
The Search


Ahh the nightmares just started again, it stopped for sometime now guess I have to suck it up . Thanks to Ian for waking me up it was really bad . I get out of the bed and head to the bathroom and do my business. Getting ready for the day I took my phone and call my only friend Annabel. Annabel and I have seen out worst times and faced it together by supporting each other. Annabel is like a sister I never had. Of course I had a sister once but that wretched asshole took her away not only her but he killed my parents. Dante Mason that's his name and I swear to God I hate that name more than anything that name disgust me. I have been staying lowkey just to prepare myself for the battle ahead cause I will destroy him with my bare hands.

"Hey Anna can you come over so we can search for colleges. God! I'm tired, yesterday I searched for some but I was not really into those that I found, can you come please...."

"Okay Halo I will be there in 20 minutes "

" Oh! that's why I love you Anna bye". Annabel came over I made us some breakfast and we started our search and finally we both settle on Alexander Ave nursing training and we were going to pursue midwifery. I'm just happy that I will be in the same school with my best friend.