
Death’s Lover: The Object of Death’s Desires

Delilah never expected to be the object of Death's affection, but when the mesmerizing Doctor Morian (Death) appears, she can't resist his allure. Despite the consequences, Mori risks everything for a chance at a life with Delilah, hindering her reunion with her soulmate Ciaran. Delilah is plagued by blackouts and nightmares from her past lives, struggling to uncover the truth of her existence. But Delilah soon discovers the truth about Morian and her complicated love for Death. With Lance's help, she fights to free Ciaran's soul and faces an impossible decision. **Mature Content** New episodes are updated everyday

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44 Chs

Ciaran my soulmate

"Lance, are you insane? Why would you let Ciaran out in public? Have you forgotten that the body his spirit inhabits belongs to Kim, my very dead ex-boyfriend whose family lives here in New Orleans?"

Delilah asked as she stormed into Lance's library.

Lance who was enthralled by the object he was studying set it aside to attend to the obviously enraged Delilah.

"Good morning to you too, I see you are finally awake but still in a sour mood."

"What if someone who knows that Kim is dead saw Ciaran in a very alive Kim's body? Dont you think that would raise questions, we would all be arrested for stealing a corspe and our lives completely destroyed."

"I don't know if you've been paying much attention but you managed to destroy your life all on your own when you fell in love with Mori, the very same entity that is responsible for this entire mess. If it wasnt for Mori's obsession with you, Ciaran would have never been imprisoned, Kim would still be very much alive. As if that wasnt bad enough you let him worm his way into your heart, by falling inlove with him, you've over complicated an already very dire situation. Every thing Mori has done has been because of you. So before you waltz in here pointing fingers, recognize the role you've played in this mess and take some responsibility."

"How dare you?"

"No! how dare you? Have you forgotten that I am risking my life to help you and Ciaran? What I have done has permanently put a target on my back. Do you know the many ways Mori could hurt me? Do not be decieved by the softness he showed you, he is the most cruel being in all of existence. If you doubt that, ask Ciaran what a thousand years imprisoned by Mori was like, ask him to explain in depth the horrors of the Nether realm."

Delilah swallowed, she was silent, realizing the sense in what he said.

"You will do well to remember who your friends are. Plus I suspect your anger isn't with me but with yourself. Isn't that why you are still keeping your relationship with Mori a secret? I shudder to think of the heart ache when poor Ciaran learns that his soulmate is inlove with his arch nemesis. I understand the bond that binds you two is earth shattering dare I say, but even the strongest of bonds will crack under such a tension. Don't ever speak to me in the manner in which you just did ever again."

Delilah slaped Lance; "You have no right to judge me, I didnt know Mori would masqurade as a human and decieve me. Do you think i enjoy this? you have no idea the agony I am in so dont you judge me."

Lance rubbed his cheeks red from the slap.

" You crazy bitch! the least you could do is show some gratitude." Lance let out a sigh, " poor Mortala, all that anxiety weighs heavy on your soul. I can't imagine such a thing would be good for your child."

Delilah's body tensed up.

"I know none of this is easy for you, but you need to trust that I am intent on helping you and Ciaran. We can't fight amongst ourselves, old friend."

"I am no longer pregenant."

"Oh no, Delilah i'm so sorry. I didn't know."

"it's ok, I'm sorry about slapping you Lance, all you've done is help me and Ciaran."

"Ah don't mention it," he replied rubbing his cheeks. "You need to come clean to Ciaran. I mean now that you are no longer pregnant with Mori's child, no need to saddle him with such distasteful news, he neednt know about you and Mori's love affair it will break him. But at least tell him about Kim if as you say his family lives in New Orleans, Ciaran would be able to better navigate living here if he is aware of the truth about Kim."

"You are right, promise me Lance you will not utter a word to him about my pregnancy or my relationship with Mori. I cant lose him, not when i just got him back."

"I won't but you know sooner or later he will find out. It is best if it comes from you."

"I know, but promise me you won't say a thing."

"I promise, and my word is my bond."

She wanted to ask him about what he did with Morian's body, but she knew it was best for her sanity if she didn't know.

"Thank you so much for everything, Lance. I truly am grateful to you. Ciaran and I would be lost without you. You are a loyal and honest friend." She went to hug him, smiled, and exited his library.

Lance winced at her words " loyal and honest friend" if only she knew the role he played in the death of her unborn child, or how he was an informant for Somnium who threatened to torment him with Nightmares for an eternity if he didnt comply to her desires. He hadn't fully figured out why Somnium was so invested in Ciaran and Mortala but he knew it didn't bode well for them. Nothing good could come from the Mistress of Dreams involvement. And now he was forced to betray his old friends, he felt low.