
Death... and me

Read the first chapter. Maybe you will like it. ;)

Suiyan · Fantasie
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3070 Chs

How the Hell?

Back at the Formations Guild, Qia's expression completely changed when she heard that.

'Boy, we might be inside the Formations Guild Territory, but it doesn't mean you can just talk about anything. First of all, how did you find that about?'

Rean then explained.

'I believe you probably looked into me already, right? I'm a Light Element user. Light Element just so happens to be very good for these kinds of situations. That time when we did a handshake, I noticed the scar through your life force. Don't worry, I didn't use my Spiritual Sense to check your body.'

Qia's expression relaxed a bit after hearing that. Indeed, she did look into Rean. In fact, she did not only check on him but everyone who could be a difficult opponent in the next Formations Guild Exam.

'Hmph! Of course, you didn't. Any female cultivator with enough resources would have clothes that can protect against it. That's why I asked you how you found out.'