
Death’s Lover: The Object of Death’s Desires

Delilah never expected to be the object of Death's affection, but when the mesmerizing Doctor Morian (Death) appears, she can't resist his allure. Despite the consequences, Mori risks everything for a chance at a life with Delilah, hindering her reunion with her soulmate Ciaran. Delilah is plagued by blackouts and nightmares from her past lives, struggling to uncover the truth of her existence. But Delilah soon discovers the truth about Morian and her complicated love for Death. With Lance's help, she fights to free Ciaran's soul and faces an impossible decision. **Mature Content** New episodes are updated everyday

PraiseD · Fantasie
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44 Chs

The things we do for love

Delilah entered her living room, where her Aunty was sitting on her couch.

"Ah, there you are, my princess, come eat," Ade said.

Delilah entered the kitchen, sat at the dining table, and ate the breakfast her Aunty had prepared.

"I have to go, darling; I came to make sure you were okay," Ade said as he entered the kitchen. Today is my book club meeting. Will you be okay by yourself?"

"Of course, aunt, don't worry I'll be fine, and if I need anything I will call you."

"There is something different about you, did Kim spend the night?"

Delilah couldn't hide her smile as memories of her intimate moments with Kim the previous night came to her mind. "

"You had sex with Kim, didn't you?"


"What? You are glowing, or is it the achingly handsome Dr. Morian that has breathed life into you?"

"Just go omg" Delilah was embarrassed, was it that obvious that she had just recently had sex?

"Are you blushing?"

Delilah kept quiet and kept eating.

"Alright then, keep your juicy secrets." Ade kissed her on the cheek and left.

She went to the living room after she finished her meal and turned on the television. There was an unexpected knock on her door. Felicia, Theodora, Clinton, Jack, and Ufuoma were there when she got up and opened it.

"Surprise!" they all exclaimed as they huddled into the apartment, hugging her as they entered.

"Oh my goodness, what are you doing here?" Delilah was surprised by the unexpected visitors.

"When Kim told us what had happened, we were terrified," Ufuoma explained.

Delilah smiled, clearly pleased. Kim always did the right thing. And, with everything going on in her life, it was nice to be with her friends.

"Enough with the mushy stuff, girl, where's the wine?" Felicia inquired.

"In the kitchen," Delilah replied, smiling. Felicia dashed into the kitchen to get a bottle of wine and some glasses.

"You fiend, whose Rolex wristwatch is this?" Theodora asked as she took the watch from beneath the couch.

Everyone turned to face Delilah, waiting for an answer.

"Uhm, none of your business," Delilah said as she snatched the watch from her grasp.

"I recognize that wristwatch anywhere, omg you and Kim finally did it!" exclaimed Clinton.

"Girl, tell me the details, how big is he, was the sex earth-shattering?" Jack inquired.

Their ears perked up in anticipation of the gossip.

Felicia returned with the wine bottle and glasses, but she was displeased with the topic of discussion. Hearing that Delilah and Kim had been intimate caused her to snap.

Everyone was guffawing as they listened to Delilah. Felicia placed the bottle and glasses in the center of the table. The sound of the bottle on the table drew everyone's attention.

"Uhm I just realized I have very important assignments to turn in. So I have to go."

"Oh no, but you just got here." queried Delilah.

"I know, baby doll, but we can meet up later. I just wanted to make sure you were all right. Goodbye, gentlemen "Felicia said as she kissed Delilah on the cheek and walked away.

"Well, someone is very salty, poor girl," Clinton said as he sipped wine from a glass.

"Why do you have to be so messy, Clint?" Ufuoma wondered.

"Come on, are you all blind, or am I the only one who can see it?" Clinton inquired.

"Whatever do you mean?" Delilah wondered.

"Felicia likes Kim, perhaps even loves him. Are you blind? she has always had the hots for him. and now that you two have finally consummated your relationship, she knows she has no chance of being with him. She lost, you won."

"That's insensitive even for you, Clint," Theodora said.

"Hey, don't even come for me, remember you wanted him too."

"What's the matter with you today, asshole? Just when I think you can't go any lower, you do "said Theodora, rolling her eyes.

"Let's not get into a fight. Let us simply sip wine and enjoy each other's company "Delilah attempted to defuse the mounting tension.

"You're right, I'll ignore him," Theodora said as she poured herself a glass of wine. Everyone else helped themselves with the bottle.

It was 9:45 p.m. Morian drove home after his shift at the hospital ended. He entered his apartment and turned on all of the lights. His heart sank to his stomach as the lights revealed the strange figure seated on his couch.

"Hello, My Lord."

"What are you doing here?"

"I should ask you the same thing, are you not meant to be in the Nether realm ruling the dead? But I believe I already know why you are here as a human. You found Mortala?"

"Listen Grim unless the Nether realm is about to implode on itself, I warn you never show up here again."

"What is it about her that drives you to break the laws of nature? What you are doing is against the natural flow of fate and the order of destiny. You are not meant to be here."

"And why not? Because I am Death so I am to remain confined to that depressing realm. She is the only thing in all my eons of existence that makes sense. She is the warmth I so desperately crave in my cold bleak existence."

"I like the flesh suit you wear; he is very handsome. Tell me, which unlucky bastard had to die for you to claim his body? I see you still have your eyes." Grim walked closer to him and flicked the strands of curls that fell to Morian's face. Morian swatted Grim's hand. Grim smiled. "This woman cannot please you or give you what you truly desire."

"What do you know about pleasure? You are nothing but a being of the dark abyss." Morian said annoyed. Grim was hurt by Morian's words.

"Ok, if you are so set on her my lord, so be it. But tell me, why did you pick this body? Who is he?"

"That's none of your business" replied Morian, He walked to his mini bar and poured a glass of bourbon, and took a sip.

"If you say so, and really? of all things you chose to be a doctor."

Grim said as he chuckled.

"Stop trying to fight what you are, you are meant to take life, not protect it. You are Death, your obsession with this soul is making you change because deep down you know she will never accept you as you are. So you delude yourself, she is changing you."

"If you are done berating me, I'd like you to leave. While I'm away from the Nether realm, it's your job to look after the smooth running of things."

"Sure boss, whatever you say. Just one quick question, let's say you succeed in getting her to fall in love with you, then what? She will age and eventually die and when she dies, she will remember her lost soulmate. Remember him, Ciaran? the one locked away in your castle. What will you do when she finds out about what you did to Ciaran's soul?"

"While I appreciate the concern, I encourage you to leave before you incur my wrath" warned Morian.

"Good luck Mori,"

Grim said as he vanished.