
Death Leveling

A world filled with magic, systems, and monsters—in a closed society of the Immigrant City, lives an 18-year-old boy with the dream of leaving the walls and exploring the unknown outer world. However, upon getting evaluated, he scores so low that not even a system shows up—not wanting to give up, the boy insists and becomes a Player regardless. In a team with three others, Dantes sets out on a difficult journey outside the walls—quickly, follows an incident that turns everything upside down—including his own fate and role in the world. Plans: 2 chapters/day Synopsis: Going to change as I write more of the story Note: Nothing will go as you expect Cover Credits: Some Random Pinterest Image

rulerofeverything · Fantasie
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28 Chs

Alleyway Serial Killer

In some Association building:

"System 11547 disappeared in the Qam District, New Jeans Street; it hadn't even materialized yet, but the user died so the System collapsed along with the user," said a man in a suit holding a phone—he was using a computer and monitoring things of rather interesting nature. "Yes, the exact coordinates would be .. "

The man on the other end of the phone, however, was the lead director of the Immigrant City investigations—angrily, he dressed up and started walking somewhere of peculiar interest.

"Someone is murdering new Players? Are you kidding me?! In the Im City of all places?!"

"Sir Jessey, is everything alright?" Voiced a concerned colleague that just happened to see him, the director, going somewhere.

He stopped and turned to him, "no—another one was killed, we're dispatching the Noctem Squad to investigate this; we can't let any more deaths to take place."

Upon saying that, he walked up a few more steps just to pause again, "notify the Information Center as fast as possible—this isn't a laughing matter anymore."

However, even in spite of this chaos, it wasn't even the tip of the iceberg.

The perspective of Angelo:

"H— huh?! Are you serious?!" He proceeded to put his palm on his face in disbelief, shock and grief.

Put down the phone.

"Everyone, attention—Arial's System had disappeared; in all likelihood, he's been killed," once he said that, quickly, another thought ran through his mind: I guess, another possibility is him getting into a different dimension, but what are the odds of something like that happening?

Furthermore, if he did get into a different dimension, the Systems of the backup squad would've vanished as well—did they?—no!

Let out an exhausted and stressed sigh and then took a deep breath.

Need to keep positive! Deat and others are on the way… surely, they'll figure out this mess!

Then to ruin his day even further, the phone call regarding the second System collapsing had begun vibrating through the Information Center—Angelo was about to be notified about a whole other load of issues currently taking place in their City.

Back to the perspective of Dantes:

"Ah—" The man screamed as I put my palm on his mouth and dragged him to the dark alleyway—I didn't expect him to react fast enough for that.

Instantly, the strength between him and the last guy I killed was apparent—he was struggling hard and I had a hard time keeping him in check.

"Stop struggling or I'll slice your throat," I whispered as I put my hand next to his neck; slightly cut into it as a scare; he stopped his struggling.

He was breathing heavily through my palm and it was getting all wet… "Gross," I said out loud with a disgusted expression.

"Do anything funny and you'll die on the spot—just comply and I'll let you go, don't worry."

I can even feel the state of his MANA—it got calmer after I said that, but little does he know, he's dying a horrible death regardless.

A grin subsequently surfaced on my face.

I… don't know what came over me… I put away my hands and let him stand freely, then put on a troubled expression of someone being compelled to do something they didn't want to, "s— sorry, I didn't mean to… scare you like that," I voiced in a shaky voice.

He began drowning in confusion—put his right hand on his head and started scratching his invisible hair (he's bald).

I looked away in anxiety… "U— umm…" then…

"...just kidding," I smirked arrogantly and jumped forward!! Slicing his throat open…

He started wobbling and then his back reached the wall…

Proceeded to put his hands on his neck and it was bleeding profusely…

Blood poured out from his mouth as well; he consequently dropped on the ground without movement.

Took a slightly deep breath while having the most joyful smile imaginable, "that's two." Cracked my neck from right to left side; feeling awfully nice.

Then suddenly, from the right side, the sound of a can getting kicked!! Immediately, I glanced and a woman was there, "W— wait!" I screamed while holding my hand up towards her.

Leaped forward as quickly as I could, but she was gone… as if she had vanished into thin air.

Looked around in the street and there's no one in sight…

Upset at the situation, I concluded that there's nothing I can do here at the moment—I saw her face, so I'll have to live with just that piece of information for now.

Turned around and proceeded to devour the man; definitely felt a sense of progress in terms of strength this time; should've really asked for his Level before killing him—something came over me this time.

Though, I really did get ahead of myself this time… I should've waited for longer before taking him out, but I guess I got a little nervous after pulling that little stunt; I'll play around a bit more later on.


Began my walk home.

Once I got home, I started pondering on things… How do I cast magic? I know I have MANA, and probably a whole load of it, but how do I utilize it? I can't keep relying on physical prowess… or can I?

"Well, whatever," I said yet again, not wanting to think for too long; I closed my eyes and lied down on the bed.

Then abruptly, a phone call—who could it be? I went up and the number was unknown—that's quite bizarre.

"Hello," I said with uncertainty.

"Ooh, I see," oh, Angelo.

"H— he passed away? Are you sure of that?!" I replied somewhat angrily.

"I… see," then, I switched to a defeated and slightly sad voice.

"Thank you for letting me know."

So, even someone like Arial could be killed… I guess there are some really dangerous monsters out there—to think I'm one of their kind now, that's quite exciting.

I giggled and began grinning.

Can't wait until I get assigned to a new squad… going to have some fun, unlike the last time.