
Death’s Lover: The Object of Death’s Desires

Delilah never expected to be the object of Death's affection, but when the mesmerizing Doctor Morian (Death) appears, she can't resist his allure. Despite the consequences, Mori risks everything for a chance at a life with Delilah, hindering her reunion with her soulmate Ciaran. Delilah is plagued by blackouts and nightmares from her past lives, struggling to uncover the truth of her existence. But Delilah soon discovers the truth about Morian and her complicated love for Death. With Lance's help, she fights to free Ciaran's soul and faces an impossible decision. **Mature Content** New episodes are updated everyday

PraiseD · Fantasie
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44 Chs

I am inlove with Death

"You have no idea how much I longed to be with you, my beautiful Mortala. For eons, you have been the only thing I wanted," Morian whispered as he brushed her nose with the tip of his. Delilah felt his hot, warm, and soothing breathing on her face.

Delilah took a deep breath as tears fell from her eyes and stepped back from his touch as he kissed her forehead.

She finally mustered the courage to speak.

"All this time, I thought I was insane, losing my mind. I opened my heart to you and trusted you. I thought I was finally safe from the monsters that haunted me but the one monster I should have feared was you. You are so cruel Morian."

With each word she spoke, tears streamed down her cheeks.

"You don't mean that my love, I abandoned everything, and went against the laws of nature. I would have burned the universe down if it meant being with you. Don't you see Mortala, that's how much control you have over me. That's how much I love you."

"I gave all of myself to you and you lied, nothing about you is real Morian, oh yeah it's Mori right? So do not use love as an excuse for what you've done. Do you even understand what love is? You do not lie to or betray those you love. You are incapable of loving anyone Morian."

Delilah spoke while touching her engagement ring, her voice breaking from the tears she tried to fight back but which stubbornly fell from her eyes. Morian stood there watching as she took the ring off her finger and placed it on the couch.

His heart shattered into a thousand pieces.

"I can't do this Morian; I cannot be with you or marry you, not anymore."

Morian dropped to his knees; the thought of losing her was too painful to bear.

"I know there is no excuse for the things I have done to be close to you. These past few months I've spent with you have been the greatest gift since the inception of my existence. Please Delilah I never intended on hurting you, all I've ever done is love you."

"Is that supposed to be justification for what you've done? Listen to yourself! If this is your love, this betrayal, and deceit then you are a cruel creature and I don't want a love that hurts like this. Because only a monster can do what you've done. How do you justify this evil or the soul you so cruelly punished for eons Morian?"

"The soul I punish?" He got up, balling his fist, Morian realized what she meant.

He whispered "Ciaran?"

"You hurt him; he has suffered needlessly, because of your cruelty."

Delilah's voice cracked, and she bit her bottom lip as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"How do you know about Ciaran, Delilah?" Morian's tone changed, and his eyes glowed with rage and jealousy.

He approached her menacingly, and she took a step back, aware of the change in his demeanor. She looked into his eyes and saw Death for the first time, not the Morian she had fallen in love with, but Mori, the lord of the Nether realm, and he terrified her beyond words.

"Tell me how you know about Ciaran," he said again, his jaw clenched and his voice stern and unyielding.

"You are scaring me Morian."

"He paused the instant she said that, took in a deep breath, and spoke once more. "Tell me how you know of Ciaran's existence Delilah?"

"Or what? You will kill me? Imprison and torture me as you did Ciaran?"

"Delilah, I will never hurt you, I love you."

"and I'm supposed to believe you? I don't trust you, not anymore."

"If you let me, I can explain everything but you must tell me what you know first."

"I'm done, I do not want to hear any more of your lies Morian, because that's what you are, are a deceitful treacherous liar!"

"Please Delilah, just let me explain." Morian pleaded as he reached for her hand. Delilah snatched her hand out of his and slapped him across his face.

"Don't you ever touch me again, you are a monster." he rubbed his throbbing face but he knew he deserved it, after all, he had done. he decided to pull a last desperate attempt to salvage the situation before he completely lost her.

"if you knew the whole truth, perhaps you wouldn't think me such a monster."

"And what is the whole truth? are you even capable of being truthful? God, you are good! because even when I know you are lying through your teeth some part of me wants to believe you. Even after knowing all of the evil things you've done, I desperately wish that this is all a horrid nightmare and that I will awaken in the arms of the Morian I fell in love with. But now I know the Morian I fell in love with was never real, he was a figment of my imagination masking the monster that you truly are. Bravo Morian, I hope all this pain and misery you've caused was worth it."

"For the chance to be with you, yes, I regret causing you pain but I would go against the creator herself for a chance to be with you Mortala, that's how much I love you."