

Born with an unusual birthmark, the shape of a skeleton’s head with rose patterns round about it on her neck, many believed she would only bring bad luck to those around her. This belief was solidified when two of her suitors died unexpectedly right after a visit to her home. Such a thing should come as a bother to any woman but the same could not be said about Nyx. She didn't care if the beliefs about her were true or false. She never liked any of her suitors. Her heart had always been longing for a certain man whom she was very familiar with in her childhood but ceased to appear before her the moment she entered adolescence. Since she knew him one thing was very certain about him, he was not human since he never aged. Not even once. Believing he would one day come again, Nyx was prepared to wait until the day they would meet again. But not everything goes as planned. Having a sickly mother whose only wish was to see her daughter get married and an influential suitor who didn't mind the deaths around her, Nyx soon found herself married off and her mother passed away leaving a father who dreaded her existence and a husband she never loved. **** From a distance he watched her grow, keeping his distance from her, staying within the shadows. As she aged slowly into adulthood, the mark on her neck became more prominent and so was her scent. He wanted her to grow, but when she finally came of age, he thought she would be better without him. But as time wore on and other men began to show interest in her, he could not hold back nor could he let them have her. He discarded those who had an interest in her but one of them slipped through his fingers while he was away and took her. He waited to see if she was happy with her life, with that man, if she was, then he would let her be. She would be able to live a happy life this time unlike the previous one, but everything changed when the forces from the underworld learned of her existence and her connection with him. Her husband was killed which he permitted and her life was in constant danger. Keeping the distance was no longer an option and he once again appeared before her.

Blessing_O · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Saved again

"So this is what you look like," the woman turned to Nyx and moved closer, her eyes assessing the human in front of her. "I am disappointed, really," she clicked her tongue.

Nyx stared at the red-haired woman. Although she looked young, she knew that was not the case. This woman gave off a killing intent even with her laid-back appearance and the way she spoke. "What do you want?"

Nyx asked. She glanced at Skye, who gave her a nod. He was alright, Nyx thought and sighed in relief.

"I was expecting an assassin or someone less dainty and fragile looking like yourself," she paced back and forth with a crease between her brows and a finger tapping on her chin, ignoring Nyx's question. "What exactly did he see in you?" She abruptly stopped and asked in a tone that portrayed her anger. "You don't deserve him. He deserves so much more, and you are the exact opposite," she poked a finger on Nyx's shoulder. Her eyes caught the mark on Nyx's neck, and she scowled.

Her finger trailed up Nyx's neck and touched the mark. "You don't deserve to have this on you either," she suddenly became a lot more forceful as if attempting to scrape off the mark with her nail which had become much sharper than any normal nail should be.

"Don't," Nyx said and held the woman's wrist forcefully. Nyx has started to bleed where she poked. The woman stopped realizing that it was pointless trying to scrape it off and gripping her neck instead, attempting to choke her. Nyx tried to break her hold on her, but she couldn't do anything despite her efforts.

"How pitiful," the woman clicked her tongue. "So weak, yet he would choose over everyone else," she increased the strength on that arm, and Nyx started to choke.

Seeing as she was choking, Skye tried to stand again, but he couldn't. His whole body felt like it was being pierced along with the heaviness he felt before. He could only clench his fist and fight to pain silently. It was even more painful to watch as Nyx was about to be killed in front of him, and he couldn't do anything.

"Your death is your fault. Blame yourself," She said, and at this point, Nyx's fingernails had scratched her hand many times, but she looked as if she didn't feel anything. It was like she was immune to the pain caused while her grip on her increased in strength.

Nyx braced herself for the worst that was to come, but it never came. Rather, she heard the woman screaming, and her hand on her neck was gone immediately. A thud was heard, and she felt a familiar presence behind her and a hand around her waist. Nyx opened her eyes. The first thing that she saw was the woman on the floor with a missing arm, bleeding. She used her other hand to press on it while trying to stop the bleeding. She looked scared and kept on moving back, dragging her butt on the floor, creating more distance between them. The other hand was thrown to her, and she picked it up as if her life depended on it.

Nyx then looked at the hand that held her. She looked up, and just as expected, he was here again for her when she needed him. "Reaper…?"

Immediately, the unknown woman had her hand severed, Skye felt his body become lighter and he could move again. He didn't care how it happened as he stood up to go to Nyx but stopped when the man from before appeared beside her. He looked at the release on the face of Nyx and knew he was not needed. He couldn't do anything even when he was the only one there to save her. How much more now?

"I will leave," the woman said after she stopped more blood from gushing out and stood up. She had successfully drawn everyone's attention to herself. "I promise it won't happen again.'' She tried to teleport and leave the room but ended up coming to it.

"What do you want me to do to her?" Reaper asked Nyx instead. He spun her around to face him. Doing so, he was able to see the fingermarks left behind on her neck and the little blood as well. He touched the blood with a frown on his face.

"She wanted to kill me," Nyx said, and he nodded, pleased to hear that. She didn't have to say more than that to know that she wanted her dead as well.

"Would you like to come with me?" He asked, and Nyx nodded.

"Yes," she also gave a verbal affirmation. She didn't know where he was taking her, but she would go with him everywhere. Reaper gave a faint smile before pulling her closer. The woman screamed when black smoke engulfed her and then she vanished. The same black smoke engulfed Reaper Nyx and within seconds, only Skye was left standing in the room. He sighed and plopped down on a chair, completely drained of energy.

"He is finally gone," Someone said behind him and slammed the door shut.

Skye quickly sat up already knowing who owned that voice. There couldn't be a worse time for this creature to pop up as he usually does.

"How do you feel finally able to meet him? Twice in one day, that's a record. Even I don't have such privileges," the man said and walked to sit on the bed again. His expression softened when he sat down there as if there was a spell there that could make a person relax.

"What do you want now?" Skye asked, not in the mood for his antics. The man casually brushed his hand on the pillow that Nyx used before and even picked it up and placed it on his lap. This annoyed Skye to bits but he didn't make a move as that would only be suicidal.

"Would you like to hear a story?" The man asked instead.