
Deeds of love

Catherine, a beautiful, young girl lives with her mum in an apartment downtown. She is uninterested in love and believes all men are bad. Things begin to take a new turn after she joins working with the Kingsley family to fill in for her ailing mum. There, she meets Sebastien one of the young but cold sons of the family who does not like to associate with people or care about their feelings. Find out through the exhilarating chapters why Catherine is uninterested in men and how she is able to change Sebastien, bringing out a sense of warmth in him. Also, how Sebastien changes her idea about men, stays by her side at her most difficult moment and brings out the happiness Catherine never thought lies in her.

Habibat_Olanike · Fantasie
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16 Chs

Chapter three

Catherine takes a final look at her self at the mirror and adjust her gown properly. Bianca has phoned a day before for the meeting in the house. She seems to be in dire need of a house help and couldn't disagree with Catherine filling in place of her mum.

 She wears her perfume, carries her bag and heads out, closing the door gently behind her. Her mum is asleep and thinks best not to disturb her with goodbyes.

She is suddenly taken aback by her neighbor's voice next door.

'Morning Kat' she calls out from the small kitchen window facing outside 

'Good morning Mrs Johnson,' she replies, 'how are the kids?'

'They are fine. What of your mum? Pls tell her the kids really love the cardigans she knitted for them. Sam didn't want to get them off after trying it on' she says smiling.

Catherine nods ' Thank goodness. I'm glad they love it,' she glances at her watch and sees It is almost nine. ' Have a a nice day' she bids and dashes to the road not waiting to hear her replies.

She halts a cab and enters.

 Minutes later, the cab stops in front of a beautiful duplex.

'Ashley street no 9 right?' The driver asks as Catherine brings out a paper with an address to confirm.

'Guess so' she replies

'Can't miss it. It's one of the finest building in the street' he smiles revealing his gap tooth.

Catherine comes out of the car and pays the fare then murmurs a 'thank you'. 

The car speeds off.

Catherine walks to the gate an press the alarm button. A short man in uniform appears from a small building close to the gate.

'Good morning,' Catherine greets, ' I'm here to see Mrs Kingsley. I have an appointment with her'

'Give me a sec' he replies in a thick voice and heads inside. He comes out not too long and opens the gate. 'Go and wait in the living room. She is joining you soon'

Catherine enters. She marvels inwardly at the magnificent house. 'It beautiful indeed' she thinks and careful walks inside the living room.

 She sits on the cushion glancing around the beautiful interior designs, further decorated with various picture frame of varying sizes. The room is painted white and the bright light at the center of the room radiates it more.

 She composes herself as she hears footsteps approaching.

'Catherine right?' a familiar voice calls out. It is same sweet voice Catherine had heard some few days ago.

Catherine stands and smile 'Yes' she replies. The woman appears to be in her early forties like her mum. But she looks youger, beautiful and agile. 'Maybe cause she has nothing to worry about and healthy of course ' she thinks

'I'm glad to meet you,' Bianca welcome gesturing her to seat back. 'How's your mum?' She asks taking her seat close to her.

'She's fine. She sends her regards'

' Same here.' she goes straight to the point, 'Actually it's not much of a work. At least not for today. You have to clean the the boys rooms upstairs first then after that just the normal work — cooking and cleaning up.

' The cooking should be in what quantity?' Catherine asks

'Oh yeah for now I'll be okay with little. My husband and sons are not here yet till next week.' She pauses and adds 'By the way you resume 9 and close 5 in the evening after making dinner.You have a room to your self to relax during your free time'

Catherine nods

'Hope you're okay with it?' Bianca asks

'Yes ma. I'm fine with it'

'Are you doing other work by the way aside from this?' Bianca asks further

Catherine shakes her head 'Not really. Just taking some online courses '

'How old are you?'


 Bianca smiles at her ' This is a bit of strength coming from you'. She stands, ' I guess we're done here. You can start with the cleaning.' She beckons to her 'Come, let me show you around'

A car honks outside. Bianca moves to the window blind to check the car. 'Oh!' suprsingly 'they are here,' she faces Catherine ' My husband and sons are here. I guess you need to be fast with the cleaning. But firstly go and assist them with the luggages ' she instructs

Catherine moves outside and waits till the car finally parks. She walks to the door.

A man in his fifties, clean beard with an average height steps out. 

Catherine recognises him as Mr Kingsley from one of the big frames in the living room she studied earlier.

'Home, sweet home' he gestures out

'Good morning Sir' Catherine greets

'Morning young lady ' he replies and walks inside. 

Catherine is about to get to the car boot but collides with someone and almost falls. She looks up and finds out it is one of the sons — the older one.


'Watch were you're going girl' the mean voice warns and head inside. 

Catherine is slightly annoyed by the words 'watch?', 'girl?' 'what's wrong with him. I'm the one that almost fell' she boils inside

'Are you the new maid? a voice ask cutting her thought. It is the other son. He looks better and nicer.

'oh yeah,' she smiles ' I'm Catherine ' 

' I'm Michael,' he replies 'sorry for that'


'My brother's behaviour,' he whispers ' he isn't in his best mood right now' he smiles and walks inside.

Catherine sighs and thinks aloud ' it's going to be a long day'