
Death: falling for a mortal

and death cried, as she kissed him goodbye --- A story about death, an immortal responsible for taking lives of the mortals. Falling in love with a mere mortal who he was reluctant to let go of.

cosmbin · Teenager
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9 Chs


From far away he gazed at her

He looked at her pale body

He looked at her dry lips, which still curved into a beautiful smile on her face.

He knew what was happening

But he was scared

He knew that the time was near

But he couldn't get separate from her

She looked at him with a smile

Knowing what was to come

He was shocked

How can she be so beautiful at this time

How can she be so loving at this time

How can she be smiling at this time

But he failed to see

He failed to see the emotions in her

He failed to see her sparkling eyes which were now turning glossy

He failed to see the sadness in her eyes

Knowing she had to leave soon

Leave all the memories behind

Leave all the people behind

But what hurt her the most was the fact

That she had to leave him behind

For as much strong she wanted to be

She didn't want to leave him behind

She didn't want to

Leave her love behind