

A seed of darkness that will never bloom. Death the guardian of death and life. The prince of all guardians. The most powerful guy but also very cold. Who will be able to stand against him? He is Death, he was born to be feared.

Nonjabulo · Fantasie
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28 Chs

Chapter 3

Since it was planned that only a few would know about our location and the hotel's whereabouts, as we did not want people following us and sabotaging our mission, we had guards surrounding the whole hotel. We did not want our plans ruined by anything. The hotel was a luxury, making us feel less afraid of what awaited us.

The walls were made of shiny marble and the furniture of dark brown wood and the settees of velvet. It was comfortable and had everything we needed. We were after all the guardians and would be given the best. I could have enjoyed it surely if I wasn't on a killing mission. We all settled into our rooms and left to rest and have our things sorted out.

It was finally night time when I gave myself time to carefully go through the pictures I had taken the other day in the abandoned house in the forest. While looking at them I remembered the notebook I had stashed in one of bags.

"It might be a long night." I settled back in my bed with the notebook making sure I had a book and pen next to me in case there was something important I had to take note of.

"I am a member of the numbers." I started reading. "I was given the job to learn as much as I can about the guardians. I was told to make a research project on their weaknesses and what fuels each guardian to become stronger. How high they can get and how low they can be. For the past years I've been researching, trying to find the right answer. I knew it wasn't going to be an easy job and it wasn't going to be one I did in a short time. I have to have patience and be observant even for the little things. Before the numbers was formed into a big group like it is now, the few who were already members conducted a search on who were eligible to be part of the society. They didn't want to see it disappear into non-existence and for that, I am grateful to them, for I have a family and I have a home. We were all scattered around the world, it took them a while to find all of us and take us in. Once they had found us we had to perform the sacred ritual to show that we are one. It was after that day that everything changed for me, for us, for everyone. We were on the path to.... "

I stopped reading because the page was torn. I places the notebook by the side table and tried searching my memory for a group called the numbers. I hadn't had of them or any society that reminded me of them. I didn't even know what they were about but the idea of them spying on us and targeting us was enough to show me that they were going to be a problem, and how they had been doing this for years without getting caught. They were clearly not just an ordinary group.

Interrupting my thoughts, the phone rang. "Hello"

"It's unlike you Death to want my attention so much. I found seven missed calls and I thought something might have gone horribly wrong. But here you are sounding perfectly fine so what's wrong son? Is something troubling you?"

Took him long enough to get back to me. "There is nothing much really. Everything is good this side. I just wanted to ask what were you and Cloud talking about the other day?"

"Are you still worried about that? I should have figured, you never want to let things go." He sighs and I can almost feel his smile through the phone.

"I told you it's personal. Cloud wouldn't want anyone else to know." He said quietly. "And I promised I was going to tell no one. I am a man of my word Death."

I can't help rolling my eyes. So predictable. I was trying my luck hoping he would talk.

"I'm really surprised though, it's not like you to be so worried about my affairs. Or maybe it's not me you're worried about. It could be a certain girl." He laughs loudly and all I can do is regret calling him.

"Yeah well besides that, I've read the notebook." I changed the topic.

"What did it say?" Without a hint of laughter he asks me.

I tell him about what I had already read and the picture I had taken. We ended up concluding that he was going to select a few people to find out about a group called the numbers and also go to the abandoned house and see if they could find more information. After our long call and new plans, I decided to call it a night hoping to wake up the next day and be productive.

The next morning, I was up in time to have breakfast with everyone and make brief preparations for the day. After breakfast, we decided we were going to pay the leader of the West a visit. There was so much to do and so little time. We needed all the information and help we could get.

"Wow, I can't wait to meet the leader." Water said looking around for the hundredth time.

"Hey,why are you two walking so close together?" Sun asked frowning, looking at me and Water.

"And why are you in our business?" I answers back.

"Sorry, I'll back away."Water said taking a few step backs. Why they let the Sun treat them like that was beyond my understanding. The moment Water started backing away, Sun then came closer to me bringing out her phone.

