
Deeds of love

Catherine, a beautiful, young girl lives with her mum in an apartment downtown. She is uninterested in love and believes all men are bad. Things begin to take a new turn after she joins working with the Kingsley family to fill in for her ailing mum. There, she meets Sebastien one of the young but cold sons of the family who does not like to associate with people or care about their feelings. Find out through the exhilarating chapters why Catherine is uninterested in men and how she is able to change Sebastien, bringing out a sense of warmth in him. Also, how Sebastien changes her idea about men, stays by her side at her most difficult moment and brings out the happiness Catherine never thought lies in her.

Habibat_Olanike · Fantasie
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16 Chs

Chapter ten

Catherine walks in back to the hospital stepping aside for an emergency wheeling in a young man in oxygen tube with his wife panicking after them.

'Honey you'll be fine' she assures holding his hands, but the man seems unconscious.

 Catherine watches them hurrying toward the emergency room and imagines how it would have been if her mum was brought in by her dad rather than Mrs Johnson. 

 He would have been the one to call and inform her. Catherine realise at that point in time, she would have cried an hold tight to him , the moment she sees her mum admitted in the hospital. But she can't. She doesn't even knows how he looks like and do not want to, following the terrible things he did. He ran away and left her mum not even looking back for once, to see how she is faring. 

 He probably won't know she had her. She notices how her mum jumps to any bills or letter deliveres to the house everytime, hoping it will be from him, since the past years. She hates him more for that, making her mum pass through those loneliness and hidden pains, trying to raise her alone.

 So right now, she has to be strong for her. 

 Catherine walks up and sees the man already attending to. His wife panting and so uneasy, praying silently to herself, just like how she was some moments ago. 

'Mrs Johnson', she calls walking up to her, 'You should go now and let me stay with her. I won't longer be going to work. Thank you so much' she appreciates 

Mrs Johnson stands 'Ok then, I'll come see her tomorrow'. She answers and start to walk out.

'Mrs Johnson', Catherine calls again and Mrs Johnson turns back 'Thank you once again'

 Mrs Catherine smiles at her, 'It's my pleasure', she replies and walks out.

 Catherine sit and bends her head to herself in deep thought.


 Mrs Beth opens her eyes with a blurry vision at first but then gets clearer. She looks around and sees a tube passing liquid into her. 

 She realise she is at the hospital. She looks down and sees Catherine resting her head at the edge of the bed. 'Kat' she calls faintly.

Catherine raises her head. 'Mum', in surprise and moves close to her 'You're okay? or should I go call the doctor?' 

'I'm fine', she replies 'How did I get here?' 

'Mrs Johnson brought you when you collapsed' Catherine replies, 'but hope you're fine now?'

'I'm fine. You said I collapsed?' she asks unsure of what she heard 

'Yes' answers Catherine 

 She sighs and thinks back. She had wanted to get some water to take her drugs when she suddenly felt dizzy and lost control. she had heard her name later but couldn't answer.

She sighs again

Catherine looks worried 'Sure you're okay?'

'I'm fine' she replies weakly.

'Ok let me get the doctor', Catherine tells her and steps out.

She rests her head back in pains.