
Death Run: Override ( Life Matters )

One day suddenly a super-natural activity happens which changed Davis's life and people of the whole island. one supreme being came and tell people to get out they need to play a game. It will be a race to survive which will be rough from any angle you see. Let the journey begin!!!

Akash_Bharnuke · Anime und Comics
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41 Chs

Why? Why It Has To Be Me?

The battle was still on. Many things were happening continuously. But right now the biggest reveal was me being a healing relic user. Because of which we got another chance.

Ryyan was not happy for hiding this huge secret from them but Garrick calmed him down. I was not in a very good condition to fight and Marc was exhausted too so Ryan and Garrick hold the command to attack.

Both Garrick and Ryan attacked together which dealt a good damage to Seth this time for sure because, Garrick's slash broke his energy shield and Ryan's Force Dash pushed Seth to a distance.

It was happening because both of them were healed but Seth was still fighting without being healed.

By just seeing this I said. "Garrick, Ryan. *heavy breathing* Try to merge your powers again. Only then... That might give us the last chance to survive this and to end this."

"We need time to merge but Seth won't give us any opening." said Ryan.

"Me and Marc will handle Seth until you do your thing." I said.

Healing those three took a huge toll on my body. I was barely moving to stay conscious.

"No Way! Are you out of your mind?" Garrick said angrily.

"If you want to end this then their is no other choice." I replied.

"You can suggest any great idea if you have. I am ready to hear from you captain?" I said.

"Alright then. I am ready for this. I will distract Seth mentally and I will also tell Davis how to move to attack and to dodge Seth's attacks." said Marc.

"Alright then. You will be our last defence you know that right?" said Ryan.

"Don't worry. They are warriors, they can handle themselves." Garrick replied.

(Davis and Marc moves ahead...)

"*laughs silently* Never thought that I would have to rely on such a traitor again." I said.

"You can't do anything without me." Marc replied.

"Do anything that is possible to avoid Seth from reaching both of them. And Be grateful that I healed you too. So do something." I said.

"Don't go boss me around. I am only doing this to survive nothing else." said Marc.

"*smiles* Same goes for me too. Let's go." I replied.

We started coordinating with each other to survive because that's what we believe in 'Surviving at all cost'.

We saw Seth standing again and we both got ready for him.

"I'm trusting you for the last time. So don't break it this time." I said.

"I will decide that by how well you can coordinate with me in your weak condition." Marc replied.

"Don't worry, I am also trying to heal my wounds slowly that's why I am relying on your brain for movements so I can focus only on healing myself." I said.

"You little pests." Seth shouted.

He charged at us saying. "Why don't you all just, DIE!!!"

I dodged the first attack, then I even dodged his second attack. I was barely dodging but all we want is to kill time and stay alive.

"Marc. I was wishing to kill you in the end because you helped me so far but now that you are opposing me then I shall kill you with them now." said Seth.

With the help from Marc I was able to dodge Seth's attack but still I was not able to land any of my attacks too. It was like a stalemate. No one was able to deal damage to anyone. It has just become a battle of stamina now.

I was countering every time I dodged Seth's attacks but it was not working because my reactions have gotten sluggish because of using that healing relic.

But as this was all going on, Seth's temper kept on increasing. He was starting to get frustrated so he decided to finish the one who was helping me.

Seth fired a powerful blast towards Marc, but Marc was just standing their. I shouted. "Marc... dodge it." But Marc didn't listen.

Instead he was just staring at Seth and Seth's attack suddenly stopped. Seth started to act weird. He started to say gibberish words. Marc was trying to trap Seth into a mental illusion. I didn't knew this at that time so I was just standing their confused.

So I reached close to Marc and their I saw that Marc was fully concentrating and was trying to attack Seth mentally.

Seth was grabbing his head and was saying. "No! No! My Dream..."

"What is he saying Marc?" I asked.

"I don't know what is happening. His whole mind is in chaos." Marc replied.

"It doesn't matter right now. We just have to hold Seth like this." I replied.

Marc's suddenly came to his knees because of using his relic to its extreme level.

"Marc are you Ok?" I asked.

"I did what I could but... but I guess I was not strong enough." Marc replied.

Seth was still hallucinating but not for too long. I was not ready to face anyone right now. but I had no choice.

