
Death Guns In Another World

Check out my new novel: My Seven Beautiful Sins! °°°°° Alexander Kael Touch, a self-made young billionaire, found his meteoric rise tragically cut short on a school trip. But fate had other plans, whisking him and his classmates away to a realm of swords and magic – a world where power manifested as unique: ''Gifts." While friends awoke to magnificent Gifts, Alex's Gift yielded only two enigmatic guns: one gleaming silver, the other shrouded in black. Worse, he couldn't use magic like his peers, drawing scorn and derision. Yet, fueled by an unyielding spirit and a burning dream, Alex refused to falter. In this new world, he craved not wealth, but the strength to forge his own destiny. One goal burned bright: to rise once more, not to the peaks of financial power, but to the pinnacle of strength and control. This is the chronicle of Alexander Kael Touch, the boy with two guns in a world of wonders. A tale of relentless struggle, forged in the crucible of mockery and doubt. A journey to the apex, where the scorned student will become the ultimate warrior. Whispers of the "Death Guns Master" stir, echoes of a legend rising from slumber. The world may have forgotten them, but they are coming back. †††††††††††† Nickaido's here with D-Guns, do not expect the smartest MC because he was once a billionaire, is still young, he has his flaws, he will learn and grow, so will the other characters. At the beginning other characters are stronger but worry not everything will change starting from around chapter 80 onward. Also sorry in advance because some of the female characters have strong backgrounds but it's for the sake of the future story, this book is just the start, I'm still improving. Sorry in advance, English is not my first language, so they may be grammatical errors and misspelled words. Please bear with me. I'm trying to improve to provide a better story. Starting from chapter 200th, I have started using Grammarly premium to help me with the English, so I think it's become better. As for the earliest chapters, I have started to re-edit them slowly; I will do more as I get more time. Maybe hire a professional editor when I can. Once again, this is not some sophisticated story; it has many flaws, which I'm trying to learn from; however, this doesn't make the story less enjoyable. Would you please give it a try? Discord Server: https://discord.gg/7MRsHg33tv

Nickaido · Fantasie
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1725 Chs

Chapter 5: Discussion with Priscilla

Tension crackled in the air as Alex, Maria, and Sakuya entered the grand hall. Sunlight streamed through ornate stained glass windows, illuminating the richly decorated chamber. A long table, laden with unknown delicacies, occupied the center, flanked by rows of expectant faces.

Leonardo's facade crumbled the instant he spotted Alex, his lips twisting into a sneer. The sight of Alex walking confidently alongside Maria and Sakuya, two of the most respected newcomers, gnawed at him. In his distorted view, Alex, the supposed "useless otherworlder," had no right to such companionship.

Leonardo's disdain stemmed not from Alex's earthly origins, but from his perceived lack of power. Though orphaned young because of an accident, Alex was far from destitute. His family's wealth, built on successful jewelry stores owned by his grandmother, had been further bolstered by Alex's own brilliance. As a skilled programmer, he'd created and sold lucrative apps, amassing a fortune that dwarfed even Leonardo's family's restaurant empire.

Money, however, held no sway in this new world. It was the possession of the coveted Hero Gift that mattered, and in Leonardo's eyes, Alex's "useless" ability made him beneath contempt, regardless of his earthly wealth or his burgeoning connection with Maria and Sakuya.

Priestess Priscilla gestured towards the three empty chairs at the table. Alex took the center seat, flanked by Maria to his right and Sakuya to his left. The sight of the two powerful young women flanking Alex did not escape the watchful eyes of his rivals - Leonardo, Kevin, Camilla, and Dodolus. Their expressions flickered with surprise, quickly masked by stoicism. Alex, however, remained unfazed, merely shrugging his shoulders at Leonardo's icy glare.

"Welcome back," Priscilla addressed the group, her voice resonating with warmth. "Did you all rest well?"

Three synchronized nods replied to her enquiry.

"Excellent," Priscilla smiled, her gaze sweeping across the eight faces. "Once again, welcome to Mysthia. As you know, I am Priscilla Havens, head priestess of this temple nestled within the serene embrace of the forest, a short distance from the bustling City of Eria. But allow me to offer a broader picture of the world you now find yourselves in."

Her voice then wove a captivating tapestry of their new reality. Mysthia, a world brimming with life, birthed by the divine hands of gods long past. Countless races populated its vast continents, each with its own unique culture and history.

Their current haven, the Alexa Continent, was predominantly human, though dotted with pockets of other races seeking harmony. Majestic empires, thriving kingdoms, and principalities vied for power and influence across its sprawling landscapes. One such empire, the Drexia Empire, held sway over their current location - the vibrant City of Eria.

Beyond the borders of Alexa lay other, equally diverse lands. The Beastmen Continent, aptly named Bestia, teemed with ferocious, animalistic humanoids. Elfira, the Elves' Continent, whispered secrets from within its towering, ancient trees. And finally, shrouded in shadow and mystery, lay the Demons' Continent, known only as The Dark Continent.

