

It was 6:30am, I was slightly awake due to the stir and and faint noise that was coming from this beautiful lady. Suddenly she starts to sweat and I knew that she was having the nightmares again. She has been having for some time and it stopped but it's looks like she's have a difficult time now. I wish I could save her but it seems too late now. Everything is a lie, from genesis to now I have lied to her but what can I do? I want to prove my father wrong , prove to him that I'm worthy of being his son. I always wish that one day my father will just hug me say "well done son, I'm very proud of you " but it looks like my ambition got the best part of me and drag me into this mess. I tap her gently on the shoulder and hugging her, I whisper into her ears "is just a dream darling". She wakes up and hugs me like her life depends on it and the little gesture made my heart ache. She doesn't deserve all of this but my hands are already tied. I hug her back and leaves to do my daily routine and head for work.