
Death Leveling

A world filled with magic, systems, and monsters—in a closed society of the Immigrant City, lives an 18-year-old boy with the dream of leaving the walls and exploring the unknown outer world. However, upon getting evaluated, he scores so low that not even a system shows up—not wanting to give up, the boy insists and becomes a Player regardless. In a team with three others, Dantes sets out on a difficult journey outside the walls—quickly, follows an incident that turns everything upside down—including his own fate and role in the world. Plans: 2 chapters/day Synopsis: Going to change as I write more of the story Note: Nothing will go as you expect Cover Credits: Some Random Pinterest Image

rulerofeverything · Fantasie
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28 Chs

Sound of Blood

Arial set up a barrier before bed, so any fear or apprehension was demolished—everything was ready for a perfect, comfy night out in the wild.

"Skreee!! Skreeeeee!!"

My eyes popped wildly open. "H— h— huh?!" The sound of someone literally getting butchered. Slightly peeked outside, "it's still night time… what's that sound…"


Instantly felt a cold chill run down my spine. Then, I heard the sound of wings flapping—a raven flew up to the tent!! "Skreeeee!!"

Put my hand on my chest, "phew! Just a raven…" almost got a heart-attack from a fucking raven of all things. I didn't think they were so friendly, though. "Come here little guy," it apprehensively walked closer up to me, "wow! What a smart bird!!"

Its eyes are so black… pitch black… "What's that in your mouth?"

It stopped moving its head after I said that. "Huh…" Began creepily glaring at me.

Then, opened its mouth, and an eye fell out of it. "T— the fuck?!" I gasped and screamed; it instantly flew away afterwards.

Others ended up waking up; why only from me and not the raven. "Dantes?! Is everything okay?!" frantically asked Arial; I guess even our Leader is afraid of something happening to us. He was the first one to come up.

"Y— yeah, but… look at this…"

Arial looked in fear—I could tangibly feel that he was disturbed from what he was seeing. "What's this?" I replied, "a raven flew up to me and dropped an eye from its mouth… It's human."

Soon after, Xter and Ella came up to us. "Wh— what the…" gasped Xter. Ella immediately looked away upon seeing it; smart girl didn't want to expose herself to things of that nature.

Xter ended up raising the question, "what do you make out of this, Leader?" Then Arial glanced at him with a poker face and replied, "the shit do I know; some nightmare fuel for you guys, I guess." He stood up, as he was looking at it upclose, and then stated, "go back to sleep, everyone—it's clearly a bad omen but that's as far as bad omens go."

I'm sure he knew that none of us could go back to sleep after that; I was just lying restlessly with open eyes, unable to sleep after everyone spread out into their tents. Thoughts were running non-stop and I couldn't possibly trip them up to make them run any slower.

Ultimately, I did close my eyes to try and sleep… then suddenly… I could hear someone entering the tent!!

A mild shiver ran through me…

"Go away demons!! Go away demons!! Go away demons!!"

I went deeper into the sleeping bag—the raven incident had me shitting.

Shivering in cold sweat… the sound of a blade breaking suddenly blasted through the tent!! I instantly opened my eyes realizing that it wasn't a sleep paralysis demon!!

"EVERYONE, WAKE UP!!" Arial screamed loudly!! "We're under attack!!"

After saying that, he sliced the attacker in half—from bottom to top, cleanly with the blood explosively pouring out only seconds after the cut. "Ah—" only a faint whimper came out of him.

Instantly, I got up but then began hearing a zapping sound from above. "Dantes, take out your blade!! Now!!" In panic, "uhhmmm…" 

Then right away, the whole tent got cut open—another masked one was attacking, this time, however, the presence of the attacker was berserk all over the air. As I was still looking at the ground trying to find my blade, Arial was already next to me holding a blade made out of shadows—a man with a sword glittering in lightning was trying to cut me with it.

Before I could blink, he jumped away from Arial and tilted his head towards the right side—what I picked up from him was annoyance.

Arial giggled and stated, "a squad leader? Over a single guy, really?" The masked didn't reply—leaped towards Arial again with zapping noises coming from him.

Both of their blades clashed!! Arial then began holding his blade with only his right hand, and used his left one to grab the lightning blade and shatter it.

Masked one jumped backwards, but Arial leaped towards him at the same exact second!! "Aaaaahh!" Arial screamed and then the masked man dropped with black, shadowy spikes sticking out from his whole body.

I stared at the scene dumbfounded. "I— is he dead? That's i— it?" I asked in stutters.

"We'll see about that, I guess," he instantly disappeared right after the last word.

Until today, I didn't think the sound of someone's blood pouring out could be heard—Arial reformed what I thought was possible, as right after disappearing from my tent, I heard the sound of people's blood literally exploding from their bodies.

"Aaaaaaaaaahh!!" Ella… poor girl… not a pleasant sight, I know.

Moments of silence came—no sound whatsoever was vibrating.

Quietly, I whispered to myself, "i— is it over?" Then loudly and humorously, "hell yeah! Killed them bitches good!" Arial… the way you fucking say it…

Subsequently, all of us gathered up—Ella and I were distraught, whereas Arial and Xter were nonchalant and indifferent to what just transpired. "Alright, so!" Then started giggling and added, "thoughts?" We really should get used to Arial's demeanor at this point—he's always going to be like this, taking nothing seriously.

I was the one to punch his gut this time, "the 'ell do you mean… we were just attacked!! Thoughts my ass."

"Well, what do you expect me to say?! Hmph!"

Sighed at him. "I don't know… something more informative, perhaps?!"

He sarcastically rolled his eyes and answered, "hmm… wellllll… they probably won't attack us again! I took out their squad leader, so the prize shouldn't be worth the price for them any longer," then glanced at me, "is that good enough for you, Dantes? Hmph!"

Feeling as if I'm dealing with some sort of brat, I answered in a tone complementing my feelings, "sure, sure. Also, please stop with the 'hmhps,' you disgust me."

Answered instantly, "I… WHAT?!"

Xter consequently proceeded to insert himself into the conversation as well, "oh my God, you two are just…" Then put his hand on his face in disappointment.

Ella seemed like the sore thumb in our group, again—always the silent one that doesn't have much to say or comment about anything.

"At least we're all safe, I guess," in relief, I stated.