come with me!" He says. "Noah, I can survive out here but you can't. Please just trust me." I say trying to pull him towards the shore as the humongous waves come even closer. I sigh knowing he won't budge. "How long can you hold your breath?" I ask giving up with him going back to shore. "Give or take 3 minutes." He says. I nod and see the waves coming towards us at an insane speed. I quickly pull him deep underwater as I watch the wave over head. I notice him staring at my tail in awe. I blow the water creating a bubble around Noah's head. "You can swim right?" I ask him. He nods slowly still looking at my tail. "Follow me. We are going back to my place." He nods again as I start swimming towards my house. I have to stop a few times as Noah is admiring coral and he put a sea flower in my hair but we reach our cave after about 30 minutes of swimming. We swim in the cave and arrive at the little pool. I JUmp out of the pool my tail turning back as I hit the air. I step onto the ground of the pool area and start going towards our cove. I look behind me to see Noah sitting in the pool looking at the water. "She's a mermaid. But how can I be mated to a mermaid? I need to figure this out." He says. "Hey Noah, follow me." I say to him breaking him from his thoughts. He looks to me before standing up and following me. "Sit here I will make you some Aratherium Tea." I say having him sit on a rock carved couch with pillows. He only nods and sits down quietly looking around. I go upstairs through the secret door in the bookshelf and go to the phone. I ring Mila before I hear her sing song voice. "Adira? Why are you calling me from upstairs?" She says confused I sigh and rub my temples. "Come home now please. And bring Matthew and Elijah and Nahla. Noah sorta found out about me…" I say sighing at the end. "WHAT?! I'M COMING NOW." I hear her say and hang up. I put the phone back onto the dialer and pull the book from the self revealing the entrance towards the cove. I go to start working on his tea awaiting the arrival of Mila.

Mila's POV

We were all standing there awkwardly, I honestly really don't want to know what's going on upstairs. "Are they watching a horror movies?" Elijah looks at me and sighs, "They are.." We all look down.. damn they didn't include us. "Okay, what is this smell? I need to get rid of it." I look in the kitchen, "Oh jesus christ. Okay since you all made this mess, yall are going to help me." We start cleaning and turn on some music. We drown out the horror movie binge with our singing and dancing. Thank god. "We're done!" The kitchen is actually really pretty without all the trash. Oh wait, "Matthew?" He looks over, "Yeah?" I smile, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" His eyes light up. "YES!" We start grabbing flour, eggs, everything we need while the others are confused. "Let's do this." We start baking, it's really fun because we have random music playing and we're dancing while the others are talking and dancing with us, this is the best. We get the cake in the oven when a song comes on, Replay. "Aw, I love this song.. It's so sweet.." Our friends join in and we're all just dancing. "Do you guys have any games we can play?" Elijah just finished chugging a bottle of beer, "Well we got this bottle-" I stop him, my face is too hot for this, "How about.. No. Do you guys have any video games?" "We got just dance-" "LET'S DO THIS." We dance to the songs for a while, the oven dings, the cake is done! "I'll get it!" Me and Matthew both say, we get the oven handle and god the cake is gorgeous. We take the cake out and cut it. The frosting only adds to the touch of the glaze as it reflects the sun making it seem like it's radiating with goodness dripping down from the top. As we dig in it's beyond our containment, it's fluffy to the point where it's moist and wants to make you eat the entire thing! As we were all enjoying the cake, the phone rings. "Adira? Why are you calling me from upstairs?" I gasp. "WHAT?! I'M COMING NOW." I hang up. I turn to the boys, "Elijah. Matthew. Come with me, this is important." I rush outside with them and I jump into the ocean, "I swear Elijah you gotta trust me on this, Matthew already knows some stuff already." He shrugs and jumps into the water. My tail forms and I put bubbles around their heads to keep them breathing. They are admiring the coral reefs and all the animals while we swim to a little cave/house thing underwater and go inside. "We're here!! Sooo.. Noah found out.. Well, now what?" We look at each other before Noah speaks up, "When you say found out, does that mean someone else knew too?" I nod and nudge Matthew a bit. "Why didn't you tell me? This is about my girlfriend too!" I go in front of Matthew, "Hey. We told him not to tell. If you're going to blame someone do it on us not him." Matthew turns red, "W-Wait are you saying that she's my girlfriend?" I immediately turn red. "ABUSKHA I MEAN WHAT??" I turn and run upstairs, too awkward for me.