Suddenly, a bright light strike Seth and he was thrown at a distance. It was a light brighter than the sun. It was shining on me like a ray of hope and it was our last hope. It was the light coming from... Garrick.

"*Heavy Breathing* huh... So you made it in time. *smiles*" I said.

"I can't let any of the remaining of my men, die." Garrick replied.

"Good job you two. Now just wait and let us handle the rest of it." said Garrick.

"Never thought... such a power existed. If you had told me... about this sooner, then... I might have never left you guys." said Marc.

"It doesn't matter now. We will survive. All four of us." said Ryan.

"Don't you talk like that... It won't suit you." Marc replied.

"I am, who I am. I'm the shield of this group. The shield who will stop any attack that come upon us." Ryan replied.

"Said like a true Warrior." I said with a smile.

A powerful blast suddenly came towards us but this time Ryan blocked it because of the bond between Ryan and Garrick.

"Why are you still alive? You should have been dead a long time ago." Seth said angrily.

"It is because we believe in each other's strength, unlike you who only knows the meaning of DICTATORSHIP." Garrick replied.

"Ryan! Lend me your strength." said Garrick.

"Let's go Captain." Ryan replied.

Garrick was moving fast and Ryan was left behind. Garrick was also concentrating on his power in his Gladiator's Blade. Seth puts on his energy shield but Garrick shattered it completely.

Seth was shocked that how could there be such a sudden power shift in them. That power was none other. No one ever imagined that this much power existed in these relics.

"I think we might be able to win this time." said Marc.

"I... I hope so." I replied.

"How did they able to unlock this amazing power." Marc asked.

"Just like what you did. They unlock their relic's full potential. My theory on this was that these two were the pieces of a single relic. That's why they can bond with each other." I replied.

They were able to deal a few damaging blows which put Seth on his one knee, which was a great uplift for us.

Both Ryan and Garrick saw this opportunity and rushed towards Seth to attack.

"This could be our only chance." said Ryan.

"Let's end this." Garrick shouts.

This time we thought that yes. We will, we will... w...i...in...

Suddenly the bond between them broke while delivering the final blow.

At that moment I heart stopped its beating which I was able to feel that everything is over.

They gave a tough fight against Seth but... I was not able to heal them completely. That's why...

The bond between them broke and they both fell down on the ground because now they no longer had the strength to keep up in this fight and their relic's were badly damaged too.

Their condition was not any good and both were completely exhausted.


Seth was slowly standing up on his feet again. He took a lot of damage. His one arm was almost gone useless because of the first blow from Garrick which destroyed his shield. Seth's body was full of blade slashes. His green blood was dripping from his body but he was still standing. It was like he was showing us that... He is the Almighty, the Supreme Being.

Garrick was badly wounded but Ryan was still able to move his body a little.

We were able to sense that at a distance some energy was being collected and suddenly a powerful blast came in our direction. Everyone was unable to react except...


"Are you ready? This is just to test my attacks. I want to see how much damage I can do with my training." I said.

"Bring it on." Ryan replied.


"R... R... Ryan!!!!!!!" I shouted.

He blocked that attack to save us and that... that was his last heroic moment. That blast torn Ryan's skin that we could see those burnt muscles of his. His whole body was messed up. Whole body was covered in his own blood and the whole ground beneath him was covered in his blood pool.

After seeing that Garrick's will just shattered completely. Tears were bursting like no other. Garrick was clueless about how to move forward now because his brother-in-arms is no more with him.

We were all shocked after seeing that but worst of us all was Garrick himself.

From a distance we could see that Seth was still coming at us but at a very slow speed because he was also badly injured.

While all this happening I heard a strange statement from Captain.

"Marc... Davis... leave us alone. You still got many more things to discover, so you should leave me now." said Garrick.

"What are you saying captain. we can't leave you and not when you are in a condition like this." I replied.

"I'm already shattered. I have got nothing else to fight for now." Garrick said with a sore throat.

"No! you...*sobbing* you can't say this. Not at a time like this." I replied.

"I was the one who brought you here. I was the one because of who you are stuck here. For my selfish reason... everybody died on this mission. So please, leave." said Garrick.

