
Death note: The 6 NOTES

This is a fan-fiction of the amazing piece of work "DEATH NOTE" this is a fictional story of what happens 16 years after the Death of Kira and L when an other character 'the new KIRA' finds the Death Note by accident and tries to become the new Kira and tries to avoid being caught like the first Kira, and on this generation there is of course an other L that is different from the previous L. this story is going to be interesting, I will do my best on uploading daily chapters for you to read. I hope you all will like it.

imadramdani · Anime und Comics
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21 Chs

N loses it

N and his team return to the office and N says to them without any introductions "Liza is probably another death note holder or the same death note holder had created all of these characters and the other three death notes just so he can confuse us!" Carla while taking a look at the pictures she took of the crime scene "and how do we know if we are being played?"  N sits beside his train game and says while connecting his smart phone to the smart tv "The only thing that can help us know, is where did that laptop go? Peter, can you do anything about it? this is his Gmail account, I got authentication to use it or get to its data from Google, so you can get us any information through it?" Peter, opens his laptop, and starts working without saying any word.

On this exact moment, Samir reaches England, and heads to his apartment, and rents some building materials in cash, and not through his bank card.

Samir goes home and puts a hole on the wall beside the window, about 17 centimetres deep in the wall, it was like a little safe, 35 centimetres x 18 centimetres, then he put a plastic safe inside that was 26 cm x 16 cm, and was only 4 cm thin, then he covered the wall again, and let the plastic bag have one opened side that was on the window's side, after he finished it, he put the death note inside it and closed it by cement.

While closing it Sbahacho asked him "Aren't you going to use the death note?" Samir smiled and said "No, I told you I will be collecting them to save the world from them, and I don't ned it because the Kira guy is already doing my job and if I want to join N's team, I've got to almost totally forget about the death note!" then he finishes closing on the note.

Meanwhile, Juliette opens an Instagram account named Liza***** and posts a screenshot she took of the article where she found the guy's name and she doesn't say anything with it.

Back to N's office, after so much research, Peter finds out about the Bitcoin buying and sending. So just starts talking to N that was already in deep focus, trying to think about how Liza can be connected to Kira, or the Executer "Hey, this guy, 24 minutes before his death, he bought fifteen bitcoins, and sent them all to this wallet, and then he closed his laptop, and 9 minutes before his death his laptop was connected to a café's Wi-Fi beside the river, then it got turned off suddenly!?" Carla stops him and says "I can catch this person, give me the number of her wallet again, now!" Peter writes it down without questioning her, while N asks her "But you can't find him, virtual wallets, don't give access to any country, government or even a detective to get to it" Carla turns on her personal laptop, and starts writing the wallet's number and says with confident while biting her lip "But what if you are the person that created the virtual wallet?" no one answers her, they just get surprised by what she had just told them and before Nathen speaks she turns her laptop toward them.

They all see that the last time the person checked their wallet was about five hours ago, from a smartphone that has strong protection, but was connected to a restaurant's Wi-Fi.

On that moment, Jessica checks the tracker she put on Jasper's phone, to see where was he during that and she finds that he was at the university, and she speaks "Jasper, was at the university, during that, this is definitely another person, the university is about 37 minutes way from that restaurant on a car, Jasper doesn't even drive his father's car!" on this moment, N's phone stars ringing also as Carla's, and Nathen's all at the same time, N says without answering "You all don't answer, I will answer it and put it on the speaker" then he picks the call "Hello, this is !" the person on the other side starts speaking without any introductions "I am the president of the US, there was a massive mess on our **** **** prison, many soldiers, and criminals, died horribly and died on illogical ways, a prisoner took the guard's gun and killed himself by it, and many other weird things, the problem is that all prisoners were traitors, not prisoners that the whole world knows about, and there are about 5 prisoners that ran from the prison and we are now looking for them, I am sending you now their profiles on your email, we suspect that one of them is a death note holder, and that is also what the other detectives think especially after asking the guards and prisoners that survived and stayed in the prison!"

That shocked them but Nathen said "We got one at least!" willing to cheer the team, Carla and Peter smile to him, Jessica tries to say something but she looks at N, and she sees him under the shock, his eyes were not blinking, his chest was frozen, he was looking at nothing but at the same time it felt as if he was looking at someone, he didn't speak, blink nor move for few seconds, Peter for a moment thought that N may go crazy, but what they didn't know is that a political criminal have much more hate, anger, problems and intelligence than all the other criminals, on that remembered that he caught Yagami Light because he had a stupid helper, this is getting out of N's control, he needs help. That is what he felt, he needs more brains, but where can he find them or trust them.

After few seconds of N zoning out, Jessica received a call from her department and answered it "Hello, this is agent Jessica, what is it?" the police man just dives into the subject and says "There is someone here, that came all the way from Singapore saying that he can help with the death note investigation, and he can say one thing to N to prove that he can help, can I get to N?" Jessica, answered "yes, hold up" and she covered the phone by her hand and said to N "there is someone at the office saying that he can help with the investigation, and he can prove it to you by saying one sentence" N wakes up from his situation and hands her his hand so she can give him the phone and he says "Hello, this is N, let me talk to that person!" the officer hands the phone to Samir and he says "The death note holder doesn't go to hell, nor heaven, the death note won't kill a person if their name has already been written on a death note, Yagami's fault was relying on others too much, your fault is avoiding risks!" N again entered another shock phase but this time he managed to speak "Who are you? And what kind of help do you want to offer?" Samir then started a friendly laughter "Well, sir N, it is just that I got the death note offer but I decided to not accept it because I didn't want a thing like this to start but still it did start, and I want to help you stop this! I am at the department, waiting for you with this nice officer!"