
Death EMisarry

I got nothing more than pain, I smile when I let it out

LaughingShadowDea · Geschichte
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35 Chs


Haechi stood before a house that doesn't seem anything like pirates abode, warehouse was built all around it but like every other warehouse, the different in the warehouses was that no noise was coming from them.

A smile that looks sinister hung on Haechi face as he raised his hand drawing out the katana from his palm.

"You know I can see you all" Haechi said as aura that seems creepy enough started radiating out from him.

Haaaaaaa! A battle cry could be heard as people immediately started trooping out from the different warehouses that sorruonded the main building.

Boom! Haechi moved creating a sonic boom as he covered up the distance between him and the people within seconds.

Aaagh! The dude at the forefront screamed in agony as blood pumped from his cut open throat.

Haechi immediately rotated clockwise cutting the dude coming from the other side and leaving him with more than six katana cut.

Phew! Somebody thrusted a sword from Haechi back as Haechi was still in the air about to complete his rotation but then Haechi immediately match one foot on the ground as he use it to rotate the other way.

Pa! Haechi rotated once more using his katana to hit the sword up making it to miss him.

Phew! Another sound came from the other side, this time around a broad sword but Haechi using the momentum of the other sword has rotated the other way while still in the air slightly brushing the broad sword off before landing on his feet

" that's more like it," Haechi who was now standing in the middle with all the people that trooped out early already circling him said as a smile appeared on his face, his eye was bloodshot.

Hiaaaaaa! Someone screamed from behind Haechi closing in on him.

Pa! Haechi thrust his katana backward killing the dude who still held his katana up high about to complete a cut.

Phew! Haechi draw the katana out immediately as he flew forward cutting down the dude in his front.

Pa! Pa! Pa! Haechi cut three other dude simultaneously as he continued pushing forward, he seems to have got an increase in speed and on his face hang a sinister smile.

"Death glow" Haechi whispered still in the midst of attacking as something like black wisp of smoke spread out from him.

Immediately the wisp of smoke spread out, most of the people that seems to be retreating from the side he was attacking seem to turn sluggish and those that seems to be rushing from behind and the sides also turned sluggish.

Voom! Haechi moved like phantom between them all as bodies started collapsing in mass.

"He is a demon, Can you take him out?" Blaze said to a dude with headband with a long nose gun beside him.

"I never miss" the dude said with a smile.

"Take him out, I wanted to watch to see if he is something we can contain without wasting ammunition but he don't seem to be" Blaze said.

"You are afraid you will lose to him" the dude with a hair band said.

"Who told you that? I just want to take him fast and safe stress and pawns" Blaze said.

"Okay it" the dude with headband Said as he set his gun from the roof where both of them was.

Bang!! A loud gunshot sounded as Haechi who was about to complete his twenty sixth kill slightly move his head to the side a bit causing the bullet that was coming from the back to flew pass him piercing the dude at the front as if he got eyes at the back before killing the dude he wants to kill.

"Thought you said you never miss"Blaze said as he saw Haechi kill two more people while moving to the third, he has actually dodged the bullet like it was not fast at all.

"I never did, this is the first time" the dude with a hair band said as he raised his riffle shooting repeatedly this time.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bullet whizzed out the riffle heading towards Heachi, the bullets was spread out incase he wants to dogde to the side so that the other will hit him.

Pu! Pu! Pu! Haechi somehow dodged all the bullet as it hit three pirates not far away from him.

"You are killing our man," Blaze said.

"He is not normal, no one should be able to dodge that just the way he did, he only tilted his head slowly each side to dodge the bullets, he should have at least roll, dive to the side not just tilt his head both side like the bullet is too slow" the dude with headband Said as he Click his rifle aiming again and shooting

Bang! bang!bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! This time he fired six times placing each aim differently.

Hearing the six gunshot, Haechi didn't look back but continued with his killing spree, but then immediately the bullet got into radius he immediately seems to instant transmit behind the dude he was about to kill using his body to take the shot before looking up to the roof where Blaze and the dude with a headband was with his mouth curling up to make an even more sinister smile.

Bang! The dude with headband shot again but this time around saw Haechi disappear from his sight.

Kan! The sound of katana collision rattled behind the dude with headband as he look back to see Blaze parrying attack of Haechi who has instant transmitted to the roof heading for him.

Judging from the placement of both katana, he could tell if blaze hasn't acted on time Haechi katana would have cut from his head top to his jaw or neck.

Bang! Bang! He immediately fired at this close rate hoping to get Haechi but then he instant transmitted once again.

Dodge! Blaze screamed at the dude with headband as the dude immediately rolled to Blaze side causing Haechi second attack that would have sure connected to miss cutting the headband only.

"You all are my prey, I don't really see it fun prey killing prey" Haechi who has landed on the roof after the attack said looking more and more like a demon, the chains in his eyes has spread lose and blood drips from his katana.

Sorry for late drop

LaughingShadowDeacreators' thoughts