"We all came here fully knowing that we are going to our death doors. Still we followed you till the end and now you are the one saying this to us." I replied.

"When you lost to me that day, you promised me to listen to one of my orders that you can't deny. Do you remember? So I am ordering you to leave with Marc and never comeback here for me." said Garrick.

"No! I can't follow that order." I replied.

"Just follow it like it is my last wish. I want you to leave and don't look back. And... try to stay away from all of this." said Garrick.

"*sobbing* I... I can't captain." I said in a low voice.

He grabbed his sword and picks Ryan's shield too. He was looking like a warrior who will fight till his very end.

"Leave... both of you." said Garrick.

"Captain..." I said.

"I said leave Warrior." Garrick shouted. "I don't want anyone who can't obey my orders here. Does my orders mean nothing to you? Is this how you will give respect to me." Garrick said in an orderly voice.

"I..." I said.

"Just do as he says." said Marc.

"Are you out of your mind. That's captain we are talking abou..." I said.

"Just leave. I only want one thing from you. You... Must... Survive... *smiles* That's all I need. Now Go... GO!!!!!" said Garrick.

After that long conversation we left captain alone and ran away from that horrible battlefield. While running we saw a blast and then... everything got silenced.

Tears from my eyes were making a trail while we were escaping from that monster. On the whole way I was thinking that captain sacrificed himself to protect us. I shouldn't have come along.

(After reaching away from that battlefield...)

"We should have stayed there and should have tried to escape with captain too." I said.

"Don't be stupid. Seth would have killed us too." said Marc.

"Don't you dare say that captain is dead." I replied angrily.

"Be grateful that I saved you from that situation. Don't think of it as anything good. It was just the payback for saving me back then." said Marc.

"What... did you say, be grateful, to you. We were saved by Garrick, because he sacrificed himself for us. So that we... we could get out of that damn place. So why should I be grateful to you?" I replied.

"*laughs* You think that he would have said to leave us. Don't be dumb. He would have used us a distraction, so that he could attack Seth and die a warrior's death." Marc replied.

"Don't you bad mouth him anymore." I said angrily.

"*laughs silently* It was not his some heroic act or anything. It was because of me. After Ryan's death, captain lost his will to fight so I controlled him in saying all those things." said Marc.

I was silenced for a moment.

"So it was not our captain... huh." I replied silently.

"Yeah so what. Anything for survival that's my priority like always. So be grateful if you had stayed their then we might have di...e..." said Marc.

Without thinking about anything I pulled out my sword and slashed him with a single strike. His blood splattered all over me and I said. "I thought you said I was someone who thinks like you.

I thought of you as a close friend of mine, with whom I can talk a lot about myself. So why? why you do this to me." I said.

"Why?" I shouted.

I again felt the same pain and sadness but this time it was more of a frustration and regret than being powerless. If I could have stayed it might have changed something.

*coughs blood* Or else I would have died there.

"Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? (Grabbing my head) *sobbing*"

I expressed my emotion while looking at the sky and crying...

"Why... Why does this always happens to me."

"My friends died because I was a coward."

"Ned and Ted died because of my lack of coordination."

"Emilia died because she used too much of her relic's power to protect... To protect me."

"Ryan and Garrick fought till the very end and what I did, I ran away leaving Garrick behind."

"*Heavy breathing* Why does everyone always die... when I am around them."

"Am I really even allowed to live after all this."

"You... must live. You are taking everyone's memories with you. If you die... then everyone dies along with you. Do anything... to survive." These... these were the last words Marc spoke using his telepathy.

"I was back to square one. Where I started all this. Again, alone with no one around me.*smiles while crying* Only these voices in my head... are the ones that give me a reason to move forward."

"*sobbing *I... I won't die not... not until... I reach my destination. That's my promise to everyone of you."

"I won't back down from it. NEVER!!!"

[ DAY 65 - MONSTERS COUNT : 2,828 HUMANS ALIVE : 6, 100 ]

---------- End of Volume 2 or Arc 2: Less than 8000 Alive ----------

This was the End of Arc 2 of this Story. There is more yet to come.

If your are enjoying this story till now then you can drop a comment it will motivate me to do even more great work.

And thank you for waiting for new chapters. More will come soon so Stay Tuned!!!

Akash_Bharnukecreators' thoughts