
Death’s Lover: The Object of Death’s Desires

Delilah never expected to be the object of Death's affection, but when the mesmerizing Doctor Morian (Death) appears, she can't resist his allure. Despite the consequences, Mori risks everything for a chance at a life with Delilah, hindering her reunion with her soulmate Ciaran. Delilah is plagued by blackouts and nightmares from her past lives, struggling to uncover the truth of her existence. But Delilah soon discovers the truth about Morian and her complicated love for Death. With Lance's help, she fights to free Ciaran's soul and faces an impossible decision. **Mature Content** New episodes are updated everyday

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44 Chs

Did you cheat on me

"Thank you, beautiful Delilah," Morian said as their gazes locked for a moment on each other's faces. They were being consumed by so many unspoken desires. The rest of the world faded away, leaving only the two of them in that corridor.

"Hey intern, come here, I have some work for you." Yelled the nurse across the hall, breaking their spell.

"See you around doctor," Delilah said as she dashed to the nurse. Morian stood there watching as they both walked around the corner.

He was beyond the moon, and the universe had finally come to his aid, because how else could he explain this gift? To be so close to the woman he adored and desired.


"Hi, sorry if I kept you waiting," Kim said as he sat down next to Felicia.

"Oh hi, thank you for coming Kim."

"Of course, I was curious and you are my best friend so why wouldn't I."

Felicia died a little inside when she heard him refer to her as his 'best friend.'  Kim was the love of her life, and she was sick of sitting on the sidelines and watching him pour his heart out to the wrong person.

"Are you all right, Felicia? You appear quite pale."

Kim noticed her face's color fading. He was concerned about what had prompted her to request an urgent meeting.

"Yes I am, the truth is Kim I feel like you and I have grown to become very good friends and I care about you and don't want anything to ruin that, which is why I do not know how to begin this conversation."

Kim's ears perked up, what ever Felicia was going to say he felt it was going to be heavy and intense given her demeanour.

"Just talk to me Feli," Kim replied as he touched her hand and smiled reassuringly at her. Felicia's heart skipped a bit feeling his hand on hers, his skin so near, She soon forgot what it was she was going to say and was enthralled by Kim's presence, his kind eyes and handsome face. Kim was always the kind of man she imagined as her dream man. She hated that it was Delilah and not her who caught his eyes and stole his heart. She was going to step aside and let them be but after her conversation with Joyce the other day, she had learned of Delilah's secret feelings for the doctor. she knew this was an opportunity she couldn't let slip away.

"I heard from Damian that you planned on taking your relationship with Delilah to the next level. I feel you are making a mistake. I can no longer sit back and watch you get taken advantage of and hurt."

"Where is this coming from ?" Kim was taken aback by what she said.

"Delilah doesn't love you, Kim, at least not as much as you love her. Her heart is not with you."

"I beg your pardon?"

"Please Kim listen to me, everyone knows it, she opened up to Joyce about a doctor who she has developed feelings for. I'm so sorry but I feel like you should know because I do not want to see you get hurt."

Hearing this sparked a rage within Kim that threatened to destroy the world. He couldn't believe what he was hearing; he knew he wasn't crazy; he had suspected for a long time that something was going on between Delilah and the Doctor, and hearing this from Felicia was all the proof he needed. He had no idea what to do or how to feel; he was completely broken and heartbroken. He was aware that Joyce and Delilah were best friends, and if Felicia obtained this information from J, it had to be true.

Felicia saw how much this information hurt him, but she felt he needed to know she couldn't stand seeing him with Delilah any longer. She was going to give him time to heal and be there for him in any way she could.

"Kim I am so sorry I know it isn't a nice thing to hear but I couldn't live with myself seeing just how much you love and commit yourself to her. Knowing she doesn't share in your affections."

"I have to go. Thank you but I can't be here right now said Kim as he got up and left the bar before she could say another word.

The next few weeks were like walking on a cool summer breeze, just as Morian had predicted. He had learned so much about her that they had become friendly. He always found an excuse to be by her side, assisting her and teaching her the ropes. And he adored it whenever she was in trouble and came to him for advice or assistance. Delilah had remained true to herself and Kim, she didn't act on her feelings for Morian or do anything to jeopardize her relationship with Kim, but she hadn't brought up the fact that she was working with Morian because she didn't see the need to because she wasn't doing anything wrong and Morian hadn't made any moves on her.

It was just another day, she was done with work, and Kim said he couldn't come to pick her up because he was at work. Morian offered to drive her home, and they made their way outside to the parking lot, where Kim was waiting with a rose bouquet in hand. When he caught a glimpse of the doctor, his smile quickly turned to a frown. His bouquet had fallen to the ground.

"What's going on?" Asked Kim with an annoyance that laced his voice.

"Uhmm Morian was going to take me home, I thought you couldn't come?"

"I had no idea you were working with him?"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to cause any issues; I just didn't want her taking public transport when I could just drive her home."

"What a perfect gentleman" replied Kim mockingly.

"Listen man I meant no harm and there is no need for the attitude." Replied Morian.

"Kim, relax, The doctor was just being nice. Let's go home."

Kim scoffed, feeling duped. Delilah had never mentioned that she was still in contact with the Doctor, and now he was pictured as the jealous boyfriend.

"Are you cheating on me with him?"

Delilah was taken aback by this direct accusation.

"That is a vile accusation; Kim why would you even think that? You are blowing things out of proportion. We have done nothing wrong."

"Don't ever question the lady's virtue, nothing of that sort has happened."

"And you expect me to believe that look I know you want my girl. Just come out and say it like a man."

"I do desire her, there is no shame in that. I had made it very clear to her that I want her to be mine. But for some reason unknown to me she is set on you for now."

Kim's fist collided with Morian's jaw before Delilah could process what had happened. The doctor stumbled and his lips bled. When Delilah jumped in between them, Morian balled up his fists, ready to return a punch.

"Stop this at once, what is wrong with you? both of you! I am not some prize to be fought over and won."

The rage between both men was palpable, and Delilah wanted this fiasco to end before a crowd gathered.

"I'm sorry," she said quietly to Morian.

"Please, my love, let's leave before things get worse," she said as she picked up the flower bouquet and grabbed Kim's hand.

Kim had the look of a murderer in his eyes, and he wasn't finished with Morian.

"For the love of God Kim that's enough let's go."

"Get in the car," he growled at her.

He got in after her and drove away without hesitation.

They could cut the silence between them with a knife.