

The best prestige is being the best offspring of a great dynasty. Some offspring are luckier than others, some are despised and others conceived for the sole purpose of being the best, but could those rejected become the best offspring and form a new dynasty? Betrayals, secrets and mysteries cover the life of young Mateo, banished from his family and abandoned to his fate due to his homosexuality. Destiny will lead him to meet Ezequiel, together they will discover the secrets and mysteries that surround their families. Ezequiel is strong and dominant and Mateo is eloquent, they will both have to live together. Mateo will have to survive Ezequiel's constant demands, jealousy and fetishes. Will they manage to become the best offspring or will their desires be stronger than power?

carly75 · LGBT+
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20 Chs

Chapter 11


Mateo leaves somewhat distressed, he was not aware of that uncle, it was assumed that his father was an only child or that's what they made others believe, if he is like his brother, we will be in trouble. Alexander must already know where his son is, but as long as he doesn't need him, everything will be fine. I lean back in my chair trying to think clearly, Andrés has a lost look, he surely knows something.

I take my phone and try to contact Margaret, she doesn't answer, surely she can't answer. Because she didn't tell me about this, it bothers me not to have control, I grip my phone tightly.

"Andrés, what do you know about the uncle?"

"I didn't know about him, I wanted to talk to you about that, but Mateo got ahead of me," he sighs. He is the best informant I have and my right-hand man.

"Although, a few years ago my buyers took me to the main mansion, that place is beautiful, they have the custom of presenting the children there," he falls silent, I know it's hard for him, but I need that information.

"Go on," I tell him.

"There were two men with a baby, but they couldn't present it. One took the baby and they went to argue," I stand up, motioning for him to sit on the sofa, that way he will be more comfortable and remember better.

"I went to spy a little and Mateo's grandfather said that he was not his grandson," he sits on the sofa.

"How long ago was that?" I sit in front of him.

"Let me remember... it was like 19 or 20 years ago," he says somewhat confused.

"I won't receive them at mom's house, I want the apartment to be ready in two days," this causes me a lot of stress, I take a sip of liquor. That family is very deceptive, I don't know what they're up to.

"Everything will be ready," he gets up, ready to leave.

"Andrés, you are free whenever you want, you don't have to stay."

"No, I am already free Ezequiel, I am happy," he says before leaving.

I adjust my hair and try to think, why would he have banished the uncle? Did he do something very wrong, did not do what they wanted, or is he a bastard son?

There is more, even though I have investigated this family for years, it never ceases to surprise me. The audacity, the betrayals, and the power are in their blood, regardless of whether it's one of their children, they will sacrifice them to be the best.

I got used to Mateo, more than my coworker, he is my property, although he confuses me and sometimes I just want to penetrate him so hard to hear him moan, just thinking about it turns me on. I don't want to lose him, I will do everything possible to have him by my side so that he is only mine and no one else's.

Louis comes in, he's a good friend, even though he fucks Andrés. He throws me some papers, I reluctantly take them.

"Here are the accounts, everything is going well," I review the papers, there are good numbers, although there is a small money leak.

"Did you notice?" He sits on the sofa, "I think I know where the leak is."

"We have to show him that nobody messes with my fortune," this is common, they think that small leaks won't be noticed due to large amounts, I'll have to get rid of him. "I'll get in touch with my ally and eliminate the problem as quickly as possible," I lean back on the sofa, still thinking about Mateo's uncle.

"You're tense," he uncorks the bottle and pours me a drink, I gulp it down in one go. "Relax today with Mateo," I look at him grudgingly, I'm not gay, although I do feel like having sex with one.

"Having sex with a man is the same as with a woman," I hear him laugh.

"Do you want to try it?" I don't answer, "it's tastier, you just have to use lubricant and dilate it well, make him enjoy it, although I don't think it's a good time for that if his uncle comes." Andrés already told him, although he is right, I better hold on for a while longer.

"I'm not gay, I'm just curious," I take another sip and look at Louis's incredulous face.

"Whatever you say," he takes a drink and goes to work, leaving me alone in my office.

Being the boss means maintaining order and being a good leader, however, even though you try to do everything fair, you always have to have allies in the low world , not everything is achieved by being a good person and doing the right thing. I grab my phone and send a message to get rid of the leak, get up and start working.

I hear a knock on the door, "come in."

Mateo enters very shy, "Ezequiel, I want to leave already," his cheeks look red, from tiredness.

"Okay, let's go home," I get up and we leave the office. Mateo is nervous, probably because of his family.

"Wait for me in the car," he obeys and leaves, lately he obeys me, I like that.

"Wait for me in the car," he obeys and leaves, lately he obeys me, I like that.

"Magui and Andrés?" I ask one of my employees.

"They're in Louis' office," she says very kindly, I like her big breasts.

"Thank you," I can't be distracted by her. I walk and there is almost no one, I look at my watch and it is almost 11, time passes quickly.

I open the door and when I enter, I see that Louis has Andrés' legs on his shoulders and penetrates him forcefully against the sofa. I hear Andrés moans, he is fucking him at work.

Louis turns around all agitated and looks at me, "I'm leaving," I get out of there quickly and go down to the parking lot. It's not the first time I've seen them fuck, it's uncomfortable, I had told them they couldn't do that in the office. The only one who can fuck at work is me, at whatever fucking time I want, that makes me think that I haven't fucked today.

I get into the car and Mateo is already asleep, I run my hand over his lips, they are soft and rosy. I start the car and drive home.

"Mateo," I try to wake him up, but he keeps sleeping, he has always had a heavy sleep, even when I pulled him out of bed the other time, he kept sleeping. I carry him like a princess and take him to the bedroom.

I place him carefully, he weighs nothing, I think I'm starting to feel things for him, but he's a man, I've always liked women. I run my hand over his chest, Mateo awakened something strange in me, I want to have sex with him, see how it feels to be inside him and bite him. I better leave those thoughts, my friend wants to wake up.

My phone starts ringing, is Louis, I answer.

"Have you finished having sex?" I say annoyed, that's not allowed at work.

"Yes, what did you want to talk to Andrés about?"

"Is my apartment ready?" Mateo wakes up drowsily.

"Yes," I get up and go to the bathroom.

"I don't want to see you guys having sex at work again, okay? Andrés is like a brother, would you like me to fuck your sister and for you to see me?" I tell him angrily in a threatening manner.

"Ezequiel, you already slept with my sister, my cousins and my aunt too, the only thing missing is my mother."

"It's not my fault, they looked for me, you know I'm weak."

"But, is it serious, with my aunt? You don't miss an opportunity."

"See you tomorrow," I hang up. It's not my fault, her aunt was better off than her sister and cousins. I leave the bathroom, Mateo is sitting on the bed.

"How old is your cousin?" I ask with crossed arms.

"19 years," that was the answer I wanted, so the rejected baby from years ago is his cousin. What other secrets will they hide?