"So your phone number?" She tried handing the phone to me.

"Not interested." I said then left her behind and walked close to Cloud. I didn't bother to spare her a glance knowing she was fuming from the rejection.

We arrived at the Leaders residence. It resembled a small version of a palace. Caramel walls were covered by creeping vines and various colored flowers. It almost looked like a painting. It was almost a messy natural look but I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

The gates were opened and we were let in without question.

"Welcome to The West Manor." One of the guards said with a slight bow. "I am Matt and I'll escort you to the leader.

We were led through the driveway. The sides were evergreen trimmed hedges, not a leaf out of place. I was becoming even more impressed with their gardener even more.

Matt led us through the house doors and we found the Leader already waiting for us. He was exactly how I had envisioned him. Old.

We all formed a line bowing in greeting except for Sun who stood looking around.

"Hello there, I'm the leader of the West, it's very nice to meet you.

"This is my daughter." he gestured to a girl standing in the corner of the room. She was in a soft purple princess dress and had her father's features and yet still had delicate beautiful female features.

The leader of the West looked at his daughter as she then introduced herself. "Hi, I'm Butterfly, guardian of Animals. She had purple eyes and a short pixie cut pink hair.

"I'm sixteen years old." She added then waved her hand to me and of course I waved back cause she happened to be a childhood friend.

"I will have to leave you for now. I need to sort out some issues." the leader said. "I'll have my daughter show you around. And please feel at home. You're more than welcome here," he said before exiting.

Butter showed us around her home, explaining and answering all questions.

"So, I'm very happy you came to see me, Lord Death. I remember the time when we were just kids. We used to play together all the time. That's if you still remember." Butterfly said shyly.

"He didn't come to see you!" Sun screamed.

Butterfly made a sharp turn to look at Sun and then burst into laughter. "Oh girly, who are you? Lord Death and I go way back,

"Please don't fight, I think it would be best if we tried to get along" . Water insisted but was paid no attention.

The princess went on to show us her favorite places. "LordDeath, I would like to perhaps visit sometime, it's been so long since that happened." Butterfly suggested which I responded to with a smile and a nod.

"And one more thing," she whispered. "Can we possibly talk. You know, can I talk to you."

"Who do you think you are!? Death isn't inviting you anywhere." Sun explorer once again

"How dare you call the prince by his name, I'm the only one who is even allowed to mention it" The princess yelled back.

"It's none of your business what I call him," Sun flipped her hair and cooled herself down using a fan as Butterfly turned red with rage, she looked like she was going to strangle Sun.

The walk had now stopped and the group stood watching the exchange between Butterfly and Sun, which I took as my cue to get busy with something. If small fights started from nothing how easy was it going to be to work together.

I stepped away from the group unnoticed and made my way to the secret garden gate I remembered using as a child. It led to the town but was never used.

Everything was different from the last time I remembered which made me realise how much time had passed. The town was busy with movement and I tried picking more quiet streets which led me to getting lost a few time.

Walking out from one of the street corridors, I saw Cloud sitting on a bench near a tree.

"What are you doing here? I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Oh, I just wanted some ice cream but asking the princess to take me to an ice cream shop seemed difficult so I went on my own then got lost. I decided not to continue moving around or I'd even get more lost."

"Instead of just wandering off, you should have just asked someone else to accompany you."

"Easy for you to say."

I pulled out my phone. "How about you, take my phone number, call me if you're ever in trouble and I'll call you if you happen to disappear like you have today."

"I'm not sure about that."

"I said you'll call me when you're in trouble. I'm trying to help. Let's not forget that you happen to be my responsibility and so save me the work and do as I say."

"Fine" She punched in her numbers then gave me back my phone.

"You also disappeared and no one caused a scene about that."

"Because I am me and you are you. Do you still want ice cream? I asked and she nodded.

"Come on". I grabbed her hand then we walked together around town.

"Why are you holding my hand? I'm not a kid you know." she said which I responded to with silence. "Are you going to let go." She asked.

"Not really."