As Priscilla's words painted a vivid picture, a mixture of awe and apprehension settled over the newcomers. This was a world vastly different from their own, teeming with possibilities and dangers alike. And for Alex, Maria, and Sakuya, the others their journey on Mysthia had just begun.

Priscilla continued with her explanation.

The shadow of the Demon King loomed large even 150 years after his demise. His thirst for conquest had plunged the world into a bloody war, scarring the memories of every race. Ultimately, a hero, an Otherworlder like yourselves, had vanquished the dark ruler, ushering in an era of relative peace.

Gifts, manifestations of extraordinary abilities, were rare treasures. Typically reserved for nobility or powerful families, they occasionally blessed uncommoners by chance. However, every Otherworlder, without exception, possessed a Gift, marking them as exceptional beings.

Mysthia wasn't unfamiliar with Otherworlders. The very hero who had defeated the Demon King originated from another world, offering hope and strength during humanity's darkest hour.

Commerce across the continents thrived on a unified currency system. From the humble copper coin, worth the equivalent of $10, to the opulent rainbow coin valued at a staggering $10 million, the system offered clear hierarchy and ease of exchange.

Adventurers, driven by the thrill of slaying monsters and unearthing riches, formed guilds. Mercenaries, seeking the heat of battle, pledged their blades to various causes. Merchants, with wares in tow, built their fortunes through trade. Each path offered unique challenges and rewards.

As Priscilla's explanation concluded, Alex, though equipped with a basic understanding of their new world, felt a nagging unease. He voiced his concern, eager to unearth the truth.

"Thank you, Miss Priscilla, for the explanation,"

Alex began, his gaze locking with hers.

"However, a question lingers. Is there any chance the Demon King might stir again, or a new one rise? Is that why a Hero appeared among us, the Otherworlders?"

His words hung in the air, drawing curious glances from everyone. Leonardo and his posse exchanged smug smiles, their expressions screaming,

"See? Hero right here, savior of the world." Alex scoffed internally. Maria and her companions, on the other hand, wore pensive expressions, their minds likely grappling with the same thought.

Priscilla's smile softened. "That's a valid concern, young Alex. While I cannot definitively link it to your arrival, if a new Demon King were to emerge, we would sincerely hope for the cooperation of the Hero and their companions. Everyone would join forces, of course."

"No need to worry, Priscilla," Leonardo boomed, chest puffed out.

"With me as Hero, the threat of a Demon King is nothing! My team and I will crush him easily." His companions nodded in agreement, basking in his self-proclaimed glory.

"That is reassuring," Priscilla replied, her smile widening, though a hint of something else flickered in her eyes.

"We thank you in advance."

Alex scoffed again, rolling his eyes internally.

"Brainless buffoons," He muttered. Leonardo even included Maria and her friends in his pre-emptive Demon King-slaying squad? As for him, well, the exclusion was understandable. His useless, sealed Gift made him expendable. But there was more to it than that. Leonardo disliked him, a presence that could disrupt his plans, especially those involving Maria.

"Fine by me," Alex thought, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Now I'm free to do as I please. No obligations, no world-saving duties shoved down my throat just because I'm an Otherworlder. I'm no saint, but I have my limits. I'll help those in need, within reason, of course. My loved ones, those with value to me... they'll have my unwavering support. But saving the world? Not my style."

He made a mental note to distance himself from Leonardo and his self-proclaimed saviors. Just then, Maria broke the silence with a question.

"Miss Priscilla," Maria's voice, usually melodic, now held a steely edge, "could you elaborate on the purpose of this temple? Are we here solely to hone our skills in preparation for a Demon King's return?"

Priscilla shook her head gently. "No, Miss Maria. Our role is to welcome you, provide an understanding of our world, and equip you with basic knowledge before sending you forth. This temple serves as a temporary haven, one you can call home for a year. If, during that time, an empire or other notable power scouts you and you accept their offer, you may leave early. Alternatively, should you choose to depart before the year's end, we will provide travel expenses and well wishes."

Maria nodded, understanding settling in her eyes.

Turning towards Leonardo, her voice grew colder.

"Leonardo, any desire to help others is commendable, but including me, Luna, and Sakuya in your self-proclaimed team without our consent is unacceptable. We have individual goals, paths we wish to forge ourselves. Saving the world isn't on our agenda. I trust I've been clear?"

Sakuya and Luna's smiles mirrored their friend's sentiment, silently voicing their agreement.

Stunned silence descended upon the room. Alex, included, watched the scene unfold with wide eyes. Leonardo's carefully constructed facade crumbled, replaced by a mask of barely concealed resentment. Even Priscilla's serene expression flickered momentarily, betraying surprise at Maria's directness.

The tension was broken by Camilla's sharp interjection, a sneer twisting her features. "Who do you think you are?!"

Maria's glare silenced the outburst instantly.

Briefly exchanging words, Maria, Luna, and Sakuya rose and departed, leaving behind a room heavy with unspoken emotions.

After asking Priscilla a few clarifying questions, Alex, too, decided to retreat to his room, leaving Leonardo and his companions to their simmering discontent.


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