
Death’s Lover: The Object of Death’s Desires

Delilah never expected to be the object of Death's affection, but when the mesmerizing Doctor Morian (Death) appears, she can't resist his allure. Despite the consequences, Mori risks everything for a chance at a life with Delilah, hindering her reunion with her soulmate Ciaran. Delilah is plagued by blackouts and nightmares from her past lives, struggling to uncover the truth of her existence. But Delilah soon discovers the truth about Morian and her complicated love for Death. With Lance's help, she fights to free Ciaran's soul and faces an impossible decision. **Mature Content** New episodes are updated everyday

PraiseD · Fantasie
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44 Chs

Somnium the mistress of dreams


***The Astral Realm***

*Somnium's castle *

"Tell me why you incur my wrath, mistress of dreams," Mori asked as he appeared inSomnium's Library.

Somnium, who was reading at the time, raised her head to meet his gaze.

She was dressed elegantly in a gown that glittered with every movement she made.

Somnium was the beautiful ruler of the Astral realm, controlling the dreams and nightmares of every being in existence.

"Dark one, to what do I owe such an honor." Somnium responded, putting her book down.

Mori's eyes scanned her entire appearance before settling on her face.

"Do not play your little games with me Somnium I know what you did, how you aided in the escape of a soul from the Nether realm. What do you possibly hope to gain from angering me?"

"Ah Ciaran, what can I say I have always had a weakness for love. Lovers are dreamers after all their magic fuels my realm. I didnt help Ciaran escape, all I did was offer him a way to communicate with his beloved through dreams. I meant only to help him, come on Mori even you know keeping his soul imprisoned for so long was cruel and goes against every law of the universe."

"You have no right to meddle in the affairs of my realm Somnium."

"And you had no right imprisoning his soul in the first place. You abused your powers Mori and for what ? To live out some twisted fantasy?"

"You will never understand " Mori replied as he turned to face the massive floor to celiing window. The astral realm was beautiful, filled with creatures and beings of colors and wonder the complete opposite of the Nether realm.

"What wouldn't I understand ? The loneliness of your dark realm ? The bottomless abyss of eternity that is our existence?"

Mori was quiet as Somnium spoke.

"I know in your own way you care for Mortala, but she was never meant to be yours Mori and you know it." she got up and walked to him, standing beside him.

"Have you ever truly been in love Somnium?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"Answer me old friend and do be honest. Have you ever felt that longing for another?"

"Yes, I loved you once."

Their eyes met, Mori got tense, his back straightened, his imposing demenour soften a little bit.

"You loved me?"

He was shocked by her revelation.

"Dont act so surprised Mori, this isnt such a secret. I always knew you never felt the same way towards me. I had always hoped that since we both have eternity, that perhaps someday you would finally see me as your eternal companion. But alas, another soul captured your affections."

She scoffed.

Mori was taken aback by this revelation and didn't know what to say. Why Somnium was meddling in his affairs made sense to him. It all made sense to him, why Somnium was meddling in his affairs.

"I love her Somnium, I know its wrong and what I have done is wrong, but there is nothing I wouldn't do to be with her."

"I can clearly see that. You can't use love as an excuse for the crimes you've committed. By imprisoning Ciaran and preventing his reincarnation for eons you broke a most sacred law of the universe. You abused your power, you cannot believe you will get away with that."

"And who is going to reprimand me? I am endless, I am eternal and I do not answer to you" Mori replied aas the room darkened with his energy.

"Oh but you will answer to the universe, you've caused an imbalance. The High tribunal convene as we speak, You will answer to them because you've gone against what you were tasked with. Do you remember the last time the Living tribunal made an appeareance when a certain lord of nature went against the divine order. You saw what they did to him, what do you think they will do to you."

"I am not scared of the living tribunal, nothing they do to me will ever hurt as much as the heart ache I currently suffer. I warn you Somnium, stay out of my realm's affairs, Any further interference from you will result in a war that I assure you will ravage your realm and render it desolate. Youve been warned mistress of dreams" Mori said as he vanished.

Somnium was not happy, despite her efforts, Mori was stubborn and intent on being with Mortala's soul. She wanted to save him from himself, consumed by her thoughts, she didnt notice when one of her attendants entered the room.

"Mistress, you have a vsitor ."

"Saba, who is it?"

"Its Lance the immortal, he wishes for an audience with you."

"Thank you, you may leave." Saba bowed and exited the library.

"Tell me lance, was I a fool to aid you ?"

"Of course not Somnium" lance replied as he walked into the library.

"its mistress to you human."

"My apologies mistress."

"Mori suspects i aided you in freeing Ciaran' soul."

"i have no idea why he would thinK that, but i assure you i was very careful with the information you provided me about Ciaran's wherabouts."

"whatever, how is Ciaran adjusting to the land of the living? has he seen Mortala?"

"Yes mistress, they are together at my tower as we speak."

"Perfect, ensure nothing stands in the way of them being together. Do not fail me Lance or I promise you nothing but nightmares for the next two thousand years. And for an immortal like you, that is a very long time."

Somnium turned away from him and went to sit down. Lance was still standing there.

"Why are you still here? what do you want?"

"Mistress there is something you should know."

"Spit it out"

"Mortala is with child, Mori's child."

"What? that sly bastard, he intends to father a blooline on earth. No doubt so he can easily reincarnate and follow her through every lifetime. He is pathetic, see to it that the child does not survive."

"Yes mistress" Lance said as he bowed and disappeared.