
Death note: The 6 NOTES

This is a fan-fiction of the amazing piece of work "DEATH NOTE" this is a fictional story of what happens 16 years after the Death of Kira and L when an other character 'the new KIRA' finds the Death Note by accident and tries to become the new Kira and tries to avoid being caught like the first Kira, and on this generation there is of course an other L that is different from the previous L. this story is going to be interesting, I will do my best on uploading daily chapters for you to read. I hope you all will like it.

imadramdani · Anime und Comics
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21 Chs

N's appearance

Jasper took a deep breathe and started looking on his father's laptop for wanted criminals that have committed extreme crimes.

Jasper spent twenty minutes looking for them and he wrote all of the names on his note book, not on the death note, and Ryuk asked him while he was doing it "Why aren't you writing them on the death note already?" Jasper laughed by blowing some air and said "I want to start the killing based on the Japanese time line so that they focus on all the countries that have less than 5 hours' time difference with Japan, now I need to start by the Japanese criminals, then the Chinese, then the Interpol wanted" Ryuk draws his usual dark smile while watching Jasper working and he says to him "because I really do like you, I will tell you some few secrets, there will be other 3 death notes on the world within few weeks! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!" Jasper stops writing on his note book and turns to Ryuk, with the shock on his face and says "What do you mean? Why would 3 other Death Notes fall to our world? Where are they going to fall? Why the hell haven't you told me earlier?" Ryuk laughs and says "Let me taste the grapes fruit before I hand over any information! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!" Jasper goes to his fridge and fitches a bag of grapes then walks back to his room and throws the bad to Ryuk.

Ryuk catches the bag and picks one grape by the nail of his thumb on the right hand, eats it and smiles after eating it, then says "You were right, I love this fruit more than apples" and continues eating the grapes, until he reaches the thirteenth grape when Jasper runs out of passions while he was watching Ryuk eating, so he spoke "Ryuk! Answer my questions now!"

Ryuk smiles and picks a grape while saying "Alright, all of the 3 death notes that are going to fall, are coming because they all enjoyed the Kira era, and they all loved how smart he was so we put a bet, all of us, sixteen years ago to provide our support to the death note finder and the KIRA that manages to control or get the other three notes will be known as the Master and the Shinigami that is accompanying this MASTER will get the chance to become a human for 20 year! So, I predict that the other Shinigami will be providing a lot of help, but there are certain rules of course, for example, none of the Shinigami can see when you will die, and we can't give you the names of your enemies, and we can't show you the other death note holders, and many other rules that are pointless" and then he eats that grape he picked before he started talking.

Jasper stand and walks towards Ryuk and says "This is all just a game for you Shinigami, even if it falls between the hands of a psychopath, as long as you are being amused it is alright?" Ryuk eats five grapes at ones and enjoys them then says "well, we are the Shinigami, our whole existence rolls around death, and seeing many people die is our every day thing, and yes, this is amusing to us, but what you can do about?" Jasper gets a bit angry and hits his desk with his right hand before he starts talking again "But if they don't find this ideal Master, will they send more death notes to the humans world? And if I become this Master, what do I gain?" Ryuk moves from his place to the other corner of the room while eating more grapes and says "alright, if none of you and the other three become a Master, we will wait for an other sixteen year before we send other 2 death notes but after that we can't send any, because they only allow 6 death notes on the humans world, and here is the thing that will excite you to death, the MASTER gets the chance to become immortal, yes io you conquer all of the four death notes and still not get caught, you become immortal, of course unless if you lose a death note and someone writes your name on it" Jasper didn't pay any attention to the last few sentences that came after Immortal; he just zoned out, dreaming of himself, leading the world, creating one government, no more wars, and no more hatred, Jasper was lost on his head for an entire minute picturing the world as if it is heaven, before Ryuk wakes him up saying "Jasper! Jasper! Wake up, you haven't conquered the other three death notes yet" and he wakes up again and goes back to searching for criminals.

After 40 minutes of searching, he starts writing the criminals' names on the death note one by one, while write this sentence on the side of each name "******* ****** writes on his right arm this word (KIRA!) and then dies by a heart attack at 8:30 p.m. on the Japanese local time"

The criminals start to die at 8:30 p.m. they all died at the exact same moment, some of them died on the street, some died on their houses, some died at the hospitals, some died while running from the cops… Jasper killed literally 1000 criminal that night.

On the next day, 254 body were found and they all had the word KIRA! on their right arm, either written by a pen, tattooed or even written by a knife, the Interpol and world leading countries, was in chaos, the Interpol, gathered an urgent meeting with the world's leaders and politicians in Paris, they all managed to meet there, Near was there in person too and said to the attendance "Hello! I am N! the detective that caught KIRA sixteen years ago, I am wearing a mask because we don't know who KIRA is, and we haven't written any of your names because we don't want you to be killed, so I am going to lead a team to capture this criminal, that is back from the dead, I need a well trained team, this team needs to be made out of complete strangers, I don't want current or old partners on my team, they all need to come up with nick names that are totally different than their real names, and I need them to not have any families to worry about or to even call, no wives, husbands, girlfriends, boyfriends, sons or daughters, nothing! And I need this team to be ready by tomorrow's morning, as for the world leaders, I need you all to provide us the financial support that we need and please help your people clam down, this is all for today.