"Just let go."

"Forget it."

After getting ice cream we walked back to the others then talked along the way.

"Thanks for buying me ice cream, Death. I'll pay you when we get back to the hotel."

"If I wanted you to pay me then I would have told you before buying you that ice cream." I replied.

"Why are we walking outside of town? It's so quiet and lonely out here." Cloud questioned. It was a comfortable silence we were in. No fighting or arguments. It was like we had known each other for a long time. I watched her eat the ice cream, guard down and not caring that I was watching. It was only a few times that people were real around me, and this made me feel normal, without the need to pretend and be uptight.

A man who was wearing a black coat and mask appeared in front of us. "Who are you?"Cloud asked as the man slowly pulled out a knife from his coat. "You never should have come here, this is not a place for kids." He said jumping towards Cloud. I pulled her back so fast and landed a fist on the man's chest to stop the attack. He didn't see it coming as he tried balancing himself and holding his chest.

Not giving him the chance to recover, I slammed the man to the wall and pressed on his neck.

"Who sent you so I can tell you're doing a lousy job. I'll take a guess and say that you were sent to actually attack us.

He laughed loudly. "Look at you trying to look like a hero, my Prince. There are no rooms for heroes in this world." He said before disappearing into thin air.

His voice echoed "I'll teach you a lesson, never to mess with a number." He yelled.

"His moves are so easy to read." Cloud whispered. "Do you think you can take him down?" I asked and she nodded.

"I don't think I can kill him though." She added then she picked up a knife he had dropped. "Looking at the way he disappears, he must have some sort of magic."

The man appeared a few feet away from Cloud and ran ready to attack her. Before Cloud could register, he had stabbed her with the blade right in the stomach.

She immediately disappeared into thin air, her hand covering the wound. Appearing behind him, she knocked him at the back of his head making him weak and then kicked him into the wall, landing another first on his neck.

"You little brat." He sputtered trying to catch his breath. Cloud was moving with impossible speed and anger written all over her face. She did not let him recover as she went for the knife he had used to stab her and stabbed him right in the chest causing him to fall down the wall, coughing out blood.

"Wow, you made that look so easy, you didn't even need to use your powers." I said.

She took a few breaths to calm down before facing me. "What should we do about him?" She asked while the man cried from the pain.

"Give me that knife." I replied then she handed it over.

I walked towards the man and stabbed him right in the heart.

After that, I called the police. Without asking any questions they got to cleaning up the mess quickly making sure they weren't drawing any attention. Once everything was done, me and Cloud made our way to the others.

"Where have you guys been?" Sun and Butterfly yelled at the same time. They still seemed to look mad which meant they still hadn't sorted out their issues.

The princess took a long look at Cloud before looking away in disgust.

"My Father called for us." she said walking away.

We made our way back to see the leader of the West and talk about the mission.

"Sorry I couldn't attend to you earlier because I was busy with something, but now we can talk about the mission. I heard that you've been assigned to find the Mastermind behind all this crime and murder." He settled himself down and we all followed suit.

"Yeah, I'm glad the king has already informed you..i actually wanted to ask a few questions hoping you could assist and give better insight. I just recently discovered a group called the Numbers. I do not know much about them but I suspect they might be behind some of this. Do you have any information on them?"

The leader took something deep in thought before answering," unfortunately, I have no knowledge of them.

"We have decided to stay here because we heard that you've lost a lot of lives and that you don't have enough man, especially after we encountered a murderer ourselves."I announced to the leader.

"Yes, I'm really grateful for your arrival and sorry for what happened earlier,if there is anything you need please let me know. I will let one of my best detectives help you out."

Shortly after the leader said that, a new girl appeared.

"Hello I'm Knowledge. I'm a guardian of Information" She said bowing her head. She had jaded black hair tied into a slick ponytail. Her eyes were glowing red and popped out due to the black eyeliner. She was wearing a simple black and red dress along with red shoes.

She had an aura that I couldn't point out.

"I'll be more than happy to assist you with your mission." she said with a grin